Chapter 219 (1/2)

Perhaps it was due to his previous matches against overwhelming individuals, but Randidly’s 4th match was somewhat of a letdown. His opponent was a woman with short brown hair and a long, flexible spear. She came at him with very efficient weaving of attacks, striking at odd angles, moving in unpredictable patterns.

But Randidly had methods of keeping her honest. With his participation in the tournament on the line, Randidly freely used his spells, using Incinerating Bolts and Spearing Roots to keep her off her game, and then approaching her and overpowering her physically.

Perhaps there was something about passing through the preliminary, but aside from Bertarn, who was a monster in his own right, it seemed Randidly could rely on his strength somewhat in direct contact with these opponents. The disciples of the powerful Styles were perhaps more intelligent about their stat distribution so they kept all of their physical stats near each other, and likely put some into mental stats, to affect the sharpness of their decisions.

Still, even though he slowly overwhelmed and defeated his opponent, the opponent’s spear strikes, and the image ladened strike she eventually revealed, were intimidatingly sharp. There was still a difference in levels when it came to their ultimate moves. Randidly was able to mitigate the damage with other things, but…

As Randidly left the arena for the day, heading out the back, to his surprise he was stopped.

“You did not break.” Azriel stood there, hands on her hips, looking at him with a strange expression on her face. “This… you even were crushed again by Bertarn yes? Yet you still continue… interesting…”

The girl seemed just like a normal, albeit very attractive, girl as she walked up and began poking him with her finger. Randidly shivered slightly; she was poking the exact spots where her needle had ripped through him earlier.

Then she stepped back. “If you survive tomorrow, come find me.”

Blinking at the departing figure, her white hair swinging, Randidly could only wonder what just happened. Then he shrugged. A problem for another day. There were more pressing issues to address.

When he arrived back at the inn, Shal was already waiting with folded arms. Based on his expression, he had come to the same conclusion that Randidly had; he was currently missing something. Shal said nothing for a long while, and then said. “My father… well it is enough. No longer must you read only the 1st and 5th pages of the Diary. Read it straight through. Find a weapon in its pages. For if you do not….”

Again, there were several seconds of silence. “...those level of enemies must be overcome, if you are to make it into the top 4.”

Randidly frowned. “I thought it was only the top 8.”

There was a strange, ugly expression on Shal’s face. It was a face full of bitterness. “ you say.” Then he left, leaving Randidly alone.

Randidly put that strange matter to the side. This was not something that he could address yet anyways, the difference between Top 8 and Top 4. Right now, he simply needed to make it to the tournament portion of the fight. And already having 2 losses meant the rest of his run had to be perfect.

But the day had been long, but fruitful. Truly, nothing spurred growth like the pressure of struggle..

Randidly had gained 3 Skill Levels in Spear Mastery, 4 in Root Control, 2 in Spearing Roots and Physical Fitness, 5 lvls in Meditation, 1 in Eyes of the Spear Phantom, 7 in Bacterial Regeneration and Second Wind, 3 in Superiority and Incinerating Bolt, 4 in Spear Phantom’s Footwork, 2 in Dodge and Fighting Proficiency, 3 in Empower and Stalemate Breaker, 1 in Calculated Blow, 6 in Flesh Eating Virus, 7 in Golden Roots of Yggdrasil, 2 in Grace and Flexibility of the White Hunters, 3 in Rejection and Mana Strengthening, and 7 in Struggle.

Combined with some PP that he had earned the night prior, after cashing in, Randidly now had 78 PP. Which was enough to finish his current path, and then also put his Soul Skill up to 200, which would give him both of the remaining benefits. The first 5 PP that were put in finished off his Initiate of Ash I Path.

Congratulations! You have completed the Initiate of Ash I Path! A trail of desolation lies before you. Above you is the volcano. To come and witness the majesty of your Patron, energies begin to infuse your body. But you know this is only the halfway point, should you choose to become an Anointed of Ash. Strength +3, Intelligence +3, Reaction +3. A more difficult path lays before you, traveler. Go with care.

Randidly frowned. The bonuses were in useful places, but rather small. But more than that… He peered at his new path menu.