Chapter 142 (1/2)
“Holy bitch, that was cool,” Helen muttered, and the male spear attendant was inclined to agree. The bodies of the challengers slipped silently below the waves, mostly in pieces. The Tassle sank into the sea, drifting out of sight. The opposing side’s boat had been split in half, and now was naught but kindling as they continued to drift forward.
Divvit hadn’t even stood. From his sitting position, 3 attacks with his spear, with the backing of a powerful Battle Intent to help the weapon strike from afar.
If this was the power level of the people on this boat, it was no wonder that the Ghosthound had grown as powerful as he had. If he now had time to train his spear skills up to a similar point… the male spear attendant couldn’t even believe it.
“Sir…” He started to say, but Divvit shook his head.
“Mine is not your path. I can offer you pointers in your training, but you have your own strength. But for now, simply watch, it will be greatly beneficial to you.”
“Watch what?” The male spear attendant said, then flushed at how disrespectful his tone had been. But Divvit didn’t appear to mind, and only cracked his neck.
“They were truly trash. They wouldn’t have stood in our path if there weren’t other forces moving behind the scenes. More will come. But still… “
“And I, sir? Shall I also watch?” Helen said, stepping forward with a smile.
Divvit chuckled. “...just try to control yourself, alright?”
Helen’s eyelid twitched, and the male spear attendant had to cover up his laugh with a cough.
After the 30th time that Shal rushed Randidly and knocked him to the ground after that wave of energy passed, Shal finally spoke. “There, that is enough for a warm up. Do not forget to continue practicing those strange base-building dances. They are… adequate for a disciple of mine. Come.”
Shal walked out of the training room and down the hall. Grunting slightly due to his only partially healed wounds, Randidly hobbled after him. Shal walked past Shal’s room to a locked door at the end of the boat. A simple hand press from Shal caused the lock to click open, and Randidly followed him inside, seeing another rather large room, perhaps even larger than the training room.
At the far wall, there was a strange glyph 3 meters wide on the ground. To the left there was a small prayer mat and a scroll. To the right there was a chest.
“Before you lies the inheritance of the Spear Phantom Style. Should you not die, someday it will be yours. But there are tools here to advance your training, which you desperately need. But first…” Shal leveled his gaze at Randidly. “...we must speak about Aether. How you become this strong without a Class. Tell me.”
So, after a brief consideration, Randidly decided to explain his suspicions. Shal had saved his life, and continually helped him. Perhaps this gesture was just that, a gesture, meant to loosen Randidly’s tongue, but Randidly couldn’t understand why Shal would care. Or more truthfully, with the strength Shal possessed, even if he did care, it was beneath his notice to do something about it, when it involved someone he viewed as poorly as his disciple.
So Randidly explained how the winnings from defeating the Dungeon Boss had sustained him and catapulted him forward, increasing the speed of his skill leveling. Combined with Shal’s tutelage, Randidly became strong enough to defeat a Tribulation without the assistance of a village, and had forcefully suppressed that strange, runic tongue, absorbing some of its magic in his body.
This magic, Randidly suspected, included a small Aether Spring. Ever since, he could slowly feel it growing, pulsing within him, its tendrils spreading throughout his body. Truthfully, it seemed to have a very positive impact on the speed of his growth, so Randidly was thankful for it. But the strange energy filled Randidly with worry.
After Randidly finished speaking, Shal was silent for a long time. Then, ponderously, he said. “...Do not speak of this again. What you say is impossible. Aether springs from the World Core, and from Villages. Above all, from the Nexus. You cannot hold a source of Aether within you.”
Shal’s gaze held Randidly’s for a long time, and there was a strange warning there. Although Shal didn’t know where the threat would come from, it was clear he didn’t believe it prudent for Randidly to talk about this again. Randidly nodded, understanding. Then Shal turned back to the room.
“...but let us speak generally of Aether. It’s exact composition and formation is unknown, but one thing is clear; Aether begets Aether. In the beginning there was but a speck, but as people struggled and fought, and channeled its power through themselves, it grew. That is why villages actively seek out strong individuals; as they grow in strength, and pull more Aether to themselves, they also generate increasing amounts of Aether.
“Most of this Aether is taken by the village, as its toll for the strength that it has given them. But some remains. All Aether is not created equal. Ambient Aether is thin and wild, and is not amenable to any but the strongest image. You can sustain yourself on it, but it is difficult to grow with it. Meanwhile, Village Aether is much purer, although it is thickened in a way, due to the obeisance you owe to the village you receive it from. It is easy to grow fat on this Aether, grow strong, but the thickness of it resists images. Creating your own skills requires extraordinary willpower. Rewards from killing Raid Bosses and Dungeon Bosses is also this type of Aether, although that thickness results from the Bosses themselves, so it is slightly more desireable.
“The purest form of Aether… the most easily manipulatable, so that you might grow along your own path… is that Aether you earn for yourself through struggle. The little that lodges itself in your body, slowly pooling in your organs as you struggle. That is the wanting. When you want Aether, it exists. At your level, it is but a fraction of a hair, but…” Shal walked to the sigil and carefully inspected it. After a few seconds, he gestured for Randidly to enter.