Chapter 93 (2/2)

As if understanding Decklan’s words, the whole copse began to rumble, Thorn vibrating in pleasure at the thought.


Randidly breathed heavily, staggering forward to meet the Yeti. Time and time again they had rushed together and crashed against each other, Randidly’s Sweep meeting the mighty swing of the Yeti’s ice hammer. Randidly had lost out just slightly, especially at the beginning, but he quickly mastered the art of recovering from that and using Ghastly Slash to inflict debilitating wounds on the Yeti’s shoulders, easing some of the burden on himself.

Unfortunately, the Yeti was intelligent enough to see through Randidly’s plan, and had made him pay for it; a glancing blow with the shaft of the hammer had cracked a few ribs, and the Yeti had taken to swinging great, overhand blows that that almost completely killed Randidly’s legs. Even now, he could barely keep standing.

Still, to fall meant death. With glowing eyes, Randidly tightened his grip on his spear and followed it forward, meeting the hammer.


The force of the blow reverberated in the clearing. It seemed like the monster horde had finally been hunted to extinction, and now Franksburg was noticing the battle happening between Randidly and the Yeti. However, they didn’t dare approach, both because of the level and speed of the fighting, and due to the notification that warned them about interfering with the Judgement.

Which suited Randidly just fine; more people would just get in the way.

Randidly grinned at the Yeti, his smile all teeth. To his surprise, the Yeti smiled back, its eyes still bright with hatred, and then said something in a low rumbling tone. In a very distantly familiar manner, the strange sounds swirled, and snapped into focus.

“Schai killer, you are very strong. But even suppressed to classlessness, I am stronger. There are always those such as you, who struggle. And yet every time the system crushes them. You cannot fight against Aether, it is life.”

“As pleasurable as banter is, I’m just going to kill you.” Randidly remarked, raising a potion to his lips, taking advantage of the space to regain some health and stamina. The Yeti just chuckled, and removed a vivid pink potion, downing it quickly.

It’s body shuddered, then the flesh knit itself back together, its shoulders once more whole. Then it took its ice hammer in its right hand and raised its left. Another vortex formed, ice falling to condense into a second hammer. Dual wielding hammers, the Yeti strolled forward.

“This is the day you die, Heretic.” It commented.

Randidly frowned. Not only did the Yeti have potions, it seemed as though its potions were an even higher quality than his! How was that fair?

Inwardly, Randidly admitted his potion abuse was most of why he could gain victory over these individuals with levels. But it definitely didn’t feel good to be on the receiving end of it.

“Actually Randidly won’t be dying today. Humans aren’t the type to abandon each other.”

The female voice surprised Randidly, because he hadn’t heard anyone coming. He turned to find Lyra, standing next to him with a bright expression, smiling at him. Something inside Randidly melted slightly, looking at that smile, as lovely as the morning’s first ray of sun, heralding the coming warmth of the day.

His Phantom Thrust took her in the chest, where a heart would be on a human.

“Lyra doesn't talk like that,” Randidly commented.

Lyra blinked, and then vomited out a mouthful of blood. “Randidly…. Why….”

Randidly frowned in annoyance. “And she wouldn’t be so dumb as to let me attack her. What are you?”

Seeing that the Yeti had stopped, and was regarding the situation with curiosity, Randidly’s arms blurred as he unleashed a Ghastly Slash, bisecting Lyra’s body entirely. A spray of blood covered Randidly, wet and warm. Then it all evaporated into mist.

Then the mist recondensed several feet away, still Lyra, still smiling prettily. But a name hung above her head.

Kim-Lath, The Tribulation of Many Faces Lvl 38

“I’ve waited a long time for this.” Randidly commented, leveling his spear. But the creature just laughed.

“This is just an illusion. Fight me here all you want. The only reason I bothered to appear now is that soon Donnyton will fall, and then I’ll be able to fight you directly. Plus, if I can kill you while you don’t have access to mana…” The illusion morphed and shifted, turning into another 3 meter tall Yeti with two large ice hammers.

“Your interference is unnecessary,” The first Yeti said, frowning.

The other Yeti laughed, still talking with Lyra’s voice. “You are bound by the will of your Patron. You are Judgement. Descend upon the Heretic, and end his transgressions.”

The first Yeti frowned, but said nothing as it began approaching Randidly once more.

Unable to resist it any longer, Randidly began to laugh. It was long and loud, and came from his gut. Double the difficulty? Perhaps more with the addition that each had two hammers? Interesting! Too Interesting! This is exactly what he needed.

“Good, good…” Randidly said, settling into his stance with hungry eyes. The more fertilizer, the better. The faster he would grow.

The faster he could acquire the power he needed to survive.

If you crave something, take it.

In that moment, there was nothing Randidly craved more than power. He activated Agony and threw himself at the two shocked Yeti, his spear howling through the air towards them.