Chapter 61 (2/2)
These frustrations, and the lack of the Tribulation, really seemed to sap away the effectiveness of his skill training. It just hadn’t been increasing like it used to. Something needed to change.
Sighing, Randidly returned to the present and stood. He had waited long enough, and he was now quite sure of his theory. It was time to talk to the Council.
Although Donny was the nominal Chieftain, Donnyton was basically now run by three people: Daniel, Regina Northwind, and Mrs. Hamilton. Honestly, although she led the NCCs, Mrs. Hamilton had the most influence, due to the sheer number of people who had chosen not to take a class yet, or ever. She controlled access to coffee, to the baths, to soap, to the mass produced potions, and to the food.
Needless to say, she usually had the deciding vote.
Every night, the 3 of them met to discuss the direction the town was headed, what resources they needed, and what the big project for tomorrow would be. There was a standing invite to Donny and Sam, and they showed up occasionally, but they were largely absent. Dozer and Decklan had no interest in it, and preferred to spend their nights training.
They also didn’t invite Randidly, but he sorta assumed that this was because he made his unwillingness to be involved in the small details quite clear to them all.
So when Randidly showed up, dragging a confused Donny, the three were very shocked.
They glanced at each other nervously, at their luxurious meal of baby wolverine, with freshly harvested herbs as garnish. The new, trendy strain of coffee filled their mugs.
Of them all, Regina recovered herself the quickest. “Ah, Ghosthound. Lovely for you to join us. Would you like some-”
“No, and I’ll make this short.” Randidly’s face was grim. “I’ve put it off for some time, but I think something needs to be done. I will lead the caravan south, to gather additional refugees in Franksburg.”
The group blinked.
“But what about the tribulation,” Daniel blubbered.
Randidly grimaced. “That’s the whole point. I… suspect it won’t come as long as I am here. In fact, I suspect it was the reason I discovered the other tribulation in the first place…”
After picturing the wounded cat that led him to the Sphinx for several seconds, Randidly shook his head. He had assumed it had died, or had been eaten by the sphinx, but he had never seen any proof…
“At any rate, we cannot constantly stay at the ready forever. I suspect… it is a different variety of tribulation than the other village experienced, but no less dangerous. Just less confrontational. For the trip, I think Alana, Clarissa, and Devan will suffice.”
The three were silent. Not because the choices were bad… but because the choices were some of the hand picked few they were considering sending south already. Had he been monitoring their communications…? Not that there was anything to hide, but…
Meanwhile, Randidly simply chose those three because it made sense. Devan was the first person to successfully complete the mentor system with Donny, and was the knight with the highest level, other than Donny. His squad, which would accompany him, was ranked 16th currently. Alana obviously knew the path, and would be a good guide of the area, and Clarissa’s magic would be useful, as well as exposing her to danger, which she had thus far been insulated from, due to the structure of their squads.
They could take one of the junior squads for manpower, and would be able to handle basically anything that Randidly had seen thus far.
Besides, they were traveling back into a zone covered by the Newbie Zone. Any more would be overkill.
“I’m glad to see you agree,” Randidly grunted, and left them.
Donny, feeling awkward, sat down and began to eat the food.
“So,” He asked, talking with his mouth open. “What were you guys talking about? Wow, this is good!”