Chapter 57 (1/2)
Glendel sat inside Regina’s RV, Regina’s brooding form and Alana’s pacing one making him extremely nervous.
The negotiations for food had gone relatively smoothly, but the classes didn’t come cheap. Everyone with a class was required to assist with the monster hordes for now. Once the Safe Zone for Newbies dropped in the area, they would likely have similar duties. But the lack of information made Donny unwilling to commit to anything specific in regards to what those might be, at least for now.
Taking a class was a path to power. One that progressed much more rapidly than the actual Paths. But it meant tying themselves to this place. And in a way, it meant that Regina would be subordinate to someone else, which didn’t sit well with Alana.
“We should try the other village again, before we commit,” Alana commented dryly, finally done pacing.
To Glendel’s surprise, Regina shook her head slowly.
“No, this is better than I had hoped for. I already planned on accepting their offer for now. Settling down will be good. The problem is the structure…”
Rubbing her head, Regina gestured at the notes she had Glendel take. “As far as we can tell, they don’t appear to really have any strict hierarchy. Warriors are rated on a 1 to 10 scale. Miranda Hamilton is in charge of the NCCs. Daniel is in charge of supplies and the village growth. They have their 3 leaders of the warriors, Donny, Dozer, and Decklan-”
“And why do they all have D names,” Alana muttered, but Regina ignored her and continued.
“And they have some mages, some healers, some archers… but right now, it’s all working. And the only reason is because of that man. The Ghosthound. The problem isn’t him, also is.”
Glendel spoke up for the first time. “Do you think… he will abuse his power?”
Regina hesitated, but shook her head. “...I don’t think so. But like I said, it’s not him. The village is growing strong because he is the pillar that keeps them going. But that is also their weakness. If he weren’t there…”
Regina gestured. “It would all fall apart.”
Leaning back in her chair, Regina sighed. “In addition to that… the way they treat them...well, I suppose there was no other avenue. He is their savior.They revere him. Although he remains fine for now… attention like that can change a person.”
“You aren’t making me very excited to stay here,” Glendel said nervously. Alana continued to pace.
“It’s best to face the ugliest truths first,” Regina said grimly, her eyes narrowed. “That way, you aren’t surprised by what you wake up to find one morning. And you are ready for it when it happens.”
After an extremely long day, Randidly finally had a moment alone to turn to his notifications. For now, he ignored the skill level notifications and focused on the unfamiliar ones.
Congratulations! Your Soul Seed has sprouted into a Soul Plant Lvl 1. Due to the circumstances, the Soul Plant grows by feasting on: Blood. The Soul Plant option has been added to your menu. The Soul Plant can only level when you choose it to. Based on the “blood” absorbed, the Soul Plant will have different options for growth.
Congratulations! Your Soul Plant Lvl 1 has absorbed enough blood to level.
Congratulations! Your Soul Plant Lvl 1 has absorbed enough blood to level.
You have slain the The Hungry Tribulation, Ep-Tal! Due to you not belonging to the Newbie Village that corresponds to the Tribulation, bonuses have been halved. All parties involved receive +5 to all stats. You have learned the skill Agony Lvl 1.
Agony: Spend health to inflict mental and physical damage on those around you. The ratio of health lost to damage dealt improves as skill level increases. Warning, you will experience the pain as well.