Chapter 47 (1/2)

Randidly gathered fire and released it, aiming upwards. He didn’t bother with calculating wind, or speed, but just reached up and adjusted the flight path slightly with his extremely high control stat, backed by his willpower.

His fireball struck the wing of the first huge condor, the bird screaming and sliding sideways, losing its ability to glide with a huge chunk of its wing blown off. But dozens more cruised lower, aiming for the base.

“First Squad, switch!” Donny called, his squad sliding back one individual at a time, a member of the second squad. It was a smart ploy. Having the first squad at the back to deal with what came would be smart.

Randidly threw several more fireballs upwards. The first condor crashed into ground, its fully 30 meter wingspan smashing dozens of monsters on the ground. It didn’t appear to have a high level, or any offensive weapons, but it was able to carry around 30 monsters on its back while gliding. Randidly had seen them hoping off the mountain looming Donnyton them to get up speed, and slowly gliding down here.

It was annoying, but the condors themselves weren’t too big of a problem; it was what they represented that was scary. Randidly activated his Eyes of the Spear Phantom and looked the back of the horde. But low leveled monsters rushed out unendingly.

Not yet, huh….?

Randidly drank a mana potion and tossed a dozen more fireballs up into the air, ripping holes in wings and blowing heads entirely off bodies. Most crashed into the monster mass, sowing chaos, but there were far too many of the condors.Several times the condor crashed on their side of the wall, around two dozen groggy monsters staggered off the condor, met by the newer squads, backed by the 1st squad.

The only problem occured when a condor crashed onto the wall, splintering the wood and giving the monsters hand holds to crawl over the tall walls.

Luckily Decklan’s group appeared like ghosts, ripping through the distracted monsters while Sam gleefully had his men drag the condor over the wall. Shaking his head, Randidly admitted to himself that Sam’s pursuits were getting decidedly… strange. Randidly saw Sam just a small gash and his head and rub blood on the body, before looking at it with greedy eyes.

The way he looked at a fresh monster body he had never seen before… it wasn’t moral.

Randidly continued to rain fire down on the attacking monsters, his skill level increasing, the explosion getting marginally larger, inch by inch.

The squads rotated smoothly, the fresh recruits stumbling, but surviving. Ptolemy was there, healing scratches, bandaging wounds, replacing any wooden shields that broke.

Randidly spared a glance for the Weather Witch and the Archer. Both possessed a surprising amount of mettle, standing tall while harpies attacked the group of them up here. Not that he would let any get close enough to matter, but still. Both were accurate. Both were practical. Both were blessedly silent.

“Mana potion!” Lyra chirped, playfully poking Randidly’s side. Shaking his head, he tossed her a mana potion. As annoying as he thought he should find it, it was hard to be too put off when every time she summoned those glowing birds of hers, she ripped through a dozen enemies, clearly demonstrating her skill. It was... almost nice, Randidly admitted to himself, to have someone who didn't look at him with fear and awe. She treated him like a person.

The fact that she was a lovely teenager who managed to master skills that Randidly hadn't managed to imititate didn't hurt her appeal either.

After dealing with Lyra, he turned back and scanned the battelfield, a long, slow smile forming.

Looming at the back, crouched down, but abundantly clear, was a large wolverine. Too large. And Randidly could clearly see it’s name and Level, glowing blue.

Godmother Wolverine Lvl 19

Randidly prepared to go meet it, then thought better of it. Instead, he turned towards the forces below. Half of which were grunting and fighting, half of which were bent over and panting.

“Dozer, time to live up to your namesake. Clear a path directly forward, into the enemy. Donny, get your most durable people and follow him. We have our first boss.”

Dozer’s squad wearily got to their feet, hefting their shields and drawing their short swords. Randidly chuckled, then shook his head slowly.

“No, no, leave those twigs here. I said clear a PATH, not thread a needle. Give Donny a hole large enough to stumble through.”