Chapter 31 (1/2)

During the course of recovering, he had gained another point in meditation, which was always a pleasant surprise. Every point in that increased the effectiveness of his regeneration, especially while training. As he stood, preparing to head into the plateau again, his stomach rumbled.

Annoyed, Randidly looked at the horizon. It was a few hours passed noon, and he had not bothered to take a break after training Donny to eat. And he had not thought to bring food with him.

His stomach rumbled again.

Grumbling, Randidly turned away, making a promise to himself that he would return tomorrow. But there were several reasons he wanted to return early to the camp.

One was to witness Donny’s resolve, and the other was hold up his end of the bargain; if it was a contest of strength, Randidly was not yet willing to let the Newbie Village be on the losing end of it. If it was to grow into something that would be a useful platform for him, it needed to survive these earlier encounters.

Randidly opened up his Path screen as he walked. He had already put a few points into Monster Slayer IV, and the amount he currently had enabled him to finish it.

Congratulations! You have completed the Monster Slayer IV Path! +4 stat(s) +.5 to Health Regen, Mana Regen, and Stamina Regen. Sometimes the path forward leads through blood and gore.

Randidly’s eyes immediately sharpened as he examined this notification. An increase… in regeneration…? Although the costs for the Monster Slayer path were getting higher, these increases… The stat was small, but he had never gotten regeneration before.

Interested, he poured the rest into Monster Slayer V, raising it to 7/25. Then he took out the necklace that the monster had dropped. It had simply been a common level 33 enemy, apparently on par with what Randidly faced in the dungeon, but its speed was so overwhelming that it seemed more powerful than that. Although that was compensated by having a relatively weak body. A single direct spell from Randidly was able to kill it.

It was to a weak point, and his intelligence had increased since the beginning of his journey, but it still wasn’t oppressively high enough to one hit most monsters of that level. Or any of them, to Randidly’s knowledge. Considering this, Randidly looked at the item.

Necklace of the Shadow Cat Lvl 20 ®: Vitality +1, Strength +2, Agility +7

Randidly was still quite a few levels away from being able to equip the item and take advantage of the stat boosts, but the possibility tantalized him. Just the boost to agility alone… Then he grimaced and shook his head.

Frustrated, Randidly wondered how you could ever obtain items you could use by fighting monsters. Shaking his head, he jogged back towards the Newbie Village.

Luckily, it seemed he had arrived before anything had happened. The sun still remained high in the sky. Randidly estimated it to be around 4 pm. Quickly, he went to check on his plants.

He harvested the ripe ones and replanted them, checked on his second series of fields, then started opening a 3rd field, where he began to place stranger combinations of plants next to each other. Although he didn’t have much hope that he would find more recipes for potions, it didn’t hurt to try.

While munching on some Halnuts, Randidly considered his stats.

Randidly Ghosthound

Class: ---

Level: N/A

Health(/R per hour): 206/262 [+6] (109.25 [+9])

Mana(/R per hour): 139/249 (51.75)

Stam(/R per min): 105/233 (39.5 [+3])

Vit: 32 [+3]

End: 27

Str: 18

Agi: 42 [+3]

Perception: 22

Reaction: 24

Resistance: 9

Willpower: 52

Inteligence: 54