Chapter 23 (1/2)
Instantly a smartly dressed man appeared in front of him. He smiled serenely at Randidly.
“Hello, I am your guide, Nul. Congratulations, you now have the qualifications to found a Newbie village. To do so, you simply need to receive your class. As the first person to receive a class from me, you will receive the Soul Skill Village Chieftain, which will help you survive in this world. Are you ready to proceed?”
Randidly’s eyes were practically sparkling as he nodded. With a class, he could finally level. And then…
Another notification popped up.
You are about to be taken to the class screen. Once you enter the class screen, you cannot leave without picking a class. You will have the option of choosing from three classes. The first will be a general class based on the system’s initial impression of your skills and personality when the system first initialized. The second will be a random class. The third will be a class generated based on your current natural gifts and disposition. Do you wish to proceed? Y/N
Randidly frowned, turning to Nul. “When it says current gifts......what does that mean?”
Nul gave him an innocent smile. “Different individuals are naturally blessed. At the time of the class selection, the system will examine you, and recommend a class based on that.”
“Do your natural blessings include skill levels? Current stat levels?”
Nul only continued to smile, ignoring the question. Randidly sighed and selected no. So it was that sort of system.
If Randidly did select a class, it likely wouldn’t be the first choice, because that class would be based on the him from several months ago. Or at least that’s how it would seem to him. A 23 year old who hadn’t ever had to struggle in his life. Similarly, the 2nd, random option, seemed unreliable, and not a real choice at all.
So the third option would be what he was betting on, a current scan of his “Natural Blessings”. Anyone else, fighting for their lives, wouldn’t think anything of that phrasing, but Randidly had noticed it immediately. If it scanned them now, perhaps scant days after the scan for the first choice, what was it scanning for…? Natural blessings…?
No, that would have been caught on the system initialization recommendation. If by natural blessings, they meant stats and skills bestowed by the system… In addition, it would likely take most people more time than Randidly to strengthen themselves and work up the nerve to found a Newbie Village. In this time, they would be relying solely on paths to grow stronger...
And also hanging over Randidly’s head was Shal’s statement that you can only learn a set number of skills once you have a class.
Although likely less detailed, it seemed the old man’s thoughts were on a similar track. “...So it’s a game of chicken, huh. Are you gonna gamble on learning new skills so you get a better class, or are you going to take the class to grow strong…”
Nul turned from Randidly to the old man. “Since he has rejected this opportunity, I know offer it to you. Remember, gaining the first class from me would mean that you also gain the Soul Skill Village Chieftain-”
The old man just snorted and spat. “Not interested.”
“Hey, who is that?” Chubbs asked, wandering over with a bickering Tera and Donny in tow.
Nul instantly beamed at the new arrivals. “Which of you would like to be Village Chiefta-”
For the second time, his pitch was interrupted, but this time by Donny’s yell. “MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.”
Donny immediately rushed forward to a bowing Nul.