Chapter 12 (2/2)

End: 18

Str: 7

Agi: 15

Perception: 17

Reaction: 15

Resistance: 9

Willpower: 11

Inteligence: 21

Wisdom: 12

Control: 15

Focus: 10

“Alright, now what?” Randidly asked.

Shal reached out and put his hand on Randidly’s head. “Now we enter into a bargain. If I do this, you must promise to assist me in defeating the Shaman’s and all other troubles I encounter in the dungeon. If we escape, I shall consider your debt paid.”

“But more than that,” Shal continued. “You must consent to the training I will give you. It will not be easy. It will hurt, but you need this strength. Both the strength to persist through the pain, and to use the skills I will give you. To this, do you agree?”

Randidly looked up at this strange alien, his mind quiet and cool. And then one thought, unbidden, rose to the surface.

‘I want to be strong.’

Randidly nodded.

“Then go to your Path menu, and select the option to be my disciple.”

Opening the menu, Randidly did so, looking at the strange option.

Disciple of Shal: 0/X

“ goes to X…?”

Shal nodded. “Yes, it will continue to my level. Currently, I am 36. When you catch up, you will receive a skill, and the path will end. Depending on your performance, it might be a skill I have, or a superior, evolved version, or even a partial, simplified version.”

Randidly clicked on it, and dumped his points into it. What was shocking was that each level gave a distributable stat point. At 5, he received a stat point and 1 point in End and Agi. Immediately impressed, Randidly threw all the earned points into Willpower, pushing it up to 19.

“Alright, now what?” Randidly said.

Shal just smiled.


Shal had given Randidly a spear, told him to play around with it while he made some preparations. Randidly had done so, learned the skill Spear Mastery Lvl 1, and even leveled it up 3. Perhaps even more pleasing than these developments was that his equip skill rose to 10.

When it did so, Randidly was finally able to Equip and received the bonus from the leather gloves he had gotten from the small chest.

Gloves of Quickness. Gloves made from the leather of a Wind Deer. Adds speed to the wearer. Vit +1. Agi +3.

Although the boost couldn’t be considered significant, it was still a big bump at the level of his stats. More than that, the 3 PP he earned pushed him up to 11, which allowed him to get 3 more stats into Willpower, and at 10, He received +2 Agi, +1 Str, and +1 React, as well as the skill Phantom Thrust.

‘Becoming a disciple… is definitely a good thing.’ Randidly thought, trying out the skill. It cost 15 Stamina, but the training spear Shal had given him moved so fast that Randidly couldn’t even control it. The stabs went wide more often than not. But they were undoubtedly powerful.

That was around when Shal returned, and the training changed.