Chapter 90 – Kidnapping Incident (1/2)
In the following few days, Chen Weier acted like she doesn’t know me every time she saw me, and hurriedly walked past. I really wanted to pull her to a stop and ask her what’s wrong, but there were always too many people nearby, so I couldn’t find a chance.
Was I dreaming that night? Chen Weier never had any feelings towards me? That hug was an hallucination?
But even if it was a hallucination, Chen Weier’s attitude towards me shouldn’t be this uncaring, even if it was before she would still nod and greet me, what was it now? Understanding a woman’s thought is truly like trying to find a needle in the ocean!
When I finally made the decision to ask Chen Weier what was going on, an incident occurred.
That noon, my mobile suddenly rang. What was calling me at this time? Aide from Zhao Yanyan, only Uncle Zhao and them know my number, even my parents don’t know that I have a phone. However if there was nothing urgent, they wouldn’t call me when I’m at school.
I quickly walked to the back of the classroom, where there isn’t anyone, squatted on the floor, and picked up the phone.
“Hey, Liu Lei, I’m Chen Yong!” The other side of the phone said.
I twitched my eyebrows and said, “I’m at school, what’s is it?”
“It’s terrible! My meimei was captured by someone!” Chen Yong shouted into the phone.
“What? You said Chen Weier? What happened exactly?!” I shuddered, and jumped up, I nearly throw my mobile phone in anxiousness.
“Weier was captured during noon!” Chen Yong said anxiously.
“Who captured her, tell me all the details,” I said to Chen Yong.
“Okay!” Chen Yong reorganized his emotions, then said slowly. “Chen Weier came to the market and helped out my mom’s Mala Tang store, at that moment a van suddenly rushed over, we didn’t pay any special attention to it at the time. But a few machos came out of the van, and grabbed Weier into the van without saying anything, then drove away quickly!”
“What were you doing then?” I asked in annoyance. How can the gege let his own meimei get captured right under his watch.
“It all happened too quickly, I couldn’t even react. When I noticed something happened, it was already too late. The van was already several tens of meters away,” Chen Yong said with remorse.
“I see! Did you note down the car plate number?” I thought about it a bit and asked.
“I did, I did, it’s Song A519XX!” Chen Yong said.
“Okay, I’ll immediately find out where the car is from. Oh yeah, did you call the police?” I asked.
“No, it just happened. My mom said to talk about it with you first!” Did Chen Yong’s entire family treat me as their family’s savior?
“Fine, wait at the Mala Tang stall for me, I’ll be right there!” I said.
I hung up, and immediately called Jiang Yongfu to help me to find out who that car plate number that Chen Yong told me belonged to. Then I immediately rushed out of school, called a cab and went towards the market place.
In the meantime, I received Jiang Yongfu’s call, he told me that this car plate number was fate, since the corresponding car was not a van, but a taxi, this was clearly stolen and used by someone else.