After the barrier was broken I saw hell on earth. Literally hell on earth. The whole village was burning, Streets were colored red with blood, Screams of dying people could be heard.

” This should not be possible. They are breaking the agreement. This could result in total destruction of our world as it might be the start of war amongst Hidden Factions.” Julius said with Grimace in his voice.

” We need to stop Rankorn. They are the Hidden Faction attacking this Village. If not stopped it may have serious repercussion.” He said and went to fight against them.

” Isn't he Julius the crusher, one of the Six Magic Kings of the World. What the hell is he doing here?” One of the goons asked another.

”Like hell would I know” The other replied.

” I am warning you for the last time that stop right there or else I will stop you by force.” Julius gave the final warning while powering up his mana which made wind blow in his surroundings.

Suddenly an equally crushing power came from the enemy line. A man of about 6 feet wearing a Black cloak came in front of Julius.

” Long time no see Julius the crusher” He said in a heavy tone.

” Yeah it's been a long time Verdincus the Demon. I never thought you, a Magic King like me would fall so low as to violate the Sacred Agreement.” Julius said in a serious tone.

” We have been hiding for too long. There I no longer a need for us to remain in darkness. It's time for us to be accepted by light too. I would revolutionize the world we all know into a better place where children no longer need to remain in the dark. Where woman no longer need to fear the unknow. It may be difficult for me to accomplish all that but with your help it might be possible. Julius join me so that we can save this decaying world” The Demon said.

” Your ideals are right, no doubt about that but your way is not. I cannot let you destroy our world with the way you are doing it. I believe in the younger generation and that they can do what we were not able to do.” Julius said with conviction.