40 『Night on the Town』 (1/2)

After settling the Nemu and Enri at the Shining Golden Pavilion, an Inn which only nobility and royals were rich enough to afford to live or eat within, it was clear Vertum paid in advance.

The Swords of Darkness then broke into two pairs that night.

Peter and Ninya with Vertum for the tour and a night out on the town, Peter acting more like a guardian, while Ninya told Vertum information he probably already knew from reports from his Overlord companions.

Vertum had paid for extra rooms, allowing Lukrut and Dyne to stay at the Inn to watch over the girl's room. Money was money and despite the status gap, they were adventurers nonetheless. If they were to raise in rank, they'd want the business despite the minor discomfort from their guests.

Though given little information, Vertum made sure that they were aware of the strange person in the alleyway. This was the whole reason behind the precaution, but at the same time, it seemed as if the persons who have gone missing or who've been killed, were taken right off the street.

Though he was sure there was an low-likelihood that they would be targeted, he had no idea what the intentions this person had... Other than something deadly for Nfirea.

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The three were making their way down the main avenue that bisected the population center connecting the Main West Gateway with the Eastern Entrance.

Ninya remained humble, but she seemed to enjoy giving information about E-Rantel, as it was practically her current home. As a member of the Adventurer's Guild, this was where her party was currently stationed. Though it was likely they could move about as they pleased as long as it was convenient.

Stopping in front of a wide two story building, the girl dressed as a young man gestured toward it. ”This is the Adventurer's Guild. It acts as a lodge where we can gather information, socialize and take on job requests.”

Vertum looked over the facility, then over towards the neighboring buildings. It seemed to be elevated on a greystone foundation, much like many other buildings here. The exterior walls were white, there was wood trim around the windows and between floors.

Based on the fact that the majority of the buildings here were made of stone, with uniform architectural laws, it represented the idea that this Kingdom was at one point indeed prosperous. That is at least true for the time that this City was built.

His eyes drifted back over towards Ninya, ”Sounds like a Nifty place to be.”

Blinking at the word 'Nifty,' Ninya hesitantly nodded, she didn't know the word though she could only assume with the context it was a good thing. The Word nifty itself originated from 1865 on Earth, so it wasn't weird for someone in a medieval world not to recognize the word.

”What does that even mean...?” Peter asked curiously, quite sober for the time being as he didn't have a lot to drink earlier.

”Capable, smart, kind. It has multiple meanings,” Vertum smirked as he cocked his head, smug over his own vocabulary.

”Nifty...” Ninya tasted the sound of the word on her tongue before taking out her diary and an enchanted quill pen that didn't need ink, etching down the word and its given definition.

Vertum raised a brow and went to glance over her shoulder, only for the girl to close the diary.

”H-hey,” Ninya pouted at him as he wasn't supposed to be peaking at her book.

”Sorry,” Vertum simpered, enjoying the sound of her pouting voice and the expression her face made. She was definitely cute, and he was slowly beginning to wonder just how her friends believed she was a guy. His eyes shifted to Peter, judging his deductive intelligence.

Peter made this confused face at the expression Vertum seemed to be giving him, before Ninya pulled the two of them along by their sleeves.

”Next is the Cemetary,” Ninya started, ”Where adventurers like us will take advancement tests in order to increase our ranks.” Her blue eyes seemed to reflect the glow of the lanterns as they were being lit by the patrol officers.

As they came closer to the Cemetery, after leaving the Guild Building, they slowly came to a stop a distance away. From where they stood, facing the gate from down the street, there was evidence of a large number of undead within the walls.

”That is an unusual build up...” Uttering to herself, she looked to Peter who nodded in agreement. She then looked to Vertum, raising a brow.

”I rather not get anything on me tonight,” Vertum chuckled lightly at this and shook his head. He could smell the undead from where he stood. It was definitely not his cup of tea, at least not for the time being. If the person who had been watching earlier wasn't in there, he probably would've charged right on inside.

However it would ruin his chances of getting rid of the boy, Nfirea, who was likely going to end up threatening his influence over Enri and the Village. That and his experiment still hasn't concluded, it was currently unknown and unchecked if she was carrying his child, and there would have to be six weeks until morning sickness occurs.