20 『Grand Tour』 (1/2)

A swirling vortex of magical energy appeared in front of the exit to the Waste City of Vilisyrteria, a portal to the outside. Within seconds Nemu and Enri emerged through the portal, as if jumping through a rift to meet the other side!

Landing on their feet, their legs partially bent, they blinked seeing the interior.

”Whoa!” Nemu exclaimed obnoxiously seeing the insides of what appeared to be an underground City. The glowing water, the sparkling ceiling and the massive pillar on the Northern side of the place.

”Is that some kind of castle?” Enri pointed towards the Pillar as Jack emerged behind them, his hands folded behind his back. Her eyes narrowed on him, her big round eyes taking him in.

”So it seems,” Jack replied sarcastically with a smug look on his face as he looked her over. She had eyes of wonder, surprise and awe. All of this had been 'hidden' underground for hundreds of years according to the story he shared.

If they had studied the ruins from the Greed Kings, they'd be able to conclude it was from around that era, of course these villagers likely did not possess such knowledge.

”Jack!” Nemu immediately tackled his leg, wrapping her arms around it as she stared up at him. Pressing herself into his leg as to get his attention.

Jack glanced down at her with a brow raised. Part of him wanted to punt her off his leg, but at the same time he wanted to pick her up and smother her in his arms. She was absolutely adorable. ”Hm?”

”Can we go to the castle? Can we? Can we?” She leaned back slightly, her hands now just grabbing at his pant leg, jumping up and down.

”Nemu!” Enri scowled.

”It's fine,” Jack said as he narrowed his eyes on Enri for a moment, then looked back down towards the girl with her fingers curled into his pants. ”Want to ride on my shoulders?”

”Pfff..” She immediately let go of his leg, ”I'm too old for that,” she placed her hands on her hips looking up at the much taller dragon man.

”Suit yourself,” glancing over towards Enri, he held out his hand for it to be held. ”Take my hand.”

It wasn't a question, it was an order. Not that it would've made her choose not to if it was a choice to begin with. Enri reached her hand out slowly and grasped his open hand, letting his fingers curl around her hand. Unsurprisingly, his hand was warm, even through the gloves he wore.

His eyes then flickered down to Nemu who was smiling up at him, holding out her own hand for him to take. Rolling his eyes though, he took her hand with a light squeeze, causing her to wince.

”Onward then,” Jack smirked as they began to make their way into the underground city. As they entered the commercial looking district, there were people standing around by the storefronts.

They were in armor and uniforms, dresses and other elaborate attire. Most of the ones present outside were members of the Honor Guard. Some of the maids were cleaning the streets, while some of the buildings were being refurnished.

”This is amazing!” Nemu was looking from left to right, Jack's arm acting like a leash as she moved around him. Though he was careful not toe trip or walk into her when she got in the way.

Enri smiled down at her little sister, and somewhat felt sorry for Jack as he had to deal with her supposed misbehavior. However as she watched him, smile, watching her she couldn't help but smile herself. He seemed in some capacity to enjoy himself from what she could see.

Though she was curious, this place did give a feeling of once being lived in, even with the renovations. However she wasn't seeing any children present. Why wasn't there any children? This place had been underground for hundreds of years. All she was seeing was young teens and adults.

That and plenty of nonhumans such as the insect Daniki, who was patrolling the street with a handful of armed guards, and Lannec who was jumping from rooftop to rooftop in his Lycan form.

”Werewolves and even giant insects...” Enri thought that the Hamster was a monster in the sense of its size and power. Part of her even thought that Jack himself was a monster in human form, in which he technically was. This just put the icing on the cake.

”We have a cyclops here, and quite a few other species. Even a half-golem.”

”...Half-Golem?” Nemu blatantly asked as she looked up at Jack, bringing herself back to his side.

”A magical construct, an intelligent Golem, capable of intelligent thought and cannot be controlled by anyone else other than itself..” Jack explained how the Golem was different from the others, though Golems were rare in this world, as it not only took years to make but also a lot of human resources.

”Mm… Sounds weird,” Nemu shrugged as she spoke in a blatant manner before narrowing her eyes on a skeleton who was walking along the opposite side of the street they were following.

Both Enri and Nemu stared at him, their jaws nearly falling off. Yet Doodle paid them very little mind.

”Was that an Elder Lich?!” Enri suddenly blurted out, peering over her shoulder after the Undead.

”Overlord, actually… Highest ranking undead related to the Elder Lich. Two of them live here.” Jack retorted with a mirthful simper at their reaction to the presence of the undead.

”They're not going to experiment on us right!?” Nemu immediately looked up to Jack, afraid.

”No, they're not going to experiment on you… Probably not.” Jack teasingly glanced away slightly as she felt her squeeze his hand as hard as she could.

”Noooo...” She whined.

Enri giggled softly seeing the smirk on Jack's lips. ”He's just kidding Nemu, he's not going to let them do that… Are you Jack?' She squinted her eyes lightly at him.

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”I won't let them,” he made a toothy grin as he lead them towards the center of the city, entering what appeared to be the residential zone. Homes and apartment looking complexes could be seen here.

”We have enough room here in the underground to move the residents of the village underground should there ever be a need.” Jack stated as he gestured towards the housing. ”There is also an unlimited source of water over there,” he pointed towards the glowing body of water.

”Unlimited…?” Enri blinked several times, this meant that they would never suffer from another drought, and other villages may end up depending on them for water.

”We could also expand the existing sewage system to the Village,” his eyes narrowed on her, ”If given permission.” He wasn't really asking, again, he was going to do it whether or not they said yes or no.

He was going to use all the modern knowledge he had from the trivia his last world gave him, which he seemed to have no problem remembering in this New World.

”O-of course..” Enri's smile became faint as she looked to him and then down to Nemu who was admiring pretty much everything. She was still like a little riled pup on a leash. Though she was pretty sure she was futilely pulling on Jack's arm, just because she could.