17 『TheAstrologer』 (1/2)
A young curvaceous woman sat in a dark dimly lit room where she was surrounded by candles of mystic origin, upon what appeared to be a large reddish black magical orb. This orb was an immensely powerful magical artifact that amplified the user's natural magical prowess and focus.
She wore mismatched thigh high socks, one white decorated in gold, and the other hanging halfway off her leg which was dark blue. a large witch hat with a Prehensile appendage at the end of its pointed top and scantily clad clothes.. She had long unkept blue hair, braided well passed her knees.
She wore a pair of visibly black panties, and gold laced shorts which hung off one of her hips. On her torso was a pink frilled top exposing her abdomen and most her upper body except for her scrumptious bosom.
She was meditating, breathing shallowly, her eyes were closed.
Watching, learning. She was none other than the Thousand Leagues Astrologer, a member of a secret organization of God-kin. Individuals who were descendants of Players who in this world, are and were believed to be Gods.
Other than the candles, the room was decorated in magical books, grimoires and tomes. It was the home of a magic user, and that was heavily apparent. Her sheets were blue, and the posts of her bed were ash black, and there were a ton of stuffed animals.
There was no evidence of another partner, a lover, or a friend.
Opening her eyes though as the flames flickered on their wicks, she turned her head slightly to the side. She didn't hear breathing, she didn't sense movement. She licked her lips slightly and when she was about to close her eyes once more, a chilling sensation went up her spine.
Someone was watching her!
Throwing herself to the side, she spun around on the ball beneath her, before hovering over it with her power alone, Without using a voice to command her spell.
Her dark black, fearful, hues stared through the darkness of the room.
Two fiery red orb could be seen within the dark.
With her index, middle and ring fingers of both hands all touching, fidgeting, she finally spoke in an awkward tone. ”Wh-who are you… What are-are you doing in my room...?” She felt strange under the gaze of the unknown. It was something, someone, powerful enough to suppressed her own magical abilities!
”You were the one watching the fight last night,” Teetle laughed oh so curiously, moving his boney hand through the shadows which covered the room. ”Tell me, what do you tell your superiors?”
She froze the moment she saw those fingers. The red eyes. Could this be the God of Death? Hadn't he been slain by the Eight Greed Kings!? ”I… I didn't report to them yet, I'm still trying to understand how to explain how a human became a dragon, or a dragon became a human...” She slowly became cooler because of the assumption that was coming to her mind.
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The Undead stepped forward into the light, further being illuminated, showing his likeness to Surshana the God of Death, one from the Six Great Gods that the Theocracy worships.
”Come...” Teetle reached out a hand for her to approach, to take hold of his hand.
The girl stared at him, her eyes widened at his beacon and call. Death was calling for her!? She felt like her heart was going to explode as it was pounding from her chest. ”I...”
”I wish to bestow upon you my blessing,” Teetle uttered as he further extended his hand towards her. His boney fingers flexing, calling for her hand.
Her dark hues glanced down at his hand, it was pure white. Adorned with rings of varying colors.
”Why do you hesitate?” Teetle's tone turned stern, appearing and sounding as if he was growing impatient with the mortal before him.
She gulped audibly, ”Forgive me oh Surshana-sama...!” Ignoring her instincts to shrink away, to run away, she reached out her hand and grasped the hand of the undead.
Then she blinked, the moment their hands touched, their location had changed. She was hovering above the orb still, her hand was between two metal bars, and she was in a lit jail cell.
Blinking several times as the unnatural florescent lights of the building, she retracted her hand and rubbed her eyes. ”Whe...Where did we...”
”Welcome to Vilisyrteria, Astrologer-san.” A voice emitted from behind the skeleton, and soon enough a girl with grey skin appeared, a vampire with red eyes and a mysterious disposition.