14 『Sunlit Scripture II』 (1/2)

With the conclusion of the battle, the sun had retired for the night. Villagers gathered in the square, tending to one another and keeping each other warm. Lighting a bonfire to stand around, one of the soldiers busted out a lute and began to play.

By now he already knew the Slane Theocracy had stopped watching. The moment Jack defeated the Nigun, and killed him, whoever was observing had stopped watching as there was nothing else more to see.

Jack stood at the edge of the Village, staring at the sky with a light smile across his lips.

Looking at the sky, it felt as if it was never going to get old.

”If only the world had a sky such as this, back home.” He uttered as he still saw the last reality he had been in as his home. This place, it was a long needed vacation, with plenty of violence to go around.

Yet at the same time, he already figured that there just may be no way back from here. It was a one way trip, and that single thought gave him the strength to move forward and explore the world around him.

Turning his head as he could hear the commotion of the people having fun, he could see their shadows up against the houses. Dancing, partying. The Soldiers were having a good time along with the villagers as they were going to stay the night.

It wasn't safe for human or beast to travel in the night. The undead, vampires, there were many threats out there that lurked and preyed on those who couldn't defend themselves.

A small sigh left his lips. He could feel that this world could be dangerous for just about anyone. Though he didn't see Dragons left and right, if they were around, they were a threat.

His eyes traveled off in the direction of the mountains. A dull look in his eyes as he kept his gaze to the north for a few seconds until he turned his eyes back to the Village, only to take in the starry skies above once more.

Hearing someone walking through the grass towards him, he lowered his sights from the stars and rested them on the girl with blonde hair and brown eyes.

It was Enri, making her way towards him with a faint smile across her lips. Was she happy about their arrangement? Probably not. However they hadn't spoken yet as he had promised earlier, before the battle.

So as she began to walk towards him, he gave her his attention, no real expression on his face for the time being as he didn't really want to outwardly share his true thoughts.

”How are you feeling?” Enri just happened to ask as she was now only two steps away from him. Her hands folded over the apron of her woolen clothes.

She was pretty, beautiful even, and fair. He reached over and touched her braid which she had dangling over her shoulder and smirked slightly. The urge to play with her, to take advantage of her new status, was evident in his mind.

However she was completely misunderstanding the smirk on his face, and the touch of her hair as he pulled her closer. Her cheeks headed up and turned a light red, her clasped hands moving up to her collar as the tips of their shoes were touching.

”Quite fine, now they're you're here,” his words were like honey flowing from his lips. Whether or not there had been any true meaning in his words, is a mystery.

Those honeyed words were enough for her heart to skip a beat. She was a mere farm girl, she didn't have romance novels to drown herself in. Yet this felt like a fairy tale, right in this moment, like the stories her mother would tell before bed time.

Her eyes saddened at the thought of her mother and her father.

Yet she held a strong resolve not to let those swollen tears leave her eyes as she allowed his hands to embrace her. One grasping the back of her head and the other awkwardly grasping her hip with his arm around her back.

”Mmmm...” The girl decompressed into his chest as he held her head to his shoulder, her eyes moving up to the stars he had once been gazing at. ”You said we'd talk about the life debt..?” She turned her head to look up at him, his hand touching its fingers around her ear as she did so.

Jack's amethyst eyes matched with her brown eyes, a brow raising. ”I did,” he replied as his body began to sway slightly side to side with her in his arms.

His eyes flickered over towards a small form peering over from around the corner of a village home. A small smile finding its way across his lips before he returned his gaze to Enri.

They were being watched it seemed.

The odd swaying motion seemed to make Enri more comfortable within his grasp, even as his hand moved down a little bit more. Tracing over her backside in a relatively comforting manner.

Shifting in his hold, she found herself pressed further against him and smiled nervously feeling the tightening of his grasp. That's when he leaned down to steal her lips, causing her to freeze up as she felt the warmth of his mouth on her own.

She hardly knew what to do and he was taking her first kiss.

Her eyes almost pained, she closed her eyes to the feeling and pressed her lips in return. Trying to keep up with him. The session was short, he broke from the kiss as she was adapting.

Musing, Jack would taste his own lips as she was doing the same. Unlike her, as he could feel her heart beating a thousand times over, his was still steady and calm. She may have felt a spark, but he… Just felt a sensation, it was desire, surging through him.

His jaw flexed to this, but he kept a mildly content outward appearance for her to see and believe. Even then, he wasn't the type to show extreme excitement, at least in front of others. ”You don't mind, being mine, do you?” This words slipped from his mouth without the need for reservation.