5 『The City』 (1/2)
Silva padded up to her master, as he stood up to wrap an arm around her shoulders. She clozily closed her eyes partially as she felt the warmth from under his arm. Her sight drifted down to his hand as he caressed a sapphire gemmed ring, the Guild Ring of the Blue Citadel.
Suddenly their surroundings changed, with little if any movement of the air around them, they were now standing in front of the Castle entrance. A massive metallic door was before them, marking the exit of the castle, the door automatically lifting open and slipping into the ceiling above. Revealing the underground city the pillar-shaped castle overlooked.
A lacking grin formed over Jack's lips as he walked out beside the Vampire, looking over the Waste City. ”With a little work I believe we can make this place work...”
His eyes trailed on over towards the production plant which was not too far away in the center of the City. In the game, there was no way to operate it. Though it was unassumingly one of the ways to change one's race into an Automaton.
Not that he had any plans of being one. He however was beginning to believe that this world had become reality. Why? Because he could feel everything. The varying temperatures of the Castle, the smells of the city.
This place smelled of rust and decay, it burnt his nose, but at the same time it excited him.
He even noticed that his senses was akin to that of his species. An ArchMirage, a mystical heteromorphic beast race which were related to the Fey and Dragons.
He licked his lips mischievously before turning his eyes to look at Silva as his arm fell to his side. She seemed to be enjoying the look of the City as well. Nodding ambiently to his words.
He could only imagine being able to use the production plant to make even more minions, soldiers, in order to protect himself from a world he didn't know.
The question was though, could he power it? What powered it? Did it follow a science fiction approach? Or was it to be powered by some sort of magic energy? He was growing curious and could hardly wait for the reports to come back from the Honor Guards and the Guardians he had sent out.
His eyes then shifted towards what looked like the exit at what appeared to be the eastern side of the underground City. As based on the game map, the Castle overlooked the City from the North, so he knew exactly which direction was East and West which made it easy to know without a map.
Though he did find himself missing the map.
Oh how he didn't want to get lost while he was exploring.
Having to ask for directions wasn't his best strategy, as his father used to always say before his passing, that men never get lost they just improvise.
Letting out snicker at his own thoughts, the man folded his hands behind his back as he began to stroll from the entrance of his castle and towards the rest of the city.
He could use magic to transport himself to the exit, but he wanted to hear from his people first. That and he was starting to grow curious about magic. He had used a spell to try and contact the GM's, yet he didn't have to use the hotkey as there wasn't any.
It seemed his magic was in his mind, he could cast most of the spells without reciting them. This was definitely exciting, making him feel as if he was truly a master mage in another world.
That's when he came to a stop, entering an intersection of the City streets. It wasn't necessary dark down here, as there was a false sky of crystals and scorched rock above. The place was dimly lit at least compared to the pitch darkness Jack was subjected to when he first entered the game.
”Could someone had been online before I logged on…?” He muttered as he knew he hadn't bothered to check his friends-list. He had only assumed they'd all be in the 'Council Chambers' with all the chairs.
”I didn't see any of the fifty four other great beings,” Silva stated with a somewhat depressed sigh, ”But I am sure if they were in the City, the Honor Guard would've found them.”
”I see...” Jack sucked on the back of his teeth slightly as he nodded, taking her answer to heart. He'd continue into the center of the intersection, looking over the homes and other weathered buildings.
He'd make his way towards one of the buildings on the South East corner of the intersection, and press his hand against the door. In the game, not all the buildings were accessible. Some of them were sealed shut and the windows giving a false interior.
Yet as he pressed his hand against the door with a little force of his own, he heard it creak and the lock break. The door swung open and he stumbled forward, blinking a few times before looking over the insides of the ruined facility.
It looked like an office space, cobwebs everywhere. It was lifeless, abandoned. Walking inside, he toyed with the left over writing utensils on the desk, before opening one of the drawers. Empty.
”Hmm...” His eyes wondered on over to a clunky low tech gear-based computer, which was practically an oversized calculator. Then he rested his eyes on a bookcase nearby that had a ton of literature.
Walking over to it, Jack would run his finger tips along the surface of their spines. ”How to Create an Automaton. Creating a Magic Gun. Downfall of the Valkyrie...” He muttered the titles under his breath.
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Silva watched him for a few seconds before waltzing over to what looked like a music box and popped it open, revealing an armored ballerina. ”Eh? Why's there armor on a Ballerina?”
”I guess whoever had this place before didn't have great taste?” His eyes smiled a bit more than his own lips, his eyelids forming crescents as his lips curled inward. ”Perhaps we'll dispose of Waste laying about with the Exchange Box… Clean this City up and make it a bit more habitable, whilst getting some more coins.”
Silva nodded to this as she walked towards the door and peered outside, resting her hand on the doorframe in front of her as she leaned toward it.
It was strange seeing empty streets here, even though there were already over a hundred people wandering about, exploring.
”Shall I call upon the Area Guardians to organize the task?” Silva systematically turned to look at him with a brow arched following her inquiry.