The Lunch ended but the rain started to poured so all the flight back to seoul are cancelled. Shin ji and paul won't be able to go back to seoul till saturday afternoon. The event will start 6PM in the evening so she might still make it to the event si yoon's is going. Shin ji called si yoon about their flight being cancelled

”Yoon's we won't be able to make it tonight, our flight got cancelled because of the rain so our next flight is scheduled tomorrow afternoon.” she said

”No worries, are you okay there?” Asked si yoon

”I am, Just a little bit tired from the shooting.” answered shin ji

”I am probably nothome when you comes back tomorrow, I have to go to the event. Go and take a rest now” He said.

”I will, Thank you, take care of your self too.” says shin ji

After hanging up, she faced paul and asked about the the dress she told him to prepare.

”Paul is the dress ready for tomorrow?” shin ji asked

”It is ready, I just called the boutique and they said it is waiting for you to wear it. I also told Chae soo bin to pick up the suit for si yoon.” answered paul

”Thanks paul. We might need to go straight to the boutique from the airport tomorrow.” declared shin ji

”Yes, So you better take a rest now. Everything is prepared so don't worry about it.” says paul

”I will, go take a rest now too. We still have a lot to do tomorrow.” she said as they went to their own room and went to sleep.

The next morning shin ji and paul went to the airport for their afternoon flight but it got a little bit delayed because of the storm. The flight landed in seoul at 4pm because of it. They got out of the airport and immediately went to the boutique to prepare for the event. Secretary chae meet them at the boutique as it is saturday and it is her day off.

”Paul, How are you, where is athena?” asked secretary chae as she saw paul sitting on the couch in the store.