After a while as they are doing their own thing they heard a knock on the door, it was manager cho.

”CEO I am afraid, you still have a lot of explaining to do” says manager cho as he showed him a newarticle about him with the mysterious girl on the photo with a caption ”who is this mysterious girl that the CEO of LEE CORP is dating”.

”I know this will happen. But I didn't know it will be noticed too much by the public.” si yoon said.

”What shall we do CEO?” asked manager cho

”Just release a statement saying that It is my private matter and I don't need to explained to the public. And Hoping they give me some privacy.” declared si yoon as he didn't want anyone to focus on the woman in the picture, so he made it all about himself.

”Yes CEO, I will tell the PR to release this statement soon” says manager cho and he said goodbye and went out of the office.

”I saw the article it is not that disturbing so don't worry about it.” shin ji said as soon as he saw manager cho went outand si yoon is looking at her seriously

”I now. but I don't want any small chance's to expose you to the public.” explained si yoon

”Thank you, I think I might just go to the grocery store on my own today, everyone has interest in you now. You might have to lessen going to public places for the mean time. I didn't know CEO can become so popular in seoul.” said shin ji jokingly.

”Okay, I am sorry I won't be able to help you grocery shopping, I will just go early to help you prepare.” says si yoon

”Sure, Bye, I'll see you later” shin ji said as she said goodbye to si yoon and went out of the door.

As she was walking to the elevator she sees the employee and give them a smile, then went inside the elevator. Meanwhile the employee's start talking about her when they saw her inside the elevator.

”Don't you think the girl on the photo in Miss Shin ji?” asked tae hyun

”She really is the mysterious girl, I remember what she wore that day she went to the office.” answered bora

”But why don't CEO tell the public that the girl is her bestfriend?” asked rae won