Chapter 364 - Way to Civil Marriage Bureau (1/2)

After Guang's and Ning Xui Ying's wedding, Deming brought Lifen back to Country A. While Daiyu remained there for some more days to help her friend. As their plane landed, Qi Yirong was already waiting for them outside.

When she spotted the couple outside, she quickly gave a polite bow as she said, ”Boss, the arrangements you have asked for are already made. Here are the papers and your doc.u.ments that will be needed. And I have asked Ms. Li's assistant brought hers too. She would be here anytime”

The man nodded at her words while the woman on the wheelchair was all dumbfounded to their words. She felt alienated in the world she was living. She tilted her head up to look at him with a question in her eyes then moved her eyes to look at the secretary she was meeting for the first time.

”Are you his secretary Qi Yuirong?” she asked, remembering the conversation she had with her earlier.

The secretary nodded in acceptance as she gave a polite cheerful smile on her lips. From that call she had already started seeing her in an angelic pure light and now facing her at this moment she still felt the same.

Unbeknownst to their previous virtual meeting, Deming felt that he was missing something. ”Was my woman keeping spies over me?”

Getting scared of his accusing words, the secretary quickly shook her head in disapproval and was about to defend herself but before she could Lifen words interrupted her. ”What if I was keeping my spies over you? And to begin it, what if I say your secretary is my woman working for you? Then what are you going to do?”

Lady Boss! Why are you digging my grave when I am still alive? Not only this will make me lose my job but will make Boss kill me brutally. I will be all finished and my family will also be ruined. She cried internally.

In her words, Qi Yuirong felt that her death was near. She was about to get on her knees to beg for mercy when a laughter halted her actions.

”If that's the case then I can raise her pay and can treat her in a nicer way” he said while pinching Lifen's nose tenderly.

”Really?”, the woman asked unrealistically, being a little doubtful of his words. Though she knew that she wouldn't be lashing out at her as she did but still she wasn't expecting him to say something like this.

”Of course! I would be honored if you keep your people in my company to keep a check on me. In that way I will feel that you are caring for me”, he said as she patted her head in a pampering way.

The secretary who was standing there, witnessing everything wanted to give her Boss a full down bow of surrender. She has never known that the cold, tyrannical, devil boss she knew can be this extreme in his love life. It's an upside down change of his personality.

Hearing his flattery words, Lifen scrunched her nose up. ”If it's like that then tell me now what are you planning? What are all these papers and doc.u.ments? This time please don't mess the things up?”

”When did I mess things up? Are you so good at accusing me falsely? Or are you planning to make my employees look down on me?”, he said and then looked straight towards his secretary who was trying to take his new different side in.

”Haha … don't divert the talk. Tell me what are you planning now? Why am I feeling that nothing good is there in your head”, Lifen said squinting her eyes at him.

”If you think like that then think it that way. You will know once we get there”, he said as he spotted a girl sprinting her way to them. ”Look your sweet glutton secretary is also here” he said as he gestured his eyes towards the front.

Lifen turned to look at the girl who was running with all huff and puff, ”Boss! Are … are you fine? Sorry I was late …. I really did not intend to be but the jam here really sucks”, he said still trying to catch her hastened breath. Then she quickly bent her back forward to give a respectful bow, both to  her and Deming.

”Why did you rush here? Here, have some water”, Lifen asked as she handed her the bottle of water. She has always taken this young woman as someone really close to her and thus she was protective to her too.

Erica took the bottle and gulped it down to pacify herself. After she was done, she asked ”Boss are you fine?”