Chapter 245 - Will not let down promise they made. (1/2)

After having the conversation with the employees of the company, she left them in high spirits. High spirits to attain their satisfaction and company's goal at the same time.

That was their first meeting after she become the CEO of the company and she has left a  good deep impression in everyone's heart and mind. They have started to admire and respect her as their new leader.

”Our new President is so good with her words. Did you felt the aura she was emitting before? It was so strong to make every feel safe and secure but at the same time it gentle enough to make everyone comfortable around her”

”Yeah I felt it too. She is so young but still the sense of such formidable power to rule over doesn't make her lose her 'down to earth nature' ”.

”Even after being from one of the most powerful families, she doesn't put on airs like other young mistresses with minimal background”

”After this meeting I can understand why our seniors has talked so highly about her even before she became the CEO. She really treat us as one of them”.

”She even prioritize us before the shareholders and stakeholders. This really touched my heart. Really!”

The employees were discussing around themselves during their lunch break. They were feeling all satisfied after knowing the next CEO was not at all bossy rather was very empathetic towards everyone.

While Lifen has just finished her introductory meeting in the conference room, introducing her goals and ways to assess success to their shareholders. It was just a tradition she was following.

The shareholders and the stakeholders were already very satisfied with her plans and were vey confident in her words as they have well heard about her from the former President and also has read her competence in the financial files of the brand ELEGANCE.

She has something within her that readily made them believe in her creadibility.

When she returned back to her office, Erica followed her too. She was holding the files that needs the President's attention to process further.

”Boss! You were really amazing before. You have easily conquered the support of both employees and the shareholders”, Erica was beaming with happiness. She has always been the fan of her boss's skills.

Lifen looked at the girl's beaming face as she picked up the glass of water from her desk. Slowing sipping the water to make her throat relax, she said ”It's easy to say but it's not that easy to act.  Since I have made them believe me, I need to maintain their trust too”.

”With the crown of trust comes multitudinous responsibility. I can't let them down at any cost”, she said as she set her glass down and got to sit on her chair.

Erica pondered for few moments as she looked at the stack of files she was holding in her arms. 'True! To maintain such high trust of the people around, boss has to work very hard even on her first day of her work', she thought internally and nodded in acceptance.

Lifen looked at the girl who has been busy in her thoughts and chuckled,  ”Okay! Now quickly bring me the files. Let me see what are they!”