Chapter 117 - Sincere confession with some music. (1/2)

”I will do as the lady of my heart commands”, a content smile spread over lips as he started the car. His heart was satisfied, he was satisfied from within at this moment because it was moment where he was sharing his life with Lifen. The thought crossed his mind, ”How amazing would be the days of his life, if he can have Lifen by his side”.

With that thought he tilted his head and stared her with his passionate eyes.

Though Lifen was looking out of the window, but still she could feel his stare. ”I am not the road, on which you are driving your car. So don't stare me like that. Concentrate on your driving or else we will meet with an accident. I don't wanna die so young”, she said without looking at him.

”You are the destination, where my heart is yearning to reach. If I won't look at you then, how would I get my happiness. And don't doubt on my driving skills, I won't let you die. We still haven't shared our old age days. I want to see you getting old gracefully”, Deming said sending shivers of anticipation down her spines.

Her heart skipped a beat, hearing his words. Is it that important for him, to make things so difficult for her? His words are so seductive. The words would have sounded cheesy if anyone else would have said this, but it was his words ”The Great Wang Deming's words”. It can't afford to get cheesy.

”Can't you improve your pick-up lines. It's so cheesy. It's really hard to imagine, how did you impressed Ms.Long with such cheesy lines”, Lifen tried to mock him for his words but he could through her words that her heart was moved.

”Okay! I will try to improve myself...only for you”,he said with all seriousness.

”Ahem...”, Lifen coughed hard. There again he go, seducing her with his words. This drive with him won't be easy for her. She could only request him, ”Please help me get home safely. Please focus on driving”.

”Okay, I won't say anything now. But something else will”, with that he extended his hand to turn on the music system.

A soft song's music on the notes of guitar came and then came the heart warming lyrics, or it may be considered as the words coming direct from his heart.

The river of my heart has finally broken free....My love for you has turned into devotion...Surrender yourself to me...

You've become my necessity...My eyes are saying what's there in my heart...I swear that I'm saying the truth...I won't take a single breath without you...

I've started to love you a lot...I won't take a single breath without you...I've started to love you a lot...I'll die along with you, I've started to love you a lot...

My eyes are saying what's there in my heart...I swear that I'm saying the truth...I won't take a single breath without you...I've started to love you a lot...I'll die along with you...I've started to love you a lot...I've started to love you a lot...

Now my desires for you have reached to such an extent...That I'll snatch you from this world...I have the right to your love...I've even declared this to my god...I won't step on the path where I won't find you...I won't take a single breath without you...I've started to love you a lot...I'll die along with you...I've started to love you a lot...I've started to love you a lot...

O o o ... o o o ... o o o...O o o ... o o o ... o o o...I've started to love you a lot...