Chapter 33 - Dipped in honey before coming out from your mouth. (1/2)


Murphy coughed before entering the room, ”Boss, I have got the medicines for the lady”. Deming ignored him and looked back at Lifen waiting for something interesting coming out in her voice.

Lifen was in short of words. How can she address him like that. ”Sorry Boss, that will be a little indecent. If you don't want me to call you Boss then I would call you Mr.Wang”, Lifen said indifferently.

”That would be boring. Call me by my name then”, Deming said with his lips pursed.

Lifen closed her eyes and gave a thought of calling him by his name. No, she can't call him by his name, that will imply a casual relationship between them. But how to make him agree, he is so stubborn. She opened her eyes and said, ”How about I call you Sir, that would be good”.

Deming saw through her thinking just by a look at her. He grinned,” can call me anything, either Mr.Wang or Boss or Sir but it should be dipped in honey before coming out from your mouth”

Lifen was speechless. Murphy was getting dizzy. He didn't he would be suffering this much. In his imagination, he was already hearing the employees calling him 'Sweetheart', instead of 'Boss'. He thought to himself, ”No this can't happen. I won't be calling him 'sweetheart'. Have he lost his brains?”

”Okay Sir, it's already late. I think I should go and clear the bill”, Lifen said nonchalantly. This was the best way to dodge his creepy flirtatious talks at this moment. As she was about to turn Deming laughed out loud, ”Bill! Little Cat, you will not able to pay it”

Lifen was confused. She knew that the hospital is very pricey but still she was here for only few minutes, it won't cost that much. She can afford it. ”Why? I mean I know I am not that rich compared to you but still I can afford this much”.

Deming's face darkened. He took few steps to close the distance between them,”Who said that you can't afford it? How can you differentiate us like that? It's just that you money is not accepted here. This whole hospital belongs to Wang Corporation, especially this floor is exclusively designed for me”

Lifen was befuddled for some moments but then she carefully presented her words, ”Even if that's the case I don't wanna owe anything to you. Since you said I can pay with my money. In what other ways can I pay it?”

Hearing Lifen's words, his eyes and lips were now emitting devilish ambience. He walked behind Lifen swiftly and whispered in her ear softly, ” How would you like to pay?”. His lips were brushing over her earlobes.

Murphy was standing speechless. He was being deliberately ingnored. If he knew that he would have to face this side of Deming he would have talked to the doctor a little longer but now it was already too late.

Lifen reflexively turned around and made a little distance with him, ”Hey can't you think a little properly...Why are you always thinking in a perverted way?”