26 Chapter 37: Mysterious Young Man (1/2)
Upon entering the throne hall, Prime noticed how massive the space inside is despite being just a clan, and not even a royal palace. Compared to most of the throne rooms we see on Earth, this clan throne room is easily five times larger, and it is also slightly taller in height as well.
The reason why everything in this world here is big, is because ExionSaga planet is ten times larger than Earth. Since the land here is so vast, so people could afford to have big houses, big mansions, big cities, and everything. Even the resources of this world are abundant as well.
At the moment, Prime is not yet inside the main throne room, but rather he's at the lobby area following Conrad from behind as Conrad leads him the way.
Walking on the red carpet in the middle, Prime surveyed his surrounding and he saw many things, such as paintings, human statues, weapons, and so on. Mostly history clan stuff.
Besides that, everything here seems to be very clean and well organized as well, it looks like the maids of this station did an excellent job after all, and Prime was impressed by it.
Eventually, they arrived in front of a giant doorway, which is where the main throne hall is. Just like any doors, they are always guards guarding it, so when they first saw Prime, they initially wanted to stop him, but seeing that he came with Conrad, so they didn't question him and allowed him to enter.
Although, Zoran had told the entire Blue Clan people about Prime's identity, but not everyone had seen Prime's face yet, therefore they are still many who do not know him.
Once the guard opens the door, the first thing Prime saw ahead of him was a middle-aged man sitting on his throne in the middle with his family except for Yela, as she didn't attend the meeting.
On the left and right side of the throne hall, is where the elders and high ranking soldiers are standing while facing their clan master.
”Who the hell is this kid?” said one of the elders when he saw an unknown person came in with Conrad.
It seems like this elder hasn't seen Prime's face yet, therefore he was quite surprised to see a young 16-year-old boy would just come in like that without any respect.
”Hey, kid! How dare you come in like that?!” said another elder angrily.
”What is the meaning of this Conrad? And who is this boy?” said another elder coldly.
”Sorry elder Ragon, but this boy is our important guest PrimeDragon,”
”This kid is PrimeDragon?” said elder Ragon with a surprised look on his face because this is his first seeing the boy that his master Zoran has been mentioning about.
”What?! PrimeDragon?!” said another elder curiously.
”That's right,” replied Conrad respectfully.
”Impossible! He looks so ordinary, and I hardly sense any S-Class aura coming out from him,”
”Alright, everybody, please be quiet!” yelled Zoran.
Only in front of Prime, Zoran would talk so politely and respectfully, almost like he's talking to a King.
”Nothing much,” said Prime, and after that, he began telling them about him wanting to join the tournament.
After a while, ”Ehh!!!” You want to join the Tedora Adventurerer Tournament?!” said Zoran in surprisingly.
”That's right,”
At this point, the whole crowd was in shocked, even Tanya, Conrad and Guran were surprised too. At first, Zoran wanted to ask Prime what's the reason for joining the tournament, but seeing that Prime was pretty determined about it, therefore he didn't question him and said:
”Alright, we will talk to the tournament organizer tomorrow, but I'm afraid you still have to take the trial tomorrow in order to be qualified to participate in the tournament,”
”No problem, that's fine,”
Once Prime had said what he wanted to say, he then left the clan throne room and headed back to his room.
Once Prime left, the whole crowd began to get very noisy again because they couldn't believe that Prime would be joining the tournament together with Guran, Tanya, and Yela they all.
However, at the same time, they were also happy because if Prime win the tournament for them, then the Blue Clan reputation would improve too.
”What a weirdo,” said someone in the crowd, as he didn't understand why someone so powerful would join the tournament when he could just skip, and join one of the most powerful guilds in Azurion city.
”Yeah, even his clothes are weird too. What a mysterious person,”