c44 (1/2)

Defiled Hero ルク 21360K 2022-07-19

Defiled Hero Chapter 044

Defiled Hero

Attack On Castle

The capital of the continent is thriving

Nuhfare, with an uninterrupted flow of huh the crowd

Before long, we came before a tall wall

It's about five meters tall Beyond this wall is the royal castle

「Aren't we going to meet Zenesys?」 (Izayoi)

「That's right We'll climb over this wall to meet him」 (Tsuyuha)

「Do disciples these days sneak into their master's places?」 (Izayoi)

「That's right All of the disciples are doing it these days」 (Tsuyuha)

「Did you think it was impossible even for a moment?」 (Izayoi)

「No, not at all Let's go already」 (Tsuyuha)

I cli on tothe castle

A private garden Zenesys certainly trains here every day

A long ti my sword here as well

「Over here」 (Tsuyuha)

We slipped into the castle through an unlocked door Following Tsuyuha's lead, alked down a large hallway

「You're a familiar face Do you have a permit?」 (Guard)

Having been seen by the guard, he called out

What do we do now?

「Per like that!」 (Tsuyuha)

「Walking grandly through the castle without a perry at me!? Intruders! Two armed intruders!」 (Guard)

The soldier called in a large voice to the other soldiers

「I'm not an intruder!」 (Tsuyuha)

As Tsuyuha said that, she pulled out her sword and knocked down the soldier

「I see So disciples these days assault the castle Sounds good Let hts」 (Izayoi)

「Only the elite of the King-class are allowed to becoot a sirl on your back too, so behave yourself I'll protect you!」 (Tsuyuha)

「I see How unfortunate I wanted to crush the knights too, but I'll leave it to you」 (Izayoi)

「You bastard! Crushi+ng the knights would be treason! That's being nothing but a terrorist!」 (Guard)

「I said I'm not a terrorist or an intruder!」 (Tsuyuha)

As she said that, Tsuyuha took down all of the gathered knights

The knights are the best of those of King rank However, those of Eardless of how ather, it's pointless

Someone of Emperor rank can easily destroy a country

It's no contest if they're only of King rank

「Hey, they're co over here」 (Izayoi)

「I know」 (Tsuyuha)

In an instant, the knights were annihilated The corridor was filled with fallen knights

「Sheesh How rude They were so uncivilized I was born the daughter of a family of nobles」 (Tsuyuha)

「You were brought up well」 (Izayoi)