Chapter 828: Witnessing the end of time (1/2)

Lord Shadow Keikokumars 35200K 2022-07-24

Orvanians had always feared using the Momentum Source to power their technology. This is because the Speed Source is something that seems to have its own Will.

It is this undying Will that have lit up an entire era of Speedsters roaming the entire multiverses in the ancient epoch.

And what is this undying Will is? It is the undying Wil of Asargan. The Will of this Etherna was so strong that even after his destruction, his Will were passed down

Even after his entire race was wiped out, his Will was undying and remains until today.

The Orvanian High Council fears that using such a force that has its own Will might backfire on them

It is not the first time that Orvanian had saw the adverse effect of using something with its own Will.

There were many such example in the Omniverse of such failure.

And anything concerning the Ethernas had always frightened the High Council. The experience with Sithulran had quite alarmed the High Elders.

There is also the fact that Speed Source could be considered chaotic in nature in that it defies the natural order of things.

And a lot of the discovery about Speedster has only reinforced this belief.

Speedsters defies the order of Time and Space.

Their trail could create multiple parallel universes and an infinite world that expanded in a similarly eternal and infinite fashion would sometimes bring upon them the Destroyer to bring balance in the Omniverse

If not that, then there is the Reality Implosion.

Speedsters in the past treated time and space as their playground and this causes chaos in the fabric of reality. And the way they do it is by relying on the Speed Source.

The appearance of such mysterious race on again in the Omniverse have made Sith'venar pause his decision for a while.

He thought hard on what he should do now.

Should he…. force with the mission or leave it to the Speedsters?

It is quite concerning to leave the multiversal frequency to a Speedster who without a doubt is the main chief initiator of this Multiversal Convergence in the first place

They have already detected that the Speed Source was one of the reason why this Multiversal Convergence happens in the first place

This Multiversal Convergence originated from Earth Prime.

Someone had broken through the Time Space continuum and even stretch the Time tunnel to the limit. It means whoever broke through the Time and Space tunnel had witness the end of time

That kind of act, of witnessing the End of all Things…it has a price.

Sith'venar do not know whether what the Speedster saw was truly the end of all things but for Time and Space to be stretched so wide and long that it snapped, there is two possibilities.

It is that Will travel forward trillions of years ahead. Which is impossible considering the readings of the Speed Source that was left behind in the traces of Time and Space tunnel

There is also the fact that if he travels so far into the future, it would create such a powerful backlash of Time that even before he reached the end of the tunnel, he would either die and return to the Speed Source and disappear from Time entirely.

It is impossible to do such an act unless Will had become an existence like Asargan.

The other possibility is the more logical possibility. Instead of calling it logical, it is the only possibility that would explain why the Time and Space was stretched that long.

The readings indicate that the time and space that were bend by Will is around seven hundred to eight hundred years give or take

That is not such a long time to stretch Time and Space tunnel.

It would relate some form of disturbance in Time Space but it would not initiate the breaking of reality and dimensional barrier to this point that even hidden dimension that even The Orvanian do not know was attracted by the frequency of the world