Chapter 754: Time monarch appears (1/2)
The whole world is in chaos and the world Seven Great Powers is moving.
The whole point for the great Powers of the World to maintain power and existed has always been predicated upon the premise that their existence is necessary to protect the world from otherworldly forces.
And regardless of the difference between the great powers, they all agree that otherworldly forces must not be allowed to rule their Earth.
This is because of the bitter experience during the Weronian Occupation.
On the Republic, jean look toward the sky with complicated expression. He is back at the Room of Clocks.
The clocks inside his Room of Clocks appears to have nothing wrong with it. When he fought with Will before, the Room of Clocks in France had some damage done to it.
But in the Republic, in the Room of clocks behind the Senate, a change also had happened.
But returning back, the Room of Clocks in Moscow and the one in France has both been restored to its former appearance.
The sky of the world is now filled with rips of spaces. And he is looking at it, his purple mist surrounded his body.
And he could see something is about to come out from those space rips.
He waves his hand and a monocle papers on his hand. This monocle is not a normal monocle. Its rim is lined with a tiny inscription. If one zooms in one could see a line, a dash, a dot and a symbol of infinity carved on the rim of the monocle.
He put the monocle on his left eye and then check the clocks on his wrist.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
He watches it intently. The sound of the hand of time seems to echoes endlessly in Jean eyes. His eyes seem to be clouded by a purple clouds.
At certain time, the tick and tock goes to fast. At other times, it goes to slow. A few seconds of watching it, then finally the sound of tick tock went back to a uniform pattern.
He sighed
'The time flow is synchronized. Multiversal Convergence started' he said.
He took another step and he is already at the sky. He is near one of the portals. His Time Field is activated. Time stopped around him.
Even the edges of that portal seems to shakes like a different laws trying to affect it.
If not for the strangeness of Laws that covers the portals, the portals would have crumbled into itself.
Jean sighed
'It is not enough'
He closes his eyes and then a few image of himself seems to appears in his mind. Then he grabs the empty space in front of him.
Then suddenly there is many of him all over the sky. There is countless of Jean on the sky. The Time Field that he had constructed seems to decrease in range the moment he did that.
Each of them without consulting one another all went to the space rips. This is unlike Shadow Clone or substitution technique.
This is his technique that he did not show. This is one ability that no one in the world knows about. The ability to grab himself from the past
All of this Jean is the real Jean. They just came from the past and brought to the future to help the current Jean.
The only limitation of this technique is that he could not pull them out if they are too far in the past.
He could not just pull out himself from the past just wily nily.
And he could not use them for long.
Because, for example, if the past him was fighting a beast and his future-self grab that past Jean into the future, he must not let that past him stay too long or in danger to not create a paradox.
If his past-self did not arrive back in time to fight the beast, then the past has changed so the future him that is doing all the thing he did would also disappears.
It might even create an unsolvable Time Loop
He also could not give too much of the knowledge of the future to his past-self which would create another paradox.
It is why it is safer to grab someone in the past that did not have too much of time gap between the two.
And that is what he did now. he did not pull them out from distant past. He pulls them out from around the time of the fight between him and Will.
Because at that time, his past self could predict what would happen if Will and Azief succeed in their endeavors.
When Jean said that it is not enough to Azief, he did not mean about the Time Field power to restrain both of those people.
He at that time had already seen the effect of the Multiversal Convergence so he had said those words.
Because at that time, he was pull out from that particular Time and is on the sky looking at the space rip and helping his own future self in restricting the Time Tunnel.
He then returns back to that particular time of the past and like his future-self he had to also summon his past self to fulfil the things he had done.
He did not like doing this because it could create Time related problems
Jean only take a second from his past self to bring them all out to the present and help him.
The reason why they could remain in the current present without returning back to the past is simply because Jean is using his Time Field to halt time.
This is how he manages to summons a few hundreds of his past self. Each of this Jean is taken from one second of his past self.
When they appear, they all see the space rips, and some immediately understand the cause and effect of all this.
They all fly toward the space rips and uses Time essence to repair the rip in the sky. Time seems to tremble.
Jean had come out to the world stage. In Europe, a large portal opened up in the center of Europe.
All kinds of flying creatures come out of the portal.
They are scouts of the demon-like creatures of Seresian.