Chapter 12 - FOR TOMORROW (1/2)
Outside they walk near the alley. They are searching for zombies. Tan is still pale when they had to face five zombies before they reach here.
The wind carries the smell of rotten flesh.
And it was nauseating…..for both Azief and Tan.
Tan even puked once when he encounters a very gruesome five year old zombie with maggots poking in a hole which appears to be where the brain was.
Wriggling and sticky in the child zombie head, while the boy try to approach near him. Azief slices the boy head like slicing paper, one slice and it's done.
And then they face with the five zombies which hinder their path on circling the residential area.
But it was at that time Tan look at the lightning sped fast reflexes of Azief. Azief moved past the five zombies like water, slicing them like slicing a piece of paper, heads fly in seconds.
It is thanks to Azief that their relatively short journey is safe and secure. If he is alone, tan didn't think he will made it past the second house before he is dead.
Then Azief perked up and brought Tan to another location.
'That is another stiff.' Azief spotted a zombie walking with three of his zombie friends in the back alley.
Azief pointed the zombies to Tan
'Prepare yourselves Tan. I'm going to attack them. Whatever you do don't scream' Tan nodded.
The last time he screams he attracted 10 zombies. If not for Azief dispatching the zombies head, Tan would already be dead.
Even at that time Azief was sweating.
Not because of the 10 zombies but because of the fear. Fear that the ten zombies would then attract more zombies.
And more zombies.
What Azief fears from the zombies has always been their horde. Fighting A lone zombie, he is invincible. Thousands of them? Even he would be overwhelmed. He is not a one man army.
Thinking of this Tan is startled when he hears the sound of Azief dashing from his initial position.
Azief has begun his attack.
Azief dash forward and it was like he was the wind itself, arriving just a few meters from the zombies and with one slice, one of the zombie arms flown away to the nearby drain.
Another zombie went forward and tries to attack Azief. Azief crouch downward with lighting speed, slicing the zombie legs and it was cut clean off.
Comparing the speed of Azief and the zombie is like comparing an oxcart and an F1 race car.
It is incomparable. Of course this comparison make sense because of the zombie slow reaction time.
Azief then jumped from his position, taking some distance from the stiffs.
'Come on Tan. Hurry up and kill these suckers'
Tan also come forward steeling himself and smash the zombie with his staff. Brain matter exploded and one of the vilest smells enter both of the men nostrils.
Azief was about to puke smelling such travesty to any senses it came towards. Not to mention Tan.
Combined that with seeing the zombies maggoty face, and the holes in their body which shows Azief and Tan of what is happening inside the zombie bodies, Azief become faster in dispatching them.
The three zombies are made quick work by Azief and Tan. Then they retreated. This is Azief plans.
To find isolated zombies and defeat them.
'Did you level up?' Azief said when they reach at a safe place. They were in somebody house.
There were one zombie inside the house but Azief quickly dispatch the zombies when he first enters.
The body is ten covered with one of the blankets in the house. After throwing the head outside, there is no threat from the headless corpse anymore.
At least that is what Azief believe and there is nothing that he sees that challenge that belief.
Before Azief cover up the body of the poor man, he did have time to examine the body.
From the looks of it the zombies have wound on his feet. The man must have got bitten and then return back to his house. Azief mused
'I level up to 4.' Tan said when he has clean himself with tap water in the house. Azief get up from his leaning and said.
'Good, let see our loot.' Tan shows the loot to Azief.
'We got a few vials. Some for stamina, some for health, some for spirit.' Tan summarized their loots details.
Azief nodded in satisfaction.
'That is okay. That's good.' Azief said. Azief take the stamina, health vials while spirit is all given to Tan.
'So what now, Azief?' Tan asked
'We keep going. We level up some more. Tomorrow we will go raid the mall. If you level up higher, tomorrow will be easier.'
Tan nodded. They then went out and hunt some more zombies determined to clean up the zombies around the base of their operations.