71 The Stake of the Conques (1/2)

Ghost of Culture Erosire 51230K 2022-07-21

And since the girl did not want to team up with me for this Conquest, I am not going to bother pressing the matter.

I am not going to beg her either.

Not for this kind of thing, obviously. Heh.

It is probably better for me to do this alone as well, especially when no one can see me when I am just a disembodied spirit. Probably.

I am actually unsure about being completely invisible to everyone as a ghost, but it is more than likely from my recent encounter with Zephyr in the hallway.

To be honest, I would have died if it wasn't for the ability to vacate the body and become a ghost.

And while I should have killed Zephyr when I had the chance, I just did not want to kill another person just because I could. Besides, it might create a bad impression of me on other players.

None of them seems to be as crazy as Zephyr.

I mean, none of them have tried to assault me yet.

Is it because Zephyr is a Wrathful Champion? What does that mean exactly, asides from her attempts to fight and kill everyone like Kira had stated? Feels like that is a normal thing for her. Right.

Just like perving is a normal thing to me. Hah!

Am I called a Lustful Champion because the Great Maker himself is the Primordial Sin of Lust?

Sounds very likely. Not that I am complaining. I am a super pervert after all. Ultra-super-duper pervert.


Just hope that my perversion does not cost me my life anytime soon. I need to keep my life to do more perverted stuff. It is my reason to exist. Hah!


”Fine. Be like that. But can I have your name at least? My name is Ghostly by the way. Ghostly Ghost. It was given to me by the Great Maker. He is awesome.”

I response with a frown. Did not really like being rejected. It brings back bad memory, like a way back memory, from when I was in highs school. Real high school.

I am not sure what the hell is this, despite it looking and feeling like a real high school. Probably not a real high school. It is just a setting, based on a Japanese Manga.

The girl cocks head around, allowing me to see her eyes once more. They are pale greyish in color, not normal but not standout either. Strange. I usually like all girls as long as they are not dick. Literally and metaphorically speaking.

Maybe it is because of her power, whatever her power is.

She takes a moment to produce her nametag, just to show me her name. It is not in English. Not even in any language that I have ever seen before.

Looks a lot like Russian though, but not quite. I am under the assumption that everyone is from Earth, but that is not true, at least from her nametag.

Oh. Speaking of nametag, mine is embedded in the wall at the front of the school. Shit. I totally forgot about that when I run off after trying to molest Zephyr.

Well. If anyone asked about it, I will just bullshit my way out. I am good at that. Hah!

”It will be hard for you to pronounce, so I prefer to be called Ripley instead. By the way, are you calling the Primordial Sins the Great Makers?”

Ripley questions. Mostly out of curiosity, I think.

It is hard to tell from her plain face.

”Yup. Because he makes me into what I currently am, and I am grateful for it. Without the Great Maker, I would be trapped… eh…?”

I manage to stop myself from revealing unnecessary information. I cannot give away my secret power, as it will allow other players to counter my ability.

The ability to become an invisible and intangible ghost is the only real advantage that I have. Not quite intangible though. Still can get hurt.

Honestly, the possession power that I have is not for fighting. Well, not fighting directly.

I could find a more indirect way. Like bashing someone head in with a vase. Heh. What? It works.

”Oh, I see. May I ask which Primordial Sin your benefactor is?”

Ripley questions while paying some attention to the protagonist of the story. I am too, and so are the other players, but not as much as her. While I cannot see their thoughts due to them being players, it appears that everyone is formulating their own plan.

I should too. Possess that cunt and get more cunt. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

That is pretty much it. Pretty simple, right?

The objective of the Conquest is to bring the hero and the heroine together. That is pretty much it, at least on the window. Of course, there is a little tooltip that tells me it is fine to create my own ending, as long as it does not involve stupid shit like wasting everyone.

It specifically states do not try and kill everyone in the setting or I will be heavily penalized. I guess that is probably the main reason why none of the other players are murderous. Phew.

”I will tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

I answer while pondering how many Primordial Sins there are. Should be 7 right. Wrath. Lust. Gluttony. Envy. Pride. Sloth. And… Greed. Yeah. That is about it. Why are there 8 players though?

”Primordial Sins of Greed, Avarice.”

Ripley answers. That would make her Greedy Champion. Make sense since she didn't feel like sharing the victory with anyone. Why did she give me a healing potion though?

Oh, that is right, I am going to pay for that. That means I could get her service as long as I dish out the cash? Must be more than what she would get in return for winning the Conquest herself. Probably.

”Primordial Sins of Lust, Erosire.”

I response before casting an eye at Kira, who is sleeping.

He is Slothful Champion. Simply due to his appearance and what he is doing. It is a very good guess.

”Lust? What do you lust for exactly?”

Ripley questions, completely unfazed at talking to me, a now known pervert. I am a Lustful Champion after all.

”Eh? What you mean what do I lust for? Girls, obviously. Cannot be guys. 100% straight here.”

I response, finding the question weird. Lust is lust. What else could it be. Oh, I am curious if I am lustful because of the Great Maker or is it because I am lustful that the Great Maker appears before me. It is probably the latter since I have always been a pervert.


My perversion is powerful enough to drawl the Great Maker to me!

That alone makes me super proud. Like super proud.