68 Exploiting the Conquest Mode (1/2)

Ghost of Culture Erosire 54080K 2022-07-21

In order to save some precious time left on this possession for later fun in a bun, I relinquish my control over the body and return it to Harry Potter.

There is no need to remain in control of his body, especially when he is going to be stuck in this crappy traffic for the next hour or so. Maybe two hours. It is a long drive to the airport, and people are fucking going home in mass right now.

Rush hour is a bitch, and it cannot be helped.

Of course, Harry would still be able to make it in time to pick up his daughter at the airport even if her airplane is delayed by 8 fucking hours. That also means Harry would have to wait or loiter around the airport until her arrival.

More like actually sitting in his car in a carpark some distance away from the airport, all to save some money. Parking at the airport is fucking expensive, and Harry is trying to save every dime he could. He rarely spent anything on himself, and he is somewhat fine with me.

Not me personally though since it is nice to splurge once in a while. Assuming that I actually have the money to do so though.

I do have plenty of plans to get money. Like a shit ton of money, but too bad I cannot spend it without having an actual body. Sure. I could make Harry and his family live a better life, but it would not really solve anything.

As a matter of fact, it might elevate the problem, considering his wife is refusing to let the motel go to retire. His son too, but it is due to another matter.

Throwing money at his problems will not fix it. If anything, it might make the whole thing worst. I have to solve it another way. Why do I have to solve it? Well, just to make up for all the things that I will do with his daughter. Heh.

That makes it fine, right?

Anyway, it would be a lot better to just return home and chill there until the aircraft arrive instead of wandering around the airport.

Or better yet, why not just head back to Richard's place to have more fun with Alice and Sophia. About 4 to 5 hours more fun time when account for all the travel time.

There is an ability available for straight up teleportation, but it costs so fucking much Power Stones to unlock. Everything cost so much Power Stones. Absurd amount.

How do I get more Power Stones? I could chill around for weeks after weeks, waiting for those weekly rewards, but I think people in the overworld are going to complain. They only gift me those awesome Power Stones if I actually get off my ass and do something.

Tsk. Why can't they just give me them for free? But I guess that is not allowed or something.

Anyway, I decide to ask the system about that. It does not cost much SP, but I am running very low on them. Like really low.

[There are several ways to acquire Power Stones. However, most of them are locked due to your level being too low. Only two are available. Battle Royale or Conquest. Fight Arena is not recommended as you currently lack combat capability. You also do not have enough capital to join Battle Royale. As that is the case, Conquest is your only option.]

I can get more Power Stones by attempting Conquests? Cool. And I would love to, but the list is fucking blanked. Utterly blank. There is nothing available on the list despite the little message at the center of the window is telling me that something will be available each week.

A week already passed in the overworld, so why isn't there anything? System?

[This information requires 20SP]

Right. Price hike time, isn't it? Alright, System. Please take my 20SP and tell me something useful. I am begging you here.

The exact amount disappears from my status screen before the System speaks up again. I do hope the System gives me something useful instead of basically robbing me blind. It tends to do that, and I think it is intentional.

[Conquest Mode is uniquely available to everyone who is aiming to reach Zenith. Conquests are given on a weekly basis. Most may only be attempted during that week for a limited number of times. Please note that not every mission can be attempted unless appropriate level is reached. Conquests that isn't attemptable is not shown. Please level up in order to see them.]

The System informs me, making me blink, and that is why the list is emptied at the moment. It is due to my level being way too low. Fucking too low. While that information explains a few things, it is not as helpful as I have hoped it is.

My current situation has not changed. That is why. Fuck!

Oh wait. There is more due to the scroll bar. Should have paid more attention before cursing. Sorry. It feels like I am not progressing much despite spending a lot of points. Precious points.

[Note that Conquest Mode can also be used to access fictional reality (?). Attempting to conquer (?) a fictional reality is considered as a valid conquest regardless of type. Be aware that time and space flow very differently in a fictional reality, usually at a much slower pace than this reality.]

That widen my eyes. Really? That is kind of awesome. Being able to conquer other places. But what is considered as a fictional reality? I will have to check the Cosmic Codex for that, but it is pretty obvious from the name.

And before doing any of that, there are more information on the window for me to read.

[Rewards are usually not given for these types of conquest, however. Normal achievements as well as standard bonuses still apply, depending on how difficult it is to conquer the fictional reality. There are also much to be gained from a fictional reality. For example, most people use a fictional reality to train their skills and powers, as whatever happen in the fictional reality will not affect the world above.]

Oh. Bummer, but not 100%. Standard bonuses and normal achievements still given, so like I would still get Sexual Points if I bang fictional girls? How fictional are they? Hope they are at least 2D.

[There are many restrictions when dealing with a fictional reality, however. Please refer to page 1337 of your manual for more information.]

With the manual, again. I decide to apply for one since applying should not hurt, should it? Who knows, I might get one earlier than 69 millennia. That might as well be never.

But still. Whoever in charge might get off her ass and write me one. I cannot really be the only person who is complaining about this.

More people complaining will put more pressure on her. I think so.

Kind of works for everything else in life though.

Now, the question remains, how do I access fictional reality though?

And whether do I really have to leave my body to do so?

I hope not, especially when there are Spiritual Beasts roaming around the place, hunting for me.