187 The Morning Star Need Not Fear The Dark (1/2)
Because I cannot see in the dark! I fear it!
Why do you fear what you cannot see, childe?
Because something painful might be within it! I might get hurt by it!
Ah, the truth has been revealed. Listen to yourself, you do not fear the dark! You needn't fear it any longer.
What...do you mean?
It is pain that you fear, my childe, not the dark. You fear that pain might hide under a cloak of darkness to strike at you... but that will never happen.
How do you know that?
I know that because I exist, my childe. And as long as I exist, the dark will always be your ally.
...For I am the Sun, and your mother the Moon.
Our light will be with you no matter where you are.
— Excerpt from ”Lu'um Nihtil Ka'an Pavesu” (The Sun and the Moon's Promise)
”...Do you think it's acceptable to lie for the sake of protecting a child's innocence? Many cultures agree that the purity children possess is priceless. It is an irreplaceable treasure. And yet, they are destined to lose it at some point in their lives.”
He had changed in what seemed only an hour's time to him. In the duration that he had gone missing, something truly profound must have happened to him. In fact, everyone had been completely fooled by his incredible transformation, to the point that they had thought him a mysterious stranger when he showed up...
”And yet parents will continue to shield their children. Even in the face of total despair, they will not break the illusory veil they have constructed for their children.”
Everything about him had changed. He had become a giant amongst giants, his dramatic figure now a raven tower of mystery and solemnity. His smoky amber eyes had not moved away from a strange cylindrical container.
The container bore only a single symbol on its exterior — a stylized pictogram of a sun severed in half.
”It is such a beautiful custom, don't you think? They will hush their babes into a peaceful sleep as the Reaper comes to collect what he is owed.”
He appeared a dead man, his skin the shade of a fresh corpse. Colder than the bottom of hell and more distant than the end of the universe.
Velvund had not spoken a word since Reed had returned, opting to only listen instead. Rather than interrupt and pester him with questions, he understood it would do Reed better if he lent him his ear.
Sometimes the only thing a person needs is someone to hear their thoughts. To vent and unload their problems out of themselves. In other words, a cathartic period of respite.
Reed let out an exhausted sigh and said, ”I've finally learned who I am. I know now that I am not the Sun, but rather its pitiful shadow. What I am is nothing more than the negative space of my environment.”
Velvund scratched his chin and said, ”...And?”
...He does not fear me? Even after I made it clear what I am now? Even so, he has not given up on me?
”Why? You know what I am. I am an ene—” asked Reed.
”Because it does not matter what you are or what the world perceives you to be,” said Velvund, his tone severe and scathing.
All he needed was reaffirmation. For someone to show him how to clear the fog that plagued him.
We are our own creators, my son. Do not let anything mislead you about this simple truth. Your parents, your personal history, your friends and enemies — they're just guideposts for you to orient yourself with. Nothing more.”
He was not scared of Reed. He was mad at him.
It was a parent's fury — something that Reed had never experienced before... until now.
The word ”dumbstruck” best described when he realized what had just happened.
Reed did not respond... but he did not seem adverse to the advice Velvund had given him. At the very least, it had calmed him down somewhat, evident by the softening expression on Reed's face.
Velvund internally let out a breath of relief as he patted Reed's head. Even if he had transformed, it did not change the fact that he was still the person inside to him.
A troubled young boy in desperate need of a family.
It was Velvund who had identified Reed when he had arrived, much to the shock of everyone who had been seen him.
He had changed in almost every way possible, except for one little detail.
His eyes. Though they had changed considerably in light of his disappearance, what laid past them had not. It only took a gaze into his eyes to see that uniquely pure soul had not changed in the slightest. If anything, it had only become even purer than before...
Which begot the question — why had he become like this?
”Thank you,” said Reed as a wayward smile formed on his face. He snorted in self-derision and murmured, ”I'll always be in your debt at this rate, though.”
Velvund burst into tears when he heard that and said, ”D-Debt?! Oh, for the love of...!” It was as if he'd heard the funniest joke in the world.
”Huh? What's so funny about that? I don't get it. Did I say something wrong?” said Reed.
Velvund shook his head and said, ”A child doesn't owe their family anything, my fool of a grandson. We're family, not business partners.”
”A-Ah, you're right... That was pretty stupid of me. Sorry about that. Bad habits die hard,” blurted Reed embarrassedly.
Reed stood up and put the odd container inside of his cloak for safekeeping, the only thing he had come back with when he first arrived.
”What is that little thing you've brought back? Some kind of artefact you found in Itroch?” inquired Velvund, curious about the object Reed found so fascinating.
”...Not exactly. It's, well, something... extremely precious to me. I had it secured in a vault of sorts, but I have plans for it now that a special opportunity has arisen.”
Reed stroked the container and said, ”But only time will tell if my idea will work.”
Now there was the boy he knew, thought Velvund. The moment he brought up the odd container, a bit of that cheerful kid he remembered had suddenly returned from the grave. He could practically hear the melody of mischief in the air.
”Well, let's leave that bit of fun aside for now”, warned Velvund. ”There's still work to do. We can't rest just yet. Speaking of which, where is my granddaughter? Why was she not with you when you arrived?”
Therein laid the question Velvund felt most pressing.
Where in the world was the other half of his equation?