185 Let Thy Love Turn A Cruel Man Into A Sain (1/2)

Alma FattyBai 41750K 2022-07-21

Nothing had changed in the last four months since they had arrived. They were at an impasse.

The royal lifeweavers had tried everything at their disposal, but nothing had worked. Some of them blamed the limitations they were beholden to, while others blamed only themselves for not anticipating the possibility and preparing for it.

An unstable spheroid of darkness hovered in a dark place beneath the island of Citlai.

It was a flesh without form. If anything, it'd be safer to say that flux was its form. A hundred sleeping eyes not yet opened. Dreaming of nothing. It was the herald of a terrifying future.

It was Reed.

Over the course of the last four months, the number of seals the royal lifeweavers had placed upon him had increased tenfold. What'd once been a sterile room had turned into a fully-fledged conceptual prison — a construct similar to the one that'd been used to contain the Infested Pupa in Xibalba.

A mile beneath Citlai's Heart, a dreaming cocoon slept in limbo for his own safety and... everyone else's peace of mind.

”He's not responded to any of our probes since the thirty-sixth attempt, my lady. Psycho-wave analysis has determined he is still in a state of deep sleep. No major developments have been detected thus far,” reported the chief of staff, Dafte Pati.

The eminent Mother of the Moon made no sign of her displeasure or concern, but as someone who had known her for far too many lifetimes, Dafte understood her subtle mannerisms. A mother's anxiety was easy enough to recognize without his personal insight, though.

”I promise on the honor of my name, Shaali. I will see this problem through to its end and give you your son back.”

”Of that, I have no doubt, cousin. There is no one better qualified than you for this task. I know you will not fail me,” said Shaali quietly as she gazed at her would-be son-turned-monster. ”Has she been here as of late?”

”The girl? Yes, every day without fail since they arrived, though she has not been permitted to pass through the barrier as per your order. Her assistance has greatly accelerated our progress,” said Dafte.

Spacetime around Reed had grown unstable in the wake of his... metamorphosis. A cocoon of unfettered surreality guarded the infant gestating from any enemies that might try to take advantage of him. It was a corrosive type of defense that harmed all who dared trespass into its domain.

Step inside and you would be unmade down to the simplest elements possible in a matter of seconds. For beings based on Structure, this was a hazardous environment, but for a creature that was not dependent on it...

Purge the rot and then fill in the gaps with Inserted Cognition Therapy (I.C.T) — that was they wished to do.

If D.I.I.P was an eraser to remove mistakes, then I.C.T was the pencil that allowed one to redraw something in that newly expunged space.

Lu'um's role was that of a painter, filling in the gaps of memory that had been removed.

The royal lifeweavers deleted corrupted sectors in his mind and then Lu'um would recreate what had been destroyed from her own memory. There was no better, or rather, other candidate than her for this task.

For wherever Reed was, she had been beside him. This was not a coincidence; it was protocol for this very possibility. A cruel thing, but one meant with the best intentions...

As close as humanely possible, down to the smallest detail — every stray breeze, wrinkle on his shirt, the sound of their cafe's grandfather clock. There could be no mistakes in this task, for even the slightest deviation could lead Reed to suspect that something had been done to him.

Though it was not his place to say it, Dafte couldn't help but feel pity for the girl and said, ”...You shouldn't be so hard on her, Shaali. What happened was not—”

All it took was a simple look from her to silence Dafte mid-sentence. He was no fool. The instant he saw the tepid expression on the woman's face, he felt his blood freeze.

Here was a woman who had the smile of a saintess... and the eyes of a demon. Her amber eyes shimmered with a cold flame of fury, not unlike the fires of Hell.

Shaali would not easily forgive her daughter for this failure. Not by a long shot. She had disappointed her beyond description this time around. Made her look like a fool in front of the entire family.

For when the child failed, it was not their fault. The blame fell on the parents...

Far above, a meeting amongst sisters had commenced in the security of a certain room. One embellished with an inordinate amount of books, artifacts, and other shelved mysteries.

On any other occasion, it would have been a simple gathering between family. Unfortunately, that would not the case this time, thought Lu'um. Today's meeting was more akin to an interrogation session or war council than a social gathering.

One of them, the High Priestess, and the other one, the Daughter of the Sea, she who would inherit her mother's position as firstborn. But it was unquestionably obvious that they had not come to her wearing these costumes.

Though the youngest of the three, Itotia was no fool. After she had been barred from Reed's prison a month ago, she found herself in bitter conflict against her aunt.

She thought it absolutely unacceptable that she, of all people, had been denied passage. The audacity of a mere surrogate telling her that she could not see her own blood was infuriating.

”That woman has grown too comfortable in her appointed seat,” said Itotia. ”Not only has she barred me from entering, but she also will not even permit you to directly establish contact.”