165 We are Fair. We are Generous. We are Just. (1/2)
When the lights came on, the Dreaming Council said, ”Behold, the culmination of our laborious efforts, the Nursery. At the present moment, it is capable of re-educating eight thousand subjects simultaneously with relatively little strain on the facility because of the adaptive neural architecture we have created. Our program has been highly effective at breaking through the cognitive barriers of a subject, allowing us unrestricted access to the subject's mind on an administrative level comparable to that of the subject itself.
And with our integrated systems, we are able to dispense a part of the workload onto re-educated subjects, further reducing the load on our systems. We have detailed reports on the improved efficiency rates brought on by our changes to the Nursery.
...Would you like us to send them to your tomes?”
Reed felt as his head was spinning like a top, even though he was standing perfectly still. A nauseous wave passed through his stomach upward to his mouth, where it was manifested as a comet of bile.
He lurched forward and emptied his guts as his body reflexively gagged out everything he had for breakfast and lunch. It was if he could smell them, even if they had all been encapsulated in airtight, metallic cocoons.
Lu'um supported Reed and said, ”Give me a single reason not to tear you to pieces, creature. This is unforgivable; You have broken the tenets set in place when you agree to become Chosen.”
The Dreaming Council squirmed in its enormous life support tank and said, ”...Is it really? Had we broken the unquestionable tenets set forth by our benefactor, we would have been annihilated long ago by the Will of the World. Millenia have passed and not once have we heard a word of discontent, nor have we been punished.”
Rows upon rows; Stacks upon stacks; Spires upon Spires.
A metallic forest of indefinable evil and unparalleled horror. Reed wanted to look away and never lay eyes on upon the atrocious spectacle, but his entire body had grown numb and frozen. He couldn't tear his eyes away from it.
Each cocoon was a biosynthetic cradle of wriggling, pulsating flesh, and bizarre interwoven circuitry. The bodies within the cocoons had been fused together with the artificially grown flesh-culture to the point that it had almost become impossible to distinguish their original physiques.
Throbbing pipes of flesh could be seen inserted in every orifice that could be seen, as unknown fluid was both pumped in and sucked out, depending on what was required of each subject.
It was a grotesque exhibition of pure efficiency and startling precision that not even the Ancient Mulians would have thought possible. Not in terms of the technology involved, but of the immense ethical violations that were intrinsic to the nature of such a terrible creation.
The Dreaming Council gurgled and said, ”An irrational outburst of emotions will do nothing to further a civil discussion. And as we have previously stated, we have made great efforts to ensure to not break tenet chief tenet set forth by our benefactor: To not injure or kill any Mortal.
We have abided to this tenet, as you can see behind us with the Nursery. Each incubation pod is capable of fully supporting the basic needs of the individual contained within it. Sustenance and medication are provided and waste materials are collected for dispensation and recycling. All subjects are kept in a safe, compartmentalized, climate-controlled setting and their life signs are constantly being checked under our careful supervision. To date we have not lost a single subject to any unforeseen complications since the Nursery's inception.”
Reed shook his head and coldly said, ”You're monsters. This is how you have been keeping the peace? Abducting anyone who speaks against you into this dungeon of nightmares?”
Velvund listened to his grandson's argument and felt his heart ache. This was he did not want him to learn the truth. The old Alf would have gladly stained his hands for Reed if meant that he would have not had to...
”We are no tyrants. Never have we abused our power for our own interests because... we have no interests. We act only as faithful servants of our benefactor's will, following Her tenets as the basis for the laws of the Four Empires.
We are neither Human, Avunian, Eisalon, Cunian, Yulanti, Isavli, or Faai. We are a collective of them all. We are many-are-in-one. We are kin with all peoples of Mulia and therefore, hold no biases toward any particular race, nationality, religion, or gender.”
It was a difficult pill to swallow, but the Dreaming Council had not lied to Reed. They, for as inhuman as they were, had truly pledged themselves toward the preservation of life in Mulia. None of the individuals who were now the completed entity that was the Dreaming Council had been forced to join.
Every single person who had joined, the Four Sovereigns included, had volunteered themselves for the project.
Reed gazed the enormous, twisted blob of fused flesh that was the Dreaming Council and said, ”Brainwashing? This is how you correct things? By turning people into walking husks of flesh when they conspire against you? Admit it: Were it not for the contracts you hold with the Will of the World you would have straight up killed them. You are tyrants.”
”Tell us then, what are we to do when our subjects, both Mortals and Chosen, come for our head and throne? When these foolish usurpers decide that the peace we have created is worth less than their personal ambitions and desires?”
The Dreaming Council conjured a scene of the hellish fire, undue suffering, and tyrannical oppression with the liquid Anima in tank life support tank.