162 The Perfect Knigh (1/2)
Soft, smooth, and warm to the touch, much like the original — for all intents and purposes, it was as faithful a replica as anyone could have managed. Reed gently caressed the cloak in his hands as he inspected it from seam to seam in search of any possible flaws or imperfections. It had none to speak of.
He could not find a reason to be upset about the replica in his hands. Whichever artisan made the cloak had clearly put an astounding amount of effort into its production, such that it had left Reed without words.
What would she have thought about this situation? Would she have felt pride, embarrassment, or annoyance that she had posthumously become a symbol? I can't imagine her being too happy about becoming a children's toy.
Reed chuckled. He wagered that she would have probably been delighted in secret, the troublesome woman she was at heart. Not that she would have ever admitted it to him, or anyone else, though...
”Do you... like it?” Lu'um said, ”I had this one personally made for you, dear. I personally oversaw the production of this cloak myself since it was used as the original template for the upcoming mass-production models. The manufacturer doesn't need it anymore though, after it was thoroughly scanned and digitized for archival.”
”...How were you able to reconstruct such a flawless replica?”
Lu'um tapped her head and said, ”It's all up here; I've got a pretty darn good memory. Though we also used recorded footage from the past as reference material as well to make sure that we got the design down perfectly. Old photographs and video recordings of you from back then were used...”
Reed put down the cloak on the table in front of him and picked up a different garment — the sliver cloak with the lunar motif.
”Ah, I designed that one that myself based on the... original. The final mass-production flight-matrix weaved into it will leave a sparkling aftereffect, like a comet's tail. In comparison, your cloak will have something more attuned for boys — a fiery flame effect, perhaps. Something in that relative ballpark, I have been told.”
”Very cute. Reel in both the boys and the girls. Get their parents to cough up the dough, no matter what kind of child they have. Anything else I should know about? What other parts of my life are planning to monetize and use for your machinations?”
Velvund took a sip of his tea and said, ”My boy, you know full well that we would never stoop so for something as trivial as wealth. You are a prince of an empire, my son. Take that for what it is in truth.
If we really wanted to, we could simply hand out the cloaks for free to every single child on the continent — it would not affect the royal treasury in the slightest.”
”Then why not do that? Give to them and let the kids play.”
Truth be told, we have already manufactured several million cloaks already — more than enough to begin selling them today if we wanted to, but the sudden purchases of these cloaks would not fit into the budgets of the families with the lowest incomes on the continent.
Lu'um interjected and said, ”By pushing the release date of the cloaks to New Saint's Day at the of the year, we've given these parents more than half a year to prepare for the purchase. They can save up for the cloaks without worry about their children being left out had we released them today.”
”Then why not give them out for free on New Saint's day, then? A gift from the East's royal family to the continent?”
Velvund slowly shook his head and said, ”If only you understood how precious and irreplaceable the joy of your child is. Watching your children open up their presents on New Saint's Day is as much a pleasure to them as it is to their parents. We cannot rob that away from the parents, as well-intentioned as your proposal is at its core, my son.
Parents live to provide for the children — to see that they grow up as happy and fulfilled as they can manage. There is an indescribable sense of pride and happiness seeing that you have made your child's dreams come true — if only on a single day — on the morning of New Saint's Day.
I know you'll understand this in time when you, too, become a father, my son.”
Reed paused for a moment and then said, ”I guess you're right. I mean, I clearly have no right to contest your judgment on this matter since I am no parent. I suppose I don't understand this... aspect of New Saint's Day because I've only celebrated it with Maya.
A-Ah, but don't get me wrong! It was still a very enjoyable experience with her and I loved the whole concept about it the moment I was introduced to it. I could have never thought that an old Human holiday would have ever become so popular amongst other races, though...”
Lu'um and Velvund felt as if their hearts had been twisted when they listened to Reed try to excuse himself. They both lamented that he had been robbed of something truly priceless... his childhood. It was an unforgivable cruelty, but there was nothing they could do about that loss. The only thing they could do now was make it up to him in some other form — give him the opportunities that he did not have back then, now.
What Fate would not provide this poor boy, they would provide to him.
And return, Reed would do the same for every child in Mulia in the future. He would provide security, stability, and prosperity to all in Mulia.