21 You Did What? (1/2)
”What? It's just a regular beam attack. Honestly, it's more of a cheap shot more than anything.”
That's a cheap shot for you!? What the hell has Violett been teaching you!? Oh god...
The group stared at Reed as if he were a monster and struggled to find their words. All they were able to do was stare at the sea in silence.
It was a wake-up call for all of them -- the fact that Reed had long since surpassed drove them up the wall. The guy who had spent the last week sipping fruit smoothies as he loafed around the beach was strongest out of all of them?
While they've been bitterly training themselves, this lazy bastard's been ahead of them the whole time? The beach bum was secretly the top ranker?
Who's writing this shitty story, huh? It was too much for these sheltered geniuses to handle, even if they were friends.
Reed who was busy scraping out coconut meat was oblivious to the intense gazes that fell upon him. For better or worse, the heated stares those princes and princesses went over his head. If he had noticed, only God knew what sort of infuriating things he would have said.
As soon as he noticed that they had all started walking away Reed hollered out, ”Hey! Where you are guys going? What's wrong!?” Unfortunately, he received did not receive a response from them. They silently trudged back in the direction of the training chambers and ignored the beach bum's questions...
Rude bastards, ignoring me like that! What the hell is up with them? This some new form of bullying or something? Ahh, screw 'em...
The boy eventually stopped caring about them and drifted off into slumber as the gentle breeze rocked his hammock to and fro.
Since that day, Reed met with his friends less and less. They stopped showing up to play and began zealously dedicating their time to practice.
Their change in behavior completely caught him off guard. It was like they'd transformed into other people overnight. Even Sebastian took his training seriously and kicked Reed out of his training chamber when he had come to hang out.
When Reed asked him why he'd gotten so serious about his training he looked at him like he was an asshole and said, ”You of all people wouldn't understand. To think that we of all people be left behind...”
He then proceeded to kick him out by threatening to snitch on him to Astrid if he didn't leave immediately.
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Once Reed saw the tape, he thoroughly apologized for interrupting Sebastian's training and left hurriedly. That day he understood how devious and underhanded some people could be. He also swore to himself that he'd steal or destroy that tape one day. The mere thought of that tape going public would spell the end of his social life.
Reed left the training grounds with his spirit broken and returned home since he had nothing better to do. He felt his life crawl to a halt as he spent his days aimlessly wandering around the island alone when he wasn't training.
He was starting to break down. Confined to the island, Reed had long since gotten bored of loafing around the beach. The familiar, unchanging scenery was starting to irritate him. What he needed was goddamned stimulation.
This island paradise had turned into a wretched prison for Reed. But what could he even do about it? Violett had already warned him of what would happen to him the next time he snuck out; it would be a death sentence if he did it again...
Violett felt a headache coming on and sighed when she heard the boy's complaints. He was such a handful at times she thought as she looked at the glum boy's face.
”Would you like to train with me some more instead? It'll take your mind off your boredom for a little while,” she asked.
”What's the point of that? We both know how our battles always end up becoming fights of attrition that I never win because you have a stronger body than me. You're an indestructible wall, so why even bother? It's a fucking farce.”
She couldn't tell if the cheeky bastard was complimenting or insulting her, but the way he worded his reply irritated her. He really did have his own unique method of being an oblivious asshole.
”Okaaay, then why don't you try the challenge zone? Give it a shot. If you make it to the bottom on your own, you'll receive a special prize that few people ever get.” She was beginning to feel an awful sensation creeping up her spine. Her instincts were telling her that something was wrong.
”...But I already did that a week ago? Why would I want to do it again?” He lazily tossed and turned on the sofa as he surfed through the nexus on his holopad fruitlessly.
”Didn't find a prize down there, just a lotta nothing, so I left after I finished the challenge. I assumed you were just baiting us with a nonexistent prize, right?”