134 Chapter 129 : The long battle for survival part 9 (1/2)

” Saint? ”

” Isn't the pressure exerted out his body corresponds to a peak order aura king cultivation? ”

Lowering his brows down a little, mark questioned Cela with a confused face.

Rule was a typical peak order aura king, the cultivation which mark was able to see even without the assistance from the system itself through his own experience.

In Mark's eyes, Rule was much weaker than the abyss demon he battled before.

After going through a thing called first refinement, marks strength jumped qualitatively.

He could feel that an ordinary initial order aura king would pose no threat to him at present, even without the use of his treasured blades.

Not to mention the existence of ”ways of strength” Marks overall power could now challenge a high order aura king, which was a step below the cultivation of Rule which seemed to be lacking a little in terms of stability.

Though mark had to use hidden cards of his, for defeating the abyss demon.

Mark was sure that if a battle between Rule and him were to take place, he may not necessarily face a disadvantage in terms of experience or be defeated easily.

But looking at Rule, mark could figure that he wasn't a person of humble background and might necessarily be an important person to her organisation.

” Aura king? Young boy from Milton what's really an Aura king? ”

As if the term called aura king been new to her ears, cela question back in confusion.

” Don't tell me that the existence of upper world do exists, and the cultivators of spirit saint realm are called as aura kings in there? ”

Cela exclaimed it internally, and was a bit eager in hearing about the concept called aura kings.

” Ding! Don't reveal much about your original world? ”

Aina bellowed out angrily, suggesting mark to not slip much about the matters of his world.

” Why? ”

Mark asked curiously, only to get a reply from her which stated

” Ding! Cause the matters of your world has a thing related to...

Wait for a time! This Aina will say those things why when the time is...

Right now host should prioritize in escaping out the palace, it's not safe to stay here for a long time! ”

Though he couldn't figure out the reason why Aina was restraining him from exclaiming out his matters.

But the thing that he needs to escape out this palace immediately could be understood by him.

” It's nothing much to become curious about , but are you all waiting for him to exit out his cultivation? ”

Since some things were not to be divulged at present, mark thought of shifting the topic to an another and guessed out their purpose for staying back in the mansion.

” Yes! ”

Cela replied back being displeased, as mark was not willing to say the term she asked out for.

” First thing they are weak and second their comerad is present in a critical phase of cultivation... yes it would be the right choice as present! ”

Muttering these few lines out his mouth, lightly, Mark looked at the figure of cela devicing a plan.

” What's he trying to do? ” Cela questioned internally.

Mark took a deep breath before stating ” I'll search for others survivors and clear a safe way for your group to exit.

How about helping helping me with that thing? ”

Mark asked with a honest face.

” What are you trying to say? ” Cela was not able to under what mark was trying to say about.

” I mean I am going to search for survivors, the ones that aren't still cursed to become an undead! ”

Extending his hand to her, mark exclaimed out waiting for her response.

” Survivors... yes, we can be called as such. But still, looking for them in hundred such mansions is not as easy as you think it would be! ”

Cela gave her honest thought about marks plan.

Just searching for a mansion entirely might take hours, considering the numbers this palace might have, it might actually take days going through the palace to search for a survivor who might still be alive by then.

In her reasoning it would be a waste of time, and also considering the fact that rule needs protection, her absence would also endanger his life in the threat of undead.


Traversing at the back of Cela for a second, mark tapped her shoulder lightly, before traversing back at her front, revealing his traversing ability for the second time, if she had failed to recognize it before, when they just met at the terrace after wiping the undead outside the mansion.

” Divine ability! ”

Now only did the group of five understood the reason as to how mark made his sudden appearance before.

” Good! With this Divine ability I think his plan might actually work for real! ”

Cela exclaimed out excitingly.

” But still... do you have any idea for guarding him while he's ( Rule ) cultivating. ”

Cela asked out hesitantly.


Taking a pen out the systems storage, mark drew some weird lines which took shape of a rune and by the end of a minute, a minor array in leaf green was drawn before them right on the terrace.

” Array mastery! ”

The students of Cela agaped in surprise.

” He's a Milton right?

No wonder... he's been taught array mastery! And his proficiency...

” The hell to begin with! Isn't that a class 2 mana array? ”

Not just them, but this time even Cela had failed to control her impulse and exclaimed out in surprise.

” Finished! Greenwind slaughter array had been constructed! ”

Mark sat down immediately after constructing the array.

Since it was his first time constructing an array, mark felt a bit exhausting and felt like taking a small break.


Half the mana stones which he collected since his adventures started pouring out, each of different shades and different sizes with a strange aura of exquisite around them.


A revolving Green bolt was instantly formed on the sky, which descended straight towards a small group of undead that were rushing towards the mansion, attracted by the spirit waves emitted by Rule.

A medium sized crater of ten meters radius formed instantly, shaking the ground thoroughly, which completely vaporized the undead along with the ground beneath their feet.

” Too powerful ”

Celtia among the group of Cela's students jumped up being excited.

A single bolt of green light had killed the numbers which they took minutes to accomplish.

” With this array, unless a powerful undead pops up, it could completely eradicate all things that comes in its trajectory, with a wide range of explosion.

” Now that every thing is planned, how about we start searching for others? I mean for survivors! ”

Like earlier, mark extended his hands and asked for Cela to grab it.

” Alright! Listen well you kids, we are going out to find survivors, don't mess with this array, use them only when abundant number of undead pops up! ”

Just step in and think where to launch the green bolt, the array will take care of the rest, simple enough right? ”

Mark exclaimed out hinting them that the array was not a thing to play for fun as it is deadly.

” If I find that you have played with it, don't blame me your teacher for not going easy on you! ”

Right after Mark, Cela counselled them threateningly, clenching her fist as if the punishment she'll impose on them wouldn't be a simple thing they could bear.


Within a single snap, both the figures of mark along with cela got disappeared from the terrace, before popping at the ground few tens of meters away from the mansion.


Right after they popped out on ground, mark used it again and again traversing few tens of meters with each use.

Within seconds they soon reached a mansion which was dead silent as if the possibility of life was not present within it to begin with.

Wendy's mansion.

” Ding! No survivors are present in the mansion, leave for the next one! ”

System ( Aina) exclaimed out stating that it was useless to search for a survivor in this place as there were no survivors to begin with.

” Wendy's mansion! ”

Stating it excitingly Cela let go of marks hands before trying to head in.

” Cela... wait! ” Mark exclaimed out in a low tone, telling her to halt her from wasting further time.

” Let's search for her! Poor girl, she might be hiding in a remote corner waiting for help to arrive? ”

” Stop! ”

Mark exclaimed out grabbing her hands tightly, as if it was useless to search inside.

” What are trying to say? I know that the undead are lurking in, but still we'll save that little innocent girl, who knows she might have closed her doors waiting for us to rescue! ”

” Cela! I don't find the aura of a living being inside! That Wendy girl you were talking about might be cursed to begin with! ”

Mark let his words depressingly. But cela done a foolish thing which made her get on his nerves.

” You must be... ”


Cela broke apart the mansions gate with a large fire ball and made her way in.

” This divine maiden... I asked her out to help me. But look, she's creating more trouble than I could bear at present! ”

Exclaiming it out angrily, mark followed her in before arriving at the door before which she she remained standing still.

” The doors isn't locked, do I open it or not? ” Cela muttered in and was a little frightened thinking of finding the innocent girl she know become an undead.

” Cela, are you out of your mind? What did I just said? It's useless searching for survivors in here! ”