116 Chapter 111 : First mission! (1/2)
” Run? ”
Mark was startled ” Never in my life, had I ran away from the face of troubles!
Even if the mutants were to pop up, I had promised her to give it a try. And this silver masked youth, expect me to run away from this Ebnizer girl!
Is she more frightening than the overpowered mutant? I don't believe it! ” Mark was annoyed by her warnings.
His doppelganger had given him enough trouble, followed by nebula who started attacking him for no reason, and now this ebnizer girl he should escape from, mark felt himself being wronged here.
Just when mark was about to refute silver mask, he found himself to be dragged. Straight towards the direction of circular platform.
” A huge board! ” mark muttered out in surprise.
Earlier, few things were masked from his sight! As he was not eligible that time.
Now that he died for the tenth time, a huge five meters board presenting all the names of the registered were present.
Mark hadn't found his name to printed on the list. He frowned about, only to be clarified that he hadn't yet registered his name to begin with.
Catching the left hand of mark, tighter, silver masked youth scanned mark's palm over a virtually created control board in blue, present floating right next to the circular stage.
Mark was able to see through to the other side, as it was translucent, which made it resemble quite similar to the systems interface.
His body jolted all of a sudden from bottom.
When the scanning took place, his palm felt some thing slimy, as if some random group of earthworms were crawling right underneath his palm.
The process was completed in a second, shortly followed by an abrupt ding that alarmed him.
It was heard not just to him, but to everyone present around, as it was coming from the control board, floating in front of him.
A wide black panel popped out, which asked mark to type his name on it.
” Interesting! ”
Before he could raise his other hand, Silver masked youth had finished typing the name [MARK WHITE] and closed the tab for submission.
” Ding! The individual number 112 has been registered as ”Mark White”! Please confirm the name for a second time... further changes could not be taken place once the... ”
Before the high pitched voice of system could finish exclaiming it out, silver masked youth had proceeded with the ”confirm” button which heavily started mark.
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” Fuck! Before, had I spelled my name wrongly, wouldn't this silver mask registered my name as such? ” Mark cursed the person before him for his rashness.
” Finally he left my hand! ”
When the registration was overed, mark sighed in with a breath of relief, as the silver masked youth finally left his grab.
Mysteriously! Despite the initial attempt to break away, mark wasn't able to force away from this youth, much less to fight against him and stop this haste.
” Just who's that Ebnizer by the way? This silver masked youth is getting overly frightened of her tyranny! ” Mark questioned out in surprise.
The silver masked youth didn't bother with him, took a random mission paper hung on the 5×5M mission board and stamped it on marks heart, before pushing him to the circular cultivation stage in haste.
Mark fell down to the circular platform, when his legs got tripped by the elevated stage.
” The hell! What's wrong with his brains? couldn't he just ask me to step on it politely, is there a need to use violence? ” Mark felt like cursing him.
But all of a sudden, a intermittent pain ran through his body. Starting from his limbs which then spread to rest of the body.
Though it was intense, it was still tolerable by him!
” What's happening with my body? ” Mark was frightened. Along with pain, his body started dispersing into specks of light, which got disappeared in air.
It was as if his life was ending at this moment, which frightened mark.
As he was disappearing, a silhouette started to take shape, which appeared to be a lady. She appeared tough and quite intimidating to begin with.
But the lookers can only sigh out, being dissapointed, as she had worn mercenary like dress, which lowered her beauty by a little.
A huge broad sword hung on her back, which almost had exceeded twice the size of her body, considering the hilt whose length had exceeded her entire arm.
She was wearing steel coloured armour over her plain looking dress. A thin shoulder guard attached to a chest piece covering the curvatures on top, while a leather like valkyrie skirt, platted with metal was guarding her lower part, which reached down till her ankles.
Her abbs were clearly visible on tightened dress, and her figure looked quite well trained.
Her blond hair was particularly attractive and made her distinct from others, that were popping around.
She along with her mates had started to appear, from the speck of light particles, quite reverse to the case of mark, where he was dissipating into them.
She turned towards mark, examining his face that seemed new.
She gave a casual smile which left a deep impression of her in his mind, as if an old desolate beast was glaring at him, he felt shivers down his spine.
He could never forget her face even if he wanted to, as she somehow resembled his beautiful and bashful wife, whom he was eager to meet form six long years.
But to do so, Mark needs to reach aura lord realm, so that he could access that personal space of his.
But contrary to him, the ones around were frightened quite a bit, as if she was the one that made their souls freeze in fright.
The silver mask who was very much eager to send him away was now standing still like a frightened stick, when this blond beauty appeared before him.
” So... it should be her, the reason why the silver masked youth wants to send me away? ” mark guessed out.
Mark found himself to be dragged to an different space, he found himself to be travelling in void, in midst of countless shining white stars.
Before he could even reason out, what's happening around? He was popped into a strange place without a prior warning.
The surroundings were dark, his breathing felt heavier. Ear piercing sounds of lightning were paining his ears.
Freezing cold winds were blown against his face, as if it was intended to ice him.
” Wait... Not again!! ” Mark bellowed out in anger.
His body was drenching with droplets of water, presumably from rain, and few droplets had entered his eyes, which blurred his vision.
Tens of meters of high waves, made of water was forming on the oceans surface, and he mark was falling from the sky straight into them.
All of a sudden, an ear piercing roar accompanied by barrage of terrifying amount of shock waves hit mark.
” Fuck! It pains damn it! Feels like killing me! Just what sin had I done to get this punishment? ”
Mark cursed at the attacker, who almost had crippled him half way, leaving behind a large number of hidden injuries, that weren't visible to naked eyes.
Accompanying a large amount of killing intent, two mountain sized pair of eyes reveled outwards, which were shined like illuminating pearls in the face of darkness. The pupils were moving around as if were some marvellous creation.
Unlike its skin that appeared quite hideous, it's golden pupils were illuminating the surroundings brightly like a lamp from the light houses.
It's dense black hide with occasional bloody patches had made it look like a terrifying beast, and countless smaller demons were being popped on it's hide.
Mark wasn't able to see through its stats, even if he wanted to, as his level was too low compared to it.
” The hell! How could a monster grow to such... such lengths? ” Mark could not believe what he just saw this instant.
The colossal beast had a huge build, that far exceeds tens of kilometres in size, Its tentacles were large and were capable of killing emperor class experts as easy as smashing ants!
Even farthur from flame glory had paled before it and did not had such might to rival.
” Do I really have to... fight this thing? ” Mark, who was still diving in the air, bellowed out in fright.
Despite his sudden appearance, which popped up in the sky. The eight tentacled creature had not tried bothering him, as it was busy engaging in a battle against a huge battleships, that sized tens of times bigger than the ones Kaiser storm used to have.
Colossal existences were fighting evenly, and each move made by them were generating storms, generating waves of tsunamies that were tall enough to swallow a city in flash.
Unfortunately, mark was falling straight towards one battleship, and was going to be drawn in midst the battle between these colossal existences.
A projectile from the flying ship has mistakenly taken mark to be a magic beast, summoned by the giant colossal creature, and landed a hit over him.
” The hell! ” A bomb was blasted on mark, and his little figure got crashed over the battle ship, which broke through few floors before finally stopping at a certain depth.