Chapter 61: Generosity (1/2)

Chapter 61: Generosity

Translator: Sparrow TranslationsEditor:

“Stop talking…” Ji Guang frantically reminded. But it was too late, the Winged Sea Leopard had already heard Ding Bu’Er’s voice. With this, it kicked the other lucky survivor to one side, and pounced in Mo Wuji’s direction.

“Everyone attack!” As the snarling Winged Sea Leopard sprang towards them, Ji Guang instinctively raised his glistening blade, facing his rabid foe with fiery defiance in his eyes. Gao Juan and the injured Sun Liyan followed suit. Although Ding Bu’Er was weaker than the rest, but he had caused this situation to develop, hence he rushed forward without hesitation too.

Out of the five of them, only Mo Wuji hung back. Not only did he hang back, but he stood completely still. He did so not out of the fear of death, but he was observing the surroundings ever since he heard Ji Guang describe the Arrow Shooting Beast. The combined effort of four men should be able to keep the Winged Sea Leopard under control, so it meant little if he did not participate. Instead, Mo Wuji expressed greater concern for the Arrow Shooting Beast that hurt Sun Liyan. Direct attacks are easy to dodge, but it’s much harder to avoid sneak attacks. The presence of a camouflaged Arrow Shooting Beast worried Mo Wuji more.

Indeed the events played out almost exactly as what Mo Wuji predicted it to be: Ji Guang and Co. basically absorbed the attacks of the Winged Sea Leopard. While the Winged Sea Leopard possessed a high level of brute strength, it lacked mobility. Out of the four that surrounded it, three of them, excluding Ding Bu’Er, were battle-hardened with plenty of experience. Taking advantage of this, they fought to a standstill with the Winged Sea Leopard. However, gaps began to show in their offensive. The Winged Sea Leopard seized the opportunity and leveraged on its size to charge ferociously at them. Sun Liyan’s injuries acted up, and within a few minutes Ding Bu’Er’s lack of strength started to show. Unable to stand up against the force that hit him, Ding Bu’Er was knocked back and left a gap behind. The Winged Sea Leopard saw this, and snapped at the opportunity, biting at Ding Bu’Er.

Unfortunately, Ding Bu’Er’s repetitive moves had no way of adapting to the situation. As he was about to be eaten by the Winged Sea Leopard, Mo Wuji let go of all restraint and was about to leap forward. At that moment, a black shadow shot forth like an arrow, piercing through the air towards Ji Guang.

Once Mo Wuji noticed that Ji Guang was also heading to rescue Ding Bu’Er, he immediately turned around to face the arrow. Now he could focus on blocking the sneak attack.

“Ding!” The jet black arrow deflected off Mo Wuji’s drawn blade. Fortunately, he was already at Channel Opening Stage Level One, thus he could dissipate the great force that accompanied the arrow. If he were in his pre-cultivation state, this force would have been sufficient to blow him away.

After successfully shielding Ji Guang from the black arrow, Mo Wuji kicked hard against the ground, directly pouncing at a piece of exposed coral. He observed the jet black arrow originating from this particular piece. Putting one and one together, he inferred that this was the Arrow Shooting Beast. Against such a vile and cunning creature, fighting from a distance would be looking for death.

Being Channel Opening Stage Level 1, coupled with 27 opened meridians, although he had not progressed to the next level, Mo Wuji’s explosiveness was off the charts. A distance of over 10m was covered in a second. His long blade tore through the air with a whoosh.

The unexpected attack caught the Arrow Shooting Beast by surprise. Never had it considered the possibility that Mo Wuji could block its arrow. Combined with the fast reaction time of Mo Wuji, the beast could only watch helplessly as the blade cut through its flesh.

While the cut appeared on the coral, but there was the sensation of slashing through flesh. A stream of fresh blood flowed out, and the coral transformed into a shadow once again, disappearing from under the blade.