59 Hard Decison Ahead pt2 (1/2)
Eros understood the situation. He didn't want to kill them from a misunderstanding but then he realize that they threw a spear at him.
''You say that you don't want to war with us but you threw a spear at us. ''Eros said,
'' That wasn't for you but for the goblin behind you. ''he said,
Everyone turn around and looked for at the goblin impale on the spear Eros was sure that they didn't want a fight.
'' Why are you telling us this. ''Eros said,
''Because we are not your enemies and we came out here to thank you.''He said,
''Why would you thank us. ''Eros said,
''Because you been killing those greedy gobbling. ''The goblin said,
''This season is not the best time for us to fight those gobbling.''he said,
Eros and the goblin talk for a few min than Eros went back to the castle. Eros told Ezra and Nalon everything. During their conversation everyone heard screaming a maid came running in the room scared the little boy that they took in bite one of the other maid.
All three of them rushed in the room they saw the maid's gather in a corner with mops and brooms protecting them self. The boy was scared and was bend over in a cat position. He was going to attack them.
''Stop'' Ezra said,
''Leave now'' Ezra told the maid's
When they walked pass her she told them'' Make sure you take the injure to get heal''
''He is a vampire. ''Eros said,
''How do you know? ''Nolan said,
''Eros have a tight connection with vampire I believe your best friend is one?”
''He not my best friend he is a leach and a blood sucking animal. He is annoying! ''Eros said,
''How did you meet him?'' Eros said,
''It kind of a long story''
Ezra thought that he was hungry and that why he bite the maid so she went over there to feed him While Eros and Nolan was distracted talking. Ezra rolled up her sleeve and let the little boy drink her blood Eros glade over and saw that he was doing.
''Ezra don't do that''
Ezra looked over to Eros
''Did I do something wrong? ''Ezra said,
''They are not allowed to feed off of the opposite sex. ''Eros said,
'' Why?''