43 Lover Day (2/2)
''Shut up and get out my way. ''Eros said, enraged
Maui was standing in front of Eros and he moved aside. Maui pissed off Eros from that day on Eros started seeing Less and Less of Leela.
Day of the Lover
The day of the lovers is a event for single and married couple for the married couple they spent a lot of time together. For the single is much different if you like someone and you want to start dating them you give that person a gift . Everything must be handmade for the woman they must receives only Jewelry and for the men it must be part of clothing. If that person wear the gift that mean they expect the other person feeling . This event last for five days and everyone started to make gift to give to their crush.
.The tent has decorations up to celebrated the event everyone seem to be in a good mood Nolan gave everyone off one day so they could hand everyone their gifts Eros didn't knew nothing about the holiday so he didn't make Leela a gift he became pissed off when he saw everyone giving her attention .Their was this one guy that really piss Eros off became he was so persistent. Many times he would come over when Eros was spending time with Leela and presuade Leela to go with him instead.
This happen all the time finally Eros and Leela could hang out in peace and he enjoy the conversation that was going on until Leela brought up that she was going on a date with that guy he don't like. The next day Leela went on her day But Eros crash in the middle of it and took her out forceful he picked her up and put her over his shoulder.
In the middle of the wood.
''Put me down Leela yelled, She was kicking and hitting him
Eros put her down as they was walking Leela slapped him in the face.
''What the hell is wrong with you? ''Leela said,
''I don't like those guys at all why are you with him? ''Eros yelled,
''What do you like about him and why on God green earth would you embarrassed me like that. ''Leela said,
''Because he is an asshole he don't deserve you. You should have someone better than him. ''Eros
''Like Who ? Someone like you ? I don't get you are all i asked you a million time to be more than friends but you turn me down. Now that someone else is showing me attention your jealous and you have ever Right to be because I am a beautiful person inside and out. I am loyal to my partner any man would be happy to have me. Did you really think that no one would pursue me? ''Eros said,