4 Jealousy,Jealousy (1/2)
Ballroom Event: Friday
Novella ran into Ezra room and jumped on her bed
”Wake her up!!” Novella yelled excitedly
Novella had a big smile on her face; she was so excited that she couldn't help but smile.
”Get up it is time to wake up” Novella said
” Its too early I want to sleep,” Ezra lazily said
” You can't sleep we have things to do we have pre-interviews, Dinner meetings then to the party we go, so wake up,” Novella said
”I am too tired,” Ezra said.
” Well if you don't wake up I guess you can't see Prince Van” Novella said
''Prince Van?” Ezra peeked an eye at her sister
” Yup he downstairs now looking for you, ”Novella said then she got off the bed and stood on the floor next to Ezra bed.
” You know I don't feel that sleepy after all,” Ezra said, while yawning
”I know you don't,” Novella smirked
Both of them started to laugh out loud Ezra got out the bed and faced towards Novella.
”Is this really about to happen?” Ezra said.
” Yup this is about to happen,” Novella said.
Then both of them screamed and began to dance around Ezras bed
''We are about to get married' both yelled.
The maids overheard them yelling and the knocked on the door
”Is everything okay Princess,” the maid asked curiously
” Yes, everything is okay thank you for asking, ” Ezra said to the maid.
The maids stood outside the door waiting for Novella to leave the room so they can dress Ezra. After a few mins Novella left Ezra's room and went to get dress herself,
The maid picks a beautiful dress out for Ezra. They proceeded to put makeup on her face and curl her light gray hair by the end of it she was surprised by Erza's beauty. Ezra always looks like a tomboy so the maids were proud of the good job they did. Ezra left the room an walked to the ballroom for the per-interview meeting. Everyone met in the ballroom she was late.
As she ran to the ballroom the guards open the door for her, the King was in the middle of floor talking to everyone when the doors open. Everyone turns to the door and saw Erza standing in the doorway. She walked in the middle of the crowd while everyone slowly moved out her way. All the men in the ballroom were looking at her making her very nervous. Ezra arrives at the throne and bowed down low to the King and Queen they were sitting on the throne stage.
'' I am sorry Mother and Father for being late,” Ezra said
” It okay take your seat at the throne,” The King snipped back
Ezra went on the throne and sat down next to Novella then the King started talking again.
”I want to thank everyone for coming to Novella, my oldest daughter wedding interview,” King Nar said.
When the King said that some of the princes left the room and went back home. There were Five Hundred princes from different countries inside the ballroom three hundred of them left. The princes were talking amongst themselves about Novella. Most of them were confused as to why the other princes were leaving. The king was embarrassed but regains control over the crowd.
He demanded the attention back to him.
”As I was saying Novella will interview everyone one by one if she likes you. you will get a second interview” the King said.
” Well, Let the interviews begin” the King said.
The King and the Queen ran to the office in shame; When the King got in the office he threw his papers off his office desk.
''My King please come down'' the Queen said.
” That was embarrassing it brings our Kingdom great shame why would they just leave like that,” the King said
The Queen put her head down in shame and embarrass.
” There are rumors that have spread around the Kingdom about Novella,” The Queen said.
”What kinda rumors,” the King said angrily
” Rumors that will destroy a young princess reputation,” the Queen said
” So what are you telling me that my sweet Novella is a whore?” the King said
” Don't call her that'' the Queen yelled.
” This has brought us great shame we were giving strict instructions from the holy ones that the woman has to be a virgin before they get married” the King said.
” Those rules were made six hundred years ago, look I am not saying that what she did was right but we need to protect her my love” the Queens said
”Fine, I will do my best to cover up this mess you and your daughter made” the King said. the Queen hugs the King and kisses him.
Back at the ballroom
After the King left the Prince bowed down to the Princess then introduce themselves one by one. Ezra and Novella started talking to the Princes; Ezra was looking around for Prince Van But she couldn't find him. Some of the Princes were demanding Ezra attention they followed her everywhere. Ezra didn't like the unwanted attention she tried to avoid the creepy ones. She decides to leave the ballroom all together and go into the garden looking at the beautiful flowers. Ezra was looking at the roses, she bends down to smell them.
Hearing footsteps sneaking ever so slowly behind her she quickly stood up and got in a defense position. Ezra could tell that it was a man by his footsteps the mysterious man stood behind her and tapped her shoulder. Erza leg sweep and kicks the mysterious man the man felt on the grounded.
Ezra recognizes that it was Prince Van
” Oh I am so sorry I thought you were a creep,” Ezra said
” That was a hell of a kick, I guess the rumors about you are true,” Van said
” What rumors ?” Ezra said
” That you are a good fighter,” Van said
Ezra blushed in front of Van she looked down at her feet to hide her face. Van got up from the ground than he dusted the dirt off himself. He stood in front of Reza and looked down at his feet.
” what you looking at Ezra,” he said
”well umm, ”Ezra said then she pulse.
Van smiles because he thought it was cute that she was blushing
” Are you blushing is that why you hiding your face?”
'' Well yeah i didn't expect you to say that”Erza said
” You are really too cute, you're too pretty to hide your face'' Van said.
Ezra lifted her head up then looked Van straight in the eyes she smiles
”okay Prince Van why are you here in the garden,” Ezra said