2 Lair Lair (1/1)
A young beautiful girl looks outside of a horse carriage window. She's staring at the beautiful flowers. The flowers have a beautiful vibrant color that catches her eyes and the wind on her face. They remind her of her mother, She remembers going to pick out flowers in her family gardens. She looks at the world with pure and innocent eyes. But soon she will discover that the world is not innocent.
Where it all began
A long time ago, before life was created the earth was dark and lifeless. The Gods in heaven saw that it was lifeless, so the Gods made a decision to put life on the earth they made varieties of magic creatures. Some of the creatures were sensitive to light, they made a land with only moonlight for those creatures. The Gods also made a kingdom in the sky for airborne creatures. The Gods made an underground water kingdom for creatures that needed water. The last land the Gods made was called lucky kingdom. Lucky kingdom has a main capital called wind - brook. Wind-brook has many different races living together. The Gods had high hope for all the new creatures they have made. They want them to live in peace and to multiply. However, the creature starts a war that left a millions dead. The Gods were sad about the creatures dying. They weren't sure why the magical creatures were killing themselves and others. The god's decided to make Demigods in their image. To take care of the magical creatures and protect them. The Demigods were given strict instructions to follow of how to rule on the land. They were given great magical power each god had different powers. When the Demigods are born they are given titles that describe their skill or powers. The Demigods named the heavenly gods the holy ones. All of the magical creatures started to worship them; instead of the holy ones. The Demigods were becoming disobedience to the holy ones. Some of The holy ones wanted to kill the magic creatures for being disobedient. However they saw there was still some good on the earth, so they show mercy to them instead
Lucky Kingdom
The carriage stopped to feed the horse, the horse driver walked to the carriage and knocked on the front door.
'' Princess Ezra we have to stop for a short break if you would like to come out of the carriage” the man said.
Ezra opens the carriage door an walked outside, she takes a deep breath and stretches her arms out. It's been a long time since she was able to get out of the carriage. Ezra is a sixteen year old goddess with silver curly textured shoulder length hair with small layered bangs that fall in the front of her face. Her eyes are sparkling blue and fairly pale skin that compliments her eyes and full mouth .Erza stands five feet and six inches tall ,Despite her skinny frame she stands seductively among others. Ezra is known as the goddess of war She is smart in tactical strategies and military strategies. Her father king Nar left her in charge of his military army she was trained in different combat skills. despite her skills she wasn't born with magical powers. Ezra was very popular with the citizens of the lucky kingdom because she is caring and helpful to the citizens. looks can be deceiving when it come to Erza , she is truly adventurous and very ambitious she is fearless and smart. Erza always wears light silver armor attached to her side She wears light armor that consists of bodysuit that covers the middle in the rear of her body. She wears long high heel boots and a cape. Her armor is very special because it is enchanted with a defensive spell. The color of her armor is a mixture of green the same color as her kingdom color.
The Hea family
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King Nar is the active king of the lucky kingdom his magical power is lightning magic. He is a fearless god with the strict value he is known for being a ruthless leader. King Nar has two daughters that he loves, he also has two beautiful wives. The first wife was named Kia she gave birth to a daughter and she named her Novella. Novella is smart but very spoiled she doesn't believe in treating people equally. Novella is 17 years old with a mature body that she uses to get what she wants. She is known for being beautiful however her attitude towards people is bad she believes that no one is her equal. Novella stands 5 feet 7 inches tall with beautiful her curvy hips, she also has a very round butt, plus firm boobs. Novella has long blonde hair with light sandy brown eyes. Novella was born with great magical powers she can control all earth Element magic. She is a princess that loves to dress up and go to balls. She is all about social standing and appearances. She always dreamed of marrying a handsome prince and living happily ever after. King Nar had a second wife name Aires. Aires gave birth to a daughter and she named her Ezra. Ezra is adventurous and loves to get her hands dirty. King Nar loves both of his daughters however he favors Novella more than Ezra. The favoritism always show Ezra trying to earn her father's love. Even though her father favored Novella, Novella never showed any favoritism towards her younger sister Ezra. Novella loves Ezra and will do anything for her.
At the Castle gate
The carriage makes at the moats lucky kingdom have a huge most. There's a bridge that is connected to the door of the castle wall. The castle walls brick was made to have a pale gray color to it, with a smooth finish. You could run your fingers across them, as you wont find a brick out of place. At the castle gate there are two watchtowers. The watchtowers overlooks the outside of lucky kingdom. The watchtowers are connected to the castle outside of the castle there is a small watch port which helps to identify those who are granted safe passage into the Lucky Kingdom. There are guards that control the small port.
The driver of the carriage stopped at the small port to show his identification to enter the kingdom. Once the Guard identifies the driver he sends a signal to the watch guard to bring down the bridge. The bridge is long and heavy and it's controlled by three levers. Once the bridge was down, the carriage safely crosses over to the other side and the driver was granted access into Lucky Kingdom.
Inside Lucky Kingdom