Chapter 222: Ambitious Eyes (2/2)
'Her surname is Gao, huh,' Xiao Fang thought.
After meeting Gao Chen, Li Lian's previous deceased fiancé, he assumed that the Gao family were all deceitful and vile people. However, the girl standing in front of him didn't match that description at all. He didn't think she could even hurt a fly. However, there was a chance that she could be from a different Gao family, since it wasn't uncommon for people from different provinces to share the same surnames.
He noticed the guild nameplate around her waist which read 'White Jade' and made a mental note of it.
”Um... I was wondering, are you really blind or are you just pretending to be?” Gao Nian asked.
Xiao Fang thought for a second then replied, ”I'm not blind, but I'm not pretending to be either.”
Gao Nian was a bit confused by his words, so she was going to ask a follow up question. However, she stopped herself when she saw the woman approaching from behind him. Of course, Xiao Fang could sense her too, but she didn't seem to be sneaking up on him in a threatening way, so he didn't think much of it.
”Ch-Chen Li,” Gao Nian suddenly said, attracting the gaze of the other disciples in the line.
'Chen Li? Where have I heard that name before?' Xiao Fang thought.
It only took Xiao Fang a second to remember. Back when he just passed the Inner Court Exam, an Inner Court disciple obstructed his path, telling him that someone named Chen Li wanted to see him. He scared the messenger off, but not before telling her to tell Chen Li to come herself if she wanted to speak to him.
Xiao Fang had no reason to speak to Chen Li so he didn't turn around. However, there were others who were eager to get on her good side.
”Chen Li. I'm Lai Yun. If there's anything you need, I-”
Chen Li gave the girl a mean look, which instantly made her stop talking. Chen Li looked back at Xiao Fang then spoke in a soft tone,
”Long Wang, do you know who I am?”
Xiao Fang partially turned around before replying.
”No, I don't think I do.”
”My name is Chen Li. I'm a part of the upper management running the White Jade Guild. Perhaps you've heard of us.”
”Upper management, huh. Why would someone like you want to talk to someone like me?”
Xiao Fang asked the question many of the girls around him were thinking. Even Bai Fan and Zhao Pan, who were both farther down the line, were curious.
”I came here to give you an invitation. If you are interested, we would like you to join our guild.”
The girls that heard it gasped. Xiao Fang was practically living their fantasies. Chen Li herself came all the way here to recruit him; how special would one have to be to warrant that much respect from someone in the White Jade guild's upper management.
Xiao Fang didn't immediately reply.
Chen Li was a fairly intimidating looking girl, but he could tell that she was making an effort to be respectable.
'Is she just trying to maintain a good public image or does she really want me to join her guild?' he thought.
However, Xiao Fang knew it had to be the former since the contract the White Jade guild offered him was nothing more than a slave contract. But still, it didn't make sense why she would come here to ask him.
Whether she was being genuine or not didn't matter to Xiao Fang, since he started his own guild, there was no way he was going to leave it for hers.
”I regret to inform you that I am already in a guild, so I must respectfully decline your invitation,” Xiao Fang said while tapping his guild nameplate.
The girls around him almost couldn't believe what they were hearing. Was there really someone so foolish to pass up on the opportunity to join one of the most prestigious guilds in the inner court? And Chen Li even came all this way to personally invite him herself.
”Just who does he think he is?”
”Did he really just choose a no-name guild over the White Jade guild?”
”He wouldn't know what's good for him if it slapped him on the face.”
”Unbelievable. There are no doors to hell, but he still managed to barge right in.”
”That boy must be stupid as well as blind.”
The words spoken by the girls around him became progressively harsher as the reality of the situation began to set it. However, Xiao Fang paid no mind to them, the only thing he was disturbed about was Chen Li's reaction.
Xiao Fang had been paying attention to how Chen Li might react to his rejection, but she hardly reacted at all. It was almost as if she was expecting him to turn it down. If her goal was to simply turn the other girls against him, then he didn't think he had anything to worry about, but those were ambitious eyes staring at him, he could feel it before she even said a single word.
'What is she planning...'
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