Chapter 204: Tan Zhenzhen (1/2)
Xiao Fang walked up to the top floor of the Guild Recruitment Center, but contrary to his expectations Rong Shi wasn't there. Instead, there was a senior disciple standing on the other side of the front counter.
The senior disciple took one look at Xiao Fang then skeptically raised an eyebrow at him when she saw the Phoenix embroidered on his robes. She was a Tiger-Class disciple herself, so she thought there would be no way a guy could get into the Phoenix-Class without her knowing.
Since she didn't recognize Xiao Fang, she immediately assumed that he was a fake. However, she didn't say anything about it because it wasn't part of her job description to call out frauds.
”Hi, how can I help you?” she asked.
”I came to report some damage done to my guild house. Can it be fixed?”
”Guild house's are designed to repair themselves. If it's just a little scratch then it's nothing to worry about.”
”It wasn't a small scratch. The front door was completely blown off its hinges. I doubt something like that will repair on its own.”
”The front door was? Are you sure you're not mistaken?”
”Yes, I'm sure. I saw it myself,” Xiao Fang replied.
The senior disciple paused because of his choice of words.
”Is there a problem?” Xiao Fang asked.
”As far as I know, it's impossible to break a guild house door down, and I can't imagine that a blind man like you can see anything at all. Is there a chance... that someone just left the door open?” She said then bit her tongue so that she wouldn't laugh.
Despite her subtle efforts to make fun of him, Xiao Fang ignored it and acted as if he didn't know what she was doing.
”Does one need eyes to know when a door is missing?” He asked.
”Erm... no, I suppose not. Alright, I'll get someone to take care of it for you. Please mark on the map where your guild house is and an inscription elder will be sent there later tonight to make the repairs.”
”Thanks,” Xiao Fang said with a light smile.
”Y-Yeah, no problem.”
Unexpectedly, her heart skipped a beat. Despite what she thought about him, just a simple smile was enough to win her over.
Xiao Fang was walking away then she snapped out of her daze.
”Ah, wait. What's your name?” She asked.
”Hm? Why do you ask?” Xiao Fang asked curiously.
”N-no reason... I was just thinking maybe we could-”
Just as her cheeks were turning red Xiao Fang cut her off.
”You can call me Long Wang.”
Whether she was friend or foe, pussy was still pussy. He didn't need to like her to fuck her, and he knew it was always better to make friends then enemies, especially since he might one day conquer this sect.
”Long Wang, please call me Tan Zhenzhen.”
Xiao Fang nodded, ”I'll see you around.”
After he left, Tan Zhenzhen went into the back room and called for her junior disciple to confirm Xiao Fang's claim. That Junior disciple was none other than Rong Shi.
”Rong Shi, I got something I need you to do.”
”Can it wait? I'm still on break,” Rong Shi said.
”Are you complaining? Do you know how many people want your job? I only gave it to you out of respect for your older sister, but if you want to give me a hard time then don't expect me to be lenient with you.”