123 Rong Shi In The Woods (2/2)
When he was confident that he was ready, he finally took a step onto the water.
Rong Shi's eyes widened in shock.
Even if it was a low level technique, it still took her a few weeks to learn, but he was already walking towards her as if he had already mastered it.
”Ah. It seems you already know it,” she said.
This was the only explanation she could think of.
Xiao Fang realized what he did must've seemed impossible, so he simply nodded to her assumption.
Rong Shi had a beautiful smile. The more Xiao Fang talked to her, the more Xiao Fang liked her. She was one of those girls he could comfortably talk to for hours without getting bored.
Later during their conversation they became a bit more touchy with each other, especially when they laughed. They talked to each other all afternoon and stayed in the forest together till it got dark. She didn't know when, but at some point he casually started to massage her smooth legs. Xiao Fang was always fascinated about the how she colour her nails, but only now that he was massaging her feet did he notice that she painted her toenails too.
Perhaps because they had already seen each other naked before, she felt okay that he was touching her so casually and erotically. She was actually enjoyed it.
Judging from the erotic looks she was giving him, Xiao Fang could tell that she was getting turned on by it.
She was unconsciously looking at his crotch, biting her lip, and her heartbeat was beating a bit faster. Even though she liked him a lot, she wasn't daring enough to have sex with him in the park. Xiao Fang could see that she didn't want to do it here.
'Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have been so touchy with her,' Xiao Fang thought.
He was tired of cultivating all the time, he just wanted to relax before the exam.
He had no experience just being friends with girls. Almost every girl he got close to he eventually slept with. So seducing women was pretty much second nature to him; it was his default mode.
Seeing that he was starting to be a little bit more reserved, she also started to do the same.
There was a bit of a pause before she asked him a personal question.
”Da Long isn't your name right? Aren't you going to tell me your real name?”
Xiao Fang didn't reply.
Seeing his reluctance to tell her, she decided not to push him. If he didn't want to say it, then he probably had a good reason not to.
”Well, how about I give you a proper nickname then.”
Xiao Fang smirked.
”Do you have one in mind?”
She nodded then said, ”Long Wang.”
”Why does it feel like I'm getting named after my erection.”
Rong Shi laughed.
”Whether you use the name or not is up to you.”
”Since it came from you, maybe I should.”
Rong Shi stopped laughing and looked at him to see if he was being serious.
The two of them stared into each other's eyes.
After a few seconds, her pupils started dilating, her thighs rubbed together, her pretty hands made small fists, and she unconsciously started sticking her chest out.
Just before she could move towards him, Xiao Fang looked away.
Rong Shi didn't realize it till now, but her heart was beating like crazy, her palms were sweating, her face was flushed, and her lower lips were tingling.
'Is something wrong with me?' She thought.
One minute she thought she absolutely wouldn't do it in the park, but in the next minute she was about to strip down and throw herself at him.
She couldn't explain why she was suddenly feeling the way she did, but if he didn't look away when he did she probably would've been all over him by now. There was something about his eyes that made him so enchanting.
Xiao Fang sighed.
Since Yu An told him about the Dual Cultivation technique called 'Charm', he learned why his eyes were always violet and why the girls in the outer court were falling for him so easily.
'Unfortunately I can't turn this ability off,' Xiao Fang thought as he closed his eyes.
”W-We should probably try to get in some last minute training before the exam,” Rong Shi suggested.
”Mn, we should.”
Still sitting on the surface of the river, Rong Shi crossed her legs and closed her eyes before circulating her qi around her body.
Seeing that she started meditating, Xiao Fang chose not to disturb her. He put his blindfold back on then quietly left the area.
A few seconds later, Rong Shi opened her eyes and saw that he was gone. She was a bit saddened to see him leave, but she had a feeling that it wasn't the last time she was going to see him.