30 Only As Blind As You Are Deaf (2/2)
Li Lian explained everything to Xun Wei clearly.
”We're going to be chasing rats?”, Xun Wei asked with a disgusted look on her face.
”Now you know why no one in the inner court wanted to do this mission”, Li Lian replied.
Xun Wei looked at Xiao Fang disappointingly. Xiao Fang told her that the mission wasn't too important, but that they were mostly doing it to just blow off some steam and to buy some new equipment.
After a long stare she finally spoke, ”alright fine, let's do it”.
Gao Chen finally interjected, ”Wait a minute. Don't expect me to share the reward with this cripple. How is he even supposed to help us on this mission? Better question: how did he even get into this sect?”.
”I am only as blind as you are deaf, but if you care that much about the merit points then you can split my share amongst the 3 of you”, Xiao Fang spoke nonchalantly.
Gao Chen didn't understand what he meant by ”I am only as blind as you are deaf”, but after he heard him say they could take his share, he nodded in agreement.
They paid the fee for the mission then left.
The mission started as soon as they paid for it, so they ran to the city, taking short breaks along the way. Xia Fang and Gao Chen followed behind the girls.
The girls had been talking for the past hour and they seemed to be getting along quite well.
Gao Chen eventually tried to make small talk with Xiao Fang as they were running. He saw Xiao Fang's face and became dumbstruck. He was so focused on Li Lian that he completely forgot that Xiao Fang had been following them blindfolded this whole time.
”Li Lian has the nicest body I've ever seen. I think the greatest injustice to you is that you don't have the eyes to see it”, he said almost mockingly.
The greatest injustice to Xiao Fang at that moment was that he couldn't rip Gao Chen's eyes from his skull.
Xiao Fang eventually replied. ”What good comes from seeing it? I see nothing so I am always satisfied, you see something once and become dissatisfied when it's gone. Who is truly better off? Besides, the only thing that matters is how it feels, hahaha”, Xiao Fang laughed, hiding a secret message in his words.
”Hahaha. I agree. What good is a beautiful fruit if it's juices are rotten. You are wise little brother Xiao Fang”, Gao Chen started to acknowledged him.
”I'm surprised you're actually able to keep up with us. Are you really blind?”, he said as he looked closer at Xiao Fang's blindfold. Gao Chen almost trips, because he was so focused on Xiao Fang.
”I don't need to see to know where I'm going. You, on the other hand, have eyes but see very little”, Xiao Fang said.
”What are you talking about? I can see very well”.
”When you try to see something clearly, you squint and narrow your vision. In doing so, do you not become blind to everything around it? The harder you try to see, the less you truly see”.
What Xiao Fang hinted at was if he wasn't so focused on Li Lian's body then he would have found it strange that someone like her, who went on missions everyday, would know someone like Xiao Fang.
Gao Chen found it strange that he was trying to lecture him like an elder.
”Your name is Xiao Fang right? What city did you come from?”
”...”, Xiao Fang didn't answer him.
”I haven't seen you in district 33. You must be new to the sect right?
”...”, Xiao Fang remained silent.
”Hm? What happened to your sleeves? are you one of those Da Long fan boys I've been hearing about?”
”...”, Xiao Fang found this a bit amusing, but still remained silent.
”Hey! Why aren't you answering any of my questions?!”
”Because you aren't asking the right one”, Xiao Fang spoke softly.
”Then what question should I be asking?”, Gao Chen unintentionally humbled himself.
”If you want to know that, ask yourself this: Why do you feel the need to ask me so many question?”.
Xiao Fang spoke as if he were a lonely elder that had seen the rise and fall of countless empires. An elder who has transcended space and time, seen through the nature of mankind, and was infinitely wise.
Gao Chen racked his brain a bit trying to understand what Xiao Fang meant by those words, but to no avail. Eventually, he gave up and decided to ignore him for the rest of the trip.
”Why was I asking him so many questions?”, he thought. Xiao Fang's words still lingered in the back of his mind, like a bad stain.
Eventually it hit him. As if he had reached enlightenment, his mind expanded with a sudden awareness he never felt before.
That question opened the door to so many new questions, answers to those questions, and answers to questions he never had before. Questions followed by answers, in constant repetition, till only one question remained:
”You... who are you”, he asked Xiao Fang.
”I am Xiao Fang”, he replied simply.
”No, who are you really”.
”...”. There was a pause.