Vol 14 Chapter 6 (1/2)
at 13th of September 2019 03:05:54 PM
Chapter 6
Chapter 6 – Overlapping World
The imperial capital of Vatlantis Empire, Zeltis . There was a pillar at its center, soaring high as though to support the heaven .
That was Genesis .
A temporary shrine was built at its base . It was a simple building that was built from wood ordered from Baldin, but the inside was decorated with high quality silk and carpet, turning it into a pleasant s.p.a.ce .
It was built to stick on Genesis, so the wall inside was the surface of Genesis . An altar was placed in front of it, surrounded by wall with wooden framework . Hot water was prepared there . Vapor was wafting up from it .
It was something that imitated a holy spring . The altar was an island floating on the spring, it was positioned like a holy land .
VIP from three countries were gathering in this temporary shrine . Grace, Gravel, and then the head priestess Landred .
Other than them there were Zelcyone and six guards from each country . Grace’s guard was Hyakurath and Mercuria along with the Quartum .
Including other people like the ceremony helpers, around thirty people were gathered into the shrine . All of them were wearing same attire .
Although it was called clothes, it was a silk gown so thin it was transparent . Everyone’s beautiful body was faintly seen through the transparent fabric .
And then fragrance was burned at the altar . A sweet smell was filling the shrine . Their body mysteriously became hot when they smelled that scent .
Landred was looking around at everyone from the other side of the altar .
「Well then everyone . We will begin the maintenance of Genesis now . Please take off your clothing . 」
They didn’t understand what they would be made to do, but they obeyed the instruction of the head priestess Landred . Everyone obediently slipped off their gown from their shoulder and became naked like when they were born .
Hyakurath muttered with a red face .
「Aa……to be called to partic.i.p.ate in even something like this……」
Mercuria whispered into her ear from her side .
「It’s alright . Compared to captain’s work this is nothing . 」
「Tha, that might be so but, doing something like this, in front of everyone……it’s too embarra.s.sing . 」
「It’s not just you . Everyone is doing the same thing . It’s not embarra.s.sing . 」
Mercuria secretly gripped Hyakurath’s hand .
「It’s fine . I’m with you . 」
And then everyone silently put their foot into the spring .
The moment Grace put her toes into the hot water, she spontaneously moaned .
「U……this is」
However she continued putting both her legs into the hot water and moved toward the altar inside the spring .
「Landred, is this……nectar?」
「It’s holy water that is mixed with nectar as the base . The arousal effect is higher than the normal thing . 」
「I see……this is, qu, quiet effective……」
Grace smiled fearlessly . However the tips of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were already stood stiffly, and her knees were shaking . If she was careless, the mouth below her pink bush might opened up .
Landred narrowed her eyes seeing Grace who was obviously bluffing .
「Certainly, this is……really……working . 」
Gravel also felt dizzy just from breathing in the rising vapor .
Gravel’s body that had finished giving birth was recovering its former tough physique . Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were slightly bigger than before but there was no other change .
「Well then, Genesis will stop operating for a while after this . I wish for everyone to supply their life force to this spring . 」
Gravel tightly closed her trained thighs and desperately suppressed the carnality welling up inside her body while asking .
「Qu, Queen Landred . By, by life force you mean?」
「Right now everyone is desperately holding it back . That is to say, the drop of love welling up from the spring inside your body . 」
Everyone gulped .
「It doesn’t matter if you comfort yourself or cooperating with someone near you . Everyone here all possess exceptional amount of magic power . I wish for this spring to receive that nectar . 」
Grace’s lips suddenly loosened . And then she opened her closed legs .
「Hmph . There is no need for any comfort . After all it’s already overflowing . 」
From the opened legs, a drop of liquid flowed down into the spring, leaving behind a trace trailing behind .
Landred’s eyes moistened and she smiled .
「As expected from Emperor Grace . You have amazing sensitivity . 」
The others also followed Grace and stopped holding back to allow their nectar to trickle . There were people who were affected by the spring’s effect and couldn’t hold back from caressing their own body, and there were also people who embraced each other to scoop out the nectar from each other’s spring .
「Aa……Hyakurath’s place here, is really hot……」
Mercuria intensely fingered Hyakurath’s crotch in a state of arousal .
「No, nooo hn . Do, don’t, it’s embarra.s.sing……aan♡」
「Hyakurath too, do me……」
Mercuria opened her crotch to better receive Hyakurath .
「Ye, yes……」
Hyakurath reached out in shame and her fingers spread out Mercuria’s slit .
A pa.s.sionate sigh leaked out from Mercuria’s lips . It made Hyakurath’s chest to tighten .
And then she gradually strengthened her stimulation to Mercuria’s most sensitive place . In respond to that, Hyakurath felt Mercuria’s finger that was caressing her to intensify .
「Haa……it’s lovely♡Mel……」
「Me too, aa……Hyakurath . You are the most important to me in this world . 」
「Yes……I know . 」
Drop of love fell from between the two’s legs . The two spreading ripples melted into one .
Gravel looked down on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s . The tips of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were helplessly stiffening . She wanted to touch them . She thought that, but she desisted when she saw the white liquid oozing out slowly from the tips . Milk would undoubtedly gush out if she touched them . It made her worried if it would ruin this ceremony .
Landred spoke to the hesitating Gravel .