Vol 14 Chapter 4 (1/2)
at 12th of September 2019 11:33:02 AM
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 – Vatlantis’s Mother and Hero of Ill Fate
Part 1
Several months after Gravel’s wedding ceremony.
At the palace of Vatlantis Empire, the new royal guard captain Hyakurath was swamped with work.
In the office that Zelcyone used in the past. Hyakurath was facing the desk with tearful eyes. Everyday paperwork was piled up on the ma.s.sive desk like a mountain.
「Err, this is pet.i.tion from the third unit……transfer request, punishment for violating rules……that’s right, I have to make the draft to review the rules……err, this is the military’s budgetary allocation for next year……it’ll take several days just for looking at this……」
When she had only just begun the work,
『So Zelcyone-sama was taking care of this much work. Amazing.』
She was impressed, but Clayda of Quartum said,
『No, she practically delegated all of it to each department.』
Hyakurath was speechless hearing Clayda saying that casually.
Then, if she was asked whether she could do the same, what if a great problem occurred in the future──thinking that, Hyakurath got scared and couldn’t copy Zelcyone.
『What did Zelcyone-sama do when a problem occurred?』
『She severely punished the one responsible.』
She also threw all the responsibility to her subordinate. Her doing such thing──just imagining it made her back shuddered.
As might be expected from the top leader of the whole army, every single one of the approval doc.u.ment was heavy. A single one of this doc.u.ment would greatly change the life of many. When she thought that, her stomach felt painful.
Even so it would still be alright if it was just deskwork.
Mercuria who was flipping the schedule register beside the desk checked the time.
「Hyakurath, it will be the departure ceremony of the western subjugation force soon. Please give a speech to increase the morale.」
Hyakurath’s face struck against the deck with b.u.mping sound. Hyakurath asked with a weeping voice while keeping her face on the desk.
「To, today, that’ll be all……right? When it’s over, it’ll be fine to go home won’t it?」
Mercuria’s face twitched and she glared at the back of Hyakurath’s head.
「Don’t sleep talking. After that will be briefing the new soldiers, and then giving warning to rule offenders──you’ve to scare them to death.」
「I, I get it……but, after that」
「From the evening it’ll be a meeting with the generals of the subjugation army. It’ll be the confirmation of their duty for three months ahead. Question them harshly about the matter of their failure to subjugate the west’s insurrection army. Don’t you spoil them too much.」
「……My stomach feels painful.」
Hyakurath raised her face that looked like it would break crying even now.
「There is……still more?」
「At night it’ll be a party in the palace. Civil officials and big shots of financial world will gather there. Please give a speech that’ll make them think that their future will be bright if they do a favor for the military. Also display the dignity of the royal guard and make them swear an oath of allegiance to Grace-sama.」
「……I want, to go home……」
Mercuria pressed her forehead to endure her headache.
「Get a hold of yourself, Hyakurath. How long you’re going to speak childishly.」
Hyakurath gasped in realization and she smiled.
「Tha, that’s right. Won’t it be fine if Mercuria attend the meeting and give a speech in my place? I think Mel will be able to do a good job.」
Blood vessel pulsed on Mercuria’s forehead.
「Don’t speak like you got a good idea! How can the captain not do it herself!?」
「It’ll be fine! The vice captain can do it too!!」
「There’s no way it’s fine! You’re advertised as the face of the royal guard! What’ll happen if I’m the one who show up!? Besides you’re already a hero! Everyone is hoping for you to come and speak! Anyone else won’t cut it!」
Once she got the ball rolling, Mercuria’s dissatisfaction flooded out one after another.
「Even I wanted to pile up achievement in Tigris squad, and yet you appointed me as you please to become something like vice captain that doesn’t have any real authority! What I’m doing here is practically babysitting you!」
「Because……because, it’s impossible for me alone mon!」
Mercuria scratched her red hair roughly.
「AAAAAH! Don’t say mon like a child! Listen well, you absolutely mustn’t speak like that in public!!」
Tears finally spilled out from Hyakurath’s eyes.
「Don’t cry! I’m the one who want to cry!」
Hyakurath’s shrunk her shoulders and hung her head down.
「Do……do your best, do your best……Hyakurath……uu……」
Honestly, Mercuria also thought that this work didn’t suit Hyakurath’s personality. However at the same time she understood that the one who could do this work the best was also Hyakurath.
The war with other world was over and the Genesis was also resurrected. And then this was an important period where both Atlantis and Vatlantis Empire were stepping into a new situation. If they cut corners even just for a bit here, people with power would start rearing their head and aimed for hegemony. In fact, an insurrection was occurring at the countryside that was far away from the capital.
Right now Vatlantis Empire had to become one under Emperor Grace. Strong power was necessary for that. Hyakurath was the symbol of that.
Putting aside the person’s timidity, she possessed the strength that made her be called as sword saint and also good social standing. And then her clean personal history that wouldn’t show any stain no matter how scrupulous anyone scrutinized it. Her virtuous personality. There was nothing that could be reproached from her as someone who was held up as a hero. In addition her appearance was outstanding. The gorgeous and beautiful appearance of Hyakurath boasted immense popularity even among the populace.
Zelcyone was a type who ruled with fear. That terrifying personality brought order instead in that chaotic period. She had also done considerable dastardly deed but, it was a necessary evil.
──However it would be different from here on.
Mercuria clenched her fist. No matter what she was saying, Mercuria intended to support Hyakurath with her all.
「Listen to me Hyakurath. The fate of Grace-sama and Vatlantis Empire is hanging on you right now. That’s why──」
──d.a.m.n it. That’s the wrong approach.
Hyakurath was trembling fiercely with a pale face.
「For, forget what I just said. You just need to simply fulfill your duty. After all this position is nothing more than being a leader of a single group. The scale is somewhat different but, fundamentally it’s not any different from when you served as the captain of Leon squa──no, that’s right……the cla.s.s representative of Ataraxia academy, yes, this is the same like that.」
Hyakurath looked up at Mercuria with an anxious gaze.
「I, is it like that……」
──No, actually it’s not.
There was no way she could speak honestly like that.
「Besides you just need to be patient until Zelcyone-sama return. We don’t know when it will be, but Quartum will also join the search from next week. Surely they will bring back good news.」
「Right……when Zelcyone-sama return, I won’t have any face to meet her with if the royal guard isn’t in proper order……」
「Yeah, that’s right. That’s why let’s do our best together. I’ll be with you.」
Hyakurath wiped her tears with a handkerchief and tightly clenched both her fists.
「Do your best, do your best, Hyakurath.」
Mercuria watched her like that while thinking how long she would be able to continue deceiving her.
It was just her hunch but, Mercuria got the feeling that Zelcyone wouldn’t come back anymore.
──In that case, it’s important to make Hyakurath keep harboring hope that she might be found for the meantime. Perhaps I should prepare a scenario to have the Quartum bring back a positive report.
A floating window opened on the desk while Mercuria was thinking of such arrangement.
The name of the caller was displayed at the center of the screen. Hyakurath pushed the receiving b.u.t.ton with a speed that eyes couldn’t follow the instant she saw the name.
「Has Zelcyone-sama been found!?」
Inside the screen Clayda jerked back with a surprised face.
『You picked up really quickly……besides why are you that desperate?』
「That doesn’t matter!! Clayda! Have you found Zelcyone-sama!?」
Hyakurath’s shoulders slumped down dejectedly.
Her shock was great in proportion with her expectation that swelled up although it was only for a moment.
『Right now we have come until Rouzen at the south but there isn’t any clue at all. No, we have tried using all possible means searching for her until here though.』
「I, is that so……I see.」
Hyakurath showed a powerless smile. Her eyes were empty and completely unfocused.
──This is bad.
Mercuria clicked her tongue and cut in front of Hyakurath.
「Clayda. Search even more thoroughly! It’s not like she she is gone. It’s also certain that she hasn’t crossed the border. She is surely somewhere in Vatlantis! Search for her even if you have to look at every nook and cranny! Please!!」
Then Hyakurath also lifted her face in a flash.
「Please! Clayda!! Bring back Zelcyone-sama here!! I’m begging you-!!」
She pleaded earnestly while crying again.
『U, understood. I’ll finish my report for now with this.』
When the communication was over, Clayda turned back toward the other three with a face like she had bitten a sour grape.
「Looks like we still cannot go home yet.」
Elma put her hand on her cheek with a troubled face.
「They really won’t give up……」
「As expected, hasn’t they found out that we aren’t searching seriously? Ah, this is delicious.」
Seeing Ramza devouring a meat with its bone still attached, Lunorrla reached out to the meat too.
「Even if we search seriously……will we find her?」
「Impossible. Because even if we actually manage to find her, it’ll be over for us if Zel-sama use her Heart Rebuild.」
Clayda also returned to the table and sat down heavily on the chair.
「Besides if it’s Zel-sama then she won’t escape to this kind of place.」
The three looked around them once more hearing what Clayda said.
The surrounding scenery was pastoral. Fields and gra.s.slands were stretching out, gentle sloping hills were extending like wave. Even the most bustling road in the village only had a few stores. The three were having meal in one of those stores, the only restaurant of this village.
There was only a counter inside the restaurant, the guest seating was mainly with tables and chairs that were placed on the street. Even so there wasn’t anyone who complained. In the first place there was no car pa.s.sing by. One hour had pa.s.sed since they took seat here, but there were only around three people that pa.s.sed through.
Modest private houses were lined up at the other side of the street. A woman wearing white dress was airing her laundry in her yard. Looking at the laundry she was hanging, it seemed the woman had a baby.
「It’s peaceful……」
「Really. There ain’t anything here.」
「It’s the sticks.」
When the three finished muttering, there was no other sound except the sound of wind and bird chirping.
Clayda slowly shook her gla.s.s that was filled with red wine and stared at the rippling red color.
「It’ll be easier to hide around Zeltis’s business district rather than a countryside like this. Besides you can play with woman as much as you like there. This place is only good for raising a child at best.」
「Then, why are we coming to search at this kind of place?」
Clayda lifted her gla.s.s and grinned.
「Of course, that’s because of the rumor that the wine here is tasty.」
「Since leaving Zeltis, we haven’t done anything except having a normal trip aren’t we?」
「But y’know, there isn’t aaany clue at all even if we want to search, it’s hopeless.」
Lunorlla directed a troubled face at the unmotivated Ramza.
「But if we don’t prepare some kind of result, we won’t be able to return to Zeltis no matter how much time pa.s.sed.」
Clayda tilted the bottle to pour the wine, but she noticed that it was empty.
「It can’t be helped. Let’s fabricate something.」
She said that while standing up. The other three also stood up without motivation. They left money on the table along with tips and walked to the middle of the street.
At that time they heard the crying voice of a baby. They couldn’t see the baby but, it must be the child of the house at the other side of the street. The mother who was at the yard hurriedly rushed into the house. Her fluttering white dress and swaying braided purple hair were eye catching.
「……Her hair is purple.」
Clayda muttered. Elma looked like she got an idea and clapped her hands.
「Hey, let’s ask for a strand of hair of that person and say that it’s a clue.」
「Well, it’s better than nothing I guess……」
That house and yard was surrounded by wooden fence. The four of them leaned on that fence with their elbow and peered into the yard.
Then the sugary voice of the mother came from inside the house.
「Yosh yosh, you’re really a good liwtle child. Is it deliccious?」(TN: Anyone know better way to do baby talk?)
Surely the mother was giving her baby milk. For the four who was living in a bloodthirsty world, this scene felt like a different world for them.
Ramza was staring at the house with a disinterested face. The entrance that was facing the yard was left wide open. The inside of the house was slightly visible. There was baby bed, baby carriage, and the likes. The atmosphere child raising life was oozing out.
「I’ve been thinking this since before but……why is when an adult talking to a baby, they also talk with baby words?」
「Haa? Who cares about something like that.」
Clayda spat out her reply. However Lunorlla was blus.h.i.+ng slightly and her lips loosened up.
「Because it’s cute……」
The other three reflexively stared at Lunorlla’s face from the side. It was then,
「Ufufu, the way you suck mama’s breast is exactly lwike ywour papa~」
The four strongly frowned in that instant.
「Drink a lwot and become a cute, lovely, and cool boy like your papa okay~」
Their frown deepened further.
Elma made a twitching smile.
「He, hey……does Genesis, can create a boy now after it’s revived?」
「……I never, heard anything like that.」
Clayda answered so. Cold sweat was trickling on her forehead.
「A, anyway, for now, shouldn’t we go?」
Ramza’s voice was trembling. Lunorlla also asked with a trembling voice.