Vol 14 Chapter 1 (1/2)
at 9th of September 2019 05:13:16 PM
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 – Dragon Cavalry Once More
Part 1
Ataraxia Academy high school section. Refres.h.i.+ng morning wind was flowing into the cla.s.s of combat skill department third year first group. The whimsical wind sometimes softly sent sakura petal on Aine’s skin.
But even such tasteful arrangement that was weaved by the wind and sakura couldn’t console Aine. Aine was looking outside the window with a sulky face with her head rested on her palm.
「Aine-san. Good morning.」
Himekawa Hayuru placed her bag on the seat diagonally in front of Aine while giving a casual greeting.
However Aine was wordlessly staring outside the window. Hayuru sighed ‘fuu’ seeing that.
「So, have you returned Zeros’s core to the lab?」
Aine glared at Hayuru with an extremely displeased face. And then she lightly tapped her stomach.
「If it’s Zeros’s core then it’s still inside here, do you have any problem?」
Hayuru sat on her chair and simply spoke ‘oh dear’ before looking down.
「What’s with you! If you have something to say then say it!」
Then a voice came not from Hayuru but from diagonally behind Aine.
「From the start I have thought that this will be the case anyway.」
Yuris.h.i.+a Farandole played with her blonde hair while smiling. That smile which looked as though she had seen through this was enough to rub Aine the wrong way.
「Yuris.h.i.+a! Wasn’t you really frustrated like that yesterday!?」
However Yuris.h.i.+a eluded that remark with a triumphant smile. It wasn’t like she had won in anything against Aine, but it was like she had the composure of a winner. She gently caressed blue enamel collar around her neck lovingly.
The two were glaring at each other with a table between them. To draw their attention, Hayuru intentionally let out a loud sigh.
「Who was it who kept boasting a lot yesterday? You said that you absolutely got a child with Kizuna. That you’re sure about it──it even made me want to ask you just what was it that you were sure about.」
Aine’s cheeks turned red in shame. This type of embarra.s.sment was completely different from the one that she tasted in the ultimate hybrid with Kizuna, this one was nothing but disgrace for her.
「AaAAAAAAAAAAH! I don’t know anything about it!!」
Aine prostrated on her desk.
Aine stared at Aine with a weary face. This girl who was lying flat on her desk was the girl who introduced herself as the legal wife of the man she loved.
The time for the first period to start was approaching, the number of student was also increasing.
──I wish that this topic will end soon.
For Hayuru, this wasn’t a topic that she wanted to discuss in a loud voice. Because the ordinary students didn’t know about the detail of what Kizuna and them were doing.
At best they only knew about Heart Hybrid──even if it was a lewd act, at best they only got their body touched. That should be the most that the ordinary students knew about.
Even so it was an important matter for normal high school student. Similarly even Hayuru in the past was thinking that it was an absurdly indecent act.
If other students knew about what they were doing, what kind of reaction they would make?
Hayuru’s body was s.h.i.+vering just from thinking it.
What they were doing wasn’t know, it mustn’t be known no matter what.
After all Hayuru was still public morals committee member even now. Furthermore now that she had become third year, she was officially appointed as the committee chairman.
──If someone in my position become known of doing something like that with Kizunkun……I, I’ll be ruined! I, I’m purely doing it because it is a duty but, surely it will be difficult to ask everyone to understand that. After all the duty is doing something that indecent──,
However just from 『that indecent thing』 crossing her mind for an instant, her body reacted sensitively. Her abdomen became warm and her b.u.t.t was itchy.
──Aa, the things that I have done……what kind of wretched body I’ve come to develop……no matter how I try to hold back, recently my body will react by itself. It become like this──,
Hayuru stared at the empty seat between Aine and Yuris.h.i.+a.
──All of it is Kizunkun’s fault!
Hayuru turned her back on Aine and Yuris.h.i.+a and began to prepare for the cla.s.s in order to chase away this matter from inside her head already. However Yuris.h.i.+a talked to Aine as though to deal additional blow on her.
「In the first place, just why did you get the idea that you’re pregnant?」
Hayuru turned around in panic.
「Wait!? Yuris.h.i.+san, your voice is loud-」
Aine squirmed and muttered hesitantly.
「Because……it was the first time, it felt that amazing……I thought that this will absolutely do it……」
Yuris.h.i.+a continued talking to the back of Aine’s head with an exasperated face.
「I think there isn’t any relation between those two you know?」
Aine stood up in a flash and yelled toward Yuris.h.i.+a.
「You’re annoying-! I get that already!」
「That’s why both of you! Please be quiet already-!!」
The door was opened at that timing and the teacher Sakisaka entered.
「Oo Himekawa, be quiet. Remember that you’re the committee chairman.」
「Kuh……I, I’m sorry……-」
Hayuru gritted her teeth with bright red face while stifled laughter sounded around her.
She looked behind angrily and glared at Aine and Yuris.h.i.+a with tearful eyes. However,
The two feigned ignorance.
──The-, these twooooooo-!
「Now, let’s start the cla.s.s, the cla.s.s. But you knoe here as a d.a.m.n lecturer.」
Gertrude introduced Kizuna with a tone that was as usual unclear whether she was talking politely or rudely. Kizuna lightly lifted his hand.
「I’m Hida Kizuna. Everyone, take care of me.」
「Please take care of us-!」
They gave back an energetic reply, so Kizuna reflexively smiled.
Everyone was focusing on Kizuna with eyes that were overflowing with curiosity. The hero who saved the world from other world and then from the machine G.o.ds was before them, so the children were naturally excited.
But among them there was just one child whose expression was clouded.
Blonde hair that conspicuously attracted attention from among the primary grade students. Her half-closed eyes were also s.h.i.+ning gold.
The girl who possessed the flesh body of Hida Nayuta and the soul of machine G.o.d Thanatos.
──Hida Setsuna.
It seemed she sensed Kizuna’s gaze. Setsuna lifted her face. When her eyes met Kizuna, she blatantly averted her gaze.
Seeing Kizuna’s lightly shocked reaction, Gertrude raised her voice 「Achaa」 inside her heart.
「Ee, then, first let’s start from warm-up! Form a d.a.m.n pair you all.」
It seemed to be the usual menu for the children. They began doing calisthenics even without being given detailed instruction.
Setsuna sat down with her legs opened. A girl with braided hair was pus.h.i.+ng her back behind her.
「Hey, hey, Setsunchan」
「What is it?」
「Kizunsensei is Setsunchan’s big brother right?」
「……That’s right. More or less.」
Then a twin tail child who was bending forward beside Setsuna looked her way with a face that broke into a bright smile.
「He is so cool」
The girl with short cut hair behind that girl also nodded with a smile.
「It’s true, how nice for you Se-chan」
However Setsuna frowned.
「……Is that so」
The girls around her peered onto Setsuna’s face in confusion.
「Se-chan, you don’t like your big brother?」
Setsuna stole a glance at Kizuna with her golden eyes.
Their gazes clashed. Kizuna flinched a bit.
──Wha, what is with this awkwardness since some time ago?
Kizuna sent her a twitching forced smile. Setsuna averted her gaze in a huff.
「……I don’t know him」
The girls must be intending to keep the talk between them, but it was overheard by Kizuna and also Gertrude.
「We, well……children at that age is d.a.m.n difficult you know, I think.」
「……I’m grateful for your consideration.」
And then the warm-up finished and they progressed well in doing the practical training. Simple muscle training and exercise to temper their body trunk. And then training to cultivate sense of balance and ability to grasp the s.p.a.ce which was indispensable for piloting Heart Hybrid Gear. In addition was other trainings like polis.h.i.+ng reflexes and the like. The students were completing such menu.
And then at the end was what the student had been waiting for. It was hands-on learning of Heart Hybrid Gear from Kizuna and Gertrude. The body of the students was fixed on the gear with a harness so they could experience Heart Hybrid Gear’s performance and battle.
「Amazing! It’s amazing! It’s completely different from technical gear!」
The student who experienced it first couldn’t suppress her excitement and talked nonstop.
「How niceee! Me too-!!」
「Next! Next is me!!」
It was like they were quarreling for their turn doing jet coaster.
「Yes yes, line up based on your d.a.m.n seat number. Odd number line up in front of me while even number line up in front of Boss Kizuna.」
「Everyone will properly get their turn to fly, so don’t worry……wait, next is Setsuna huh.」
Setsuna was standing in front of Kizuna with a fixed stare.
「Don’t worry. Leave it to Onii-chan──」
However Setsuna pulled the sleeve of the twin tail girl lining up in front of Gertrude.
「If you don’t mind, can you switch place with me?」
「Eh, is it okay? But……」
The twin tail girl looked up at Kizuna questioningly.
「A, aa……well, it’s fine I guess.」
Gertrude was watching that from the side.
──This is really d.a.m.n tough……as his partner perhaps I should pitch in and take one for the team here. Well, it won’t be me who take one though.
Gertrude grinned inside her heart.
Part 3
Gertrude tapped Kizuna’s shoulder when the hands-on learning was over.
「Then, I have a d.a.m.n emergency business, so I’ll leave the rest to you boss.」
「I don’t mind but, just what should I do?」
Gertrude ignored that question and spoke to the children.
「Then today you girls can also take boss Kizuna along.」
Then the children cheered 「Waai」.
「O, oi Gertrude?」
「See ya!」
Gertrude left those words behind and left like the wind.
「Senseii, over hereee」
The braid girl grabbed Kizuna’s hand with her small hand.
「Ehehee, together with Kizunsensei~」
Both his hands were pulled, his back was pushed. Without being able to shake them off, Kizuna was taken by the students to somewhere.
And then──,
「Waaai, taking a bath together with Kizunsenseiii」
The little girls squealed in delight and rushed into the large public bath.
Even Kizuna only knew now that there was a large public bath in the primary grade department.
The students quickly plunged into the bathtub that was made from granite. There were also children who were running around on the floor that was covered with soft mat in antic.i.p.ation of someone falling.
「That d.a.m.n Gertrude……what is she making me do after telling me to not lay a hand on them?」
But, Kizuna could imagine the reason for Gertrude’s action.
『The best d.a.m.n way to close the gap between both sides is with naked a.s.sociation!』
──It must be something like that, perhaps.
「Don’t fall and get hurt okaayy」
When Kizuna warned them, obedient reply 「Yeees」 came back──but they still didn’t show any sign of soaking in hot water quietly.
──Perhaps that d.a.m.n Ger-san was simply pus.h.i.+ng troublesome thing to me?
Kizuna sat down in front of one of the was.h.i.+ng places lined up there. Not only soap, there was also body soap, shampoo, conditioner, and other things provided there.
The body of the students that weren’t covered with a single cloth flew into his eyes through the mirror in front of him.
「Sensei, I’ll wash your backkk」
「Eh? N, no, I’m thankful for your offer but……」
「Aaa not fair. Me tooo」
The girls inside the bathtub energetically got out and came toward him.
「Me too, me too!」
Instantly five or six students swarmed him and a skin colored wall was created in front of his eyes.
──Wha, what is this situation!?
「I’ll wash the right handd」
They began to rub Kizuna’s body with a bubbly sponge.
「Heave-ho, heave-ho」
His body was rubbed together with a cute shout. However their strength was weak, so it felt more ticklish rather than pleasant.
「Sensei, you mustn’t moveee」
「Stay still there.」
Kizuna smiled wryly from being scolded like a kid.
Pa.s.sing down what he learned and experienced through many battles to primary grade children who would shoulder the future was a meaningful and important work──or that should be the case but,
「Why am I swarmed by little girls and washed by them?」
「Sensei also want to wash somebody?」
「No, there is no way I can do that. I should be the one doing various things for you girls, having you girls doing something like this for me──」
The twin tail girl cut in front of Kizuna while he was answering like that.
「Then sensei, wash mee」
She appealed in front of Kizuna with a luscious and flat body.
「……I got the feeling it will be really bad if I do that.」
The twin tail girl tilted her head, but she then interpreted his words in her own way.
「Then I’ll be the one was.h.i.+ng sensei!」
She took body soap into her hand and began lathering it on Kizuna’s chest.
──Looks like it’ll be useless no matter what I say.
When Kizuna gave up and let them did whatever they pleased, a steady footstep was approaching him.
When he turned toward the footstep, Setsuna was there with a towel wrapped on her body while looking down on Kizuna.
「Everyone, that kind of thing will be a bother for sensei so you all better stop it. Depending on the situation, this matter might become a problem if this become known to other people.」
Then with surprised face everyone was,
「Eeee!? Is that true?」
「Even though Instructor Gertrude say it’s all right……」
「Sensei, sorry.」
The students apologized dejectedly. Kizuna hurriedly consoled them.
「No no, you all don’t need to apologize. Rather──」
Setsuna cut off Kizuna’s words.
「Onii……sensei, I think it’s no good unless you make it clear.」
「……Certainly. Sorry.」
He didn’t have any face after being scolded by a little girl who was his sister. Kizuna honestly apologized.
In that instant, Kizuna suddenly felt like he saw the shadow of Nayuta and Thanatos in Setsuna. Setsuna frowned seeing Kizuna’s face like that.
「What’s with you, making a lewd look like that from getting washed by small girls.」
Setsuna huffed and turned her back on him.
「I’m getting out first.」
She left those words and walked toward the entrance. Kizuna got the feeling that he had to say something to her and called at Setsuna’s back.
「Ah, Setsuna? How about I wash your back? You’re my little sister after all, so there won’t be any problem.」
Setsuna’s feet stopped still.
She looked back across her shoulder. Her golden eyes were s.h.i.+ning coldly.
Kizuna felt his guts froze for a moment.
──Machine G.o.d Thanatos. Her silhouette crossed his mind.
「……No need.」
Setsuna muttered briefly and opened the door, leaving from the bathroom.
The other students saw off her back in astonishment.
「Sensei, are you in a fight with Se-chan?」
One student looked up at Kizuna with a worried face.
「I don’t know about that……」
Kizuna also wanted to know about that.
Part 4
Strategic Defense Academy Ataraxia was position between New Zealand and South America, close to South Pacific’s Antarctic Ocean.
Hida Reiri was staring at the many monitors floating in the air inside the new control room that was newly set up in Nayuta Lab. Reiri was on a mezzanine floor that was jutting out like a balcony. There were only the seats of the commander and deputy commander there.
When she leaned her neck and looked down to the first floor, she was able to see around thirty operators busily doing their work. They gathered information from throughout the world 24 hours nonstop and scrutinized it.
No matter which part of world it was, if there was strange movement discovered, it would be reported in addition of the danger level.
Of course, there was no country that was providing information to Ataraxia publicly. The information came from information that was spreading behind the scene, after that was from wiretapping or hacking, or perhaps information directly obtained by Amaterasu or Masters, or perhaps from the newly set up intelligence department.
The work that the operators were doing right now was early detection of threat toward Ataraxia. And then their other work was an important job──it was a search.
「It’s rea「lly hard to find when we’re actually searching for it huh.」
Reiri said that tiredly and leaned on her chair. The chair was smooth and able to recline, it helped Reiri in taking a comfortable posture.
The deputy commander s.h.i.+kina Kei stared at Reiri who lied down and made a slightly worried face.
「Reiri, are you unwell?」
「I’m just a bit tired.」
Reiri brushed her long black hair to behind her ear and narrowed her eyes with a smile. That gesture and expression was unbelievably sensual. It even made the chest of Kei who had know her for long to skip a beat.
──Recently it even feels like she has grown to look similar with Professor Nayuta.
Kei thought that, but thinking that it might made Reiri’s mood worsened, she didn’t say it out loud.
Reiri vaguely looked like she had too much free time on her hand.
「More importantly about Genesis, is there any notably information about it?」
Kei typed on her keyboard and quickly looked at the report from this one hour.
Reiri stared at the ceiling and let out a small sigh.
「The Genesis in this world……huh.」
Genesis──it was a device that governed over G.o.d’s miracle and life that machine G.o.d Thanatos prepared in order to stimulate the evolution of Atlantis World.
So to speak, it was the same with the giant pillar that was towering high in the imperial capital Zeltis of Vatlantis Empire. This tower produced life and it was literally supporting Atlantis World.
「This world should also have the same thing……or perhaps something equal here.」
「But still, it’s strange that something so huge haven’t been discovered until now. Besides, even with Nayuta Lab putting all effort in searching for it, we don’t have a single clue to show for it in these three months. Does it really exist?」
「But, it should be somewhere. Surely.」
Lemuria and Atlantis was two worlds that were created as pair by the machine G.o.d.
Perhaps there was something equivalent to Genesis in Lemuria too?
And then, it would be troublesome if if Lemuria’s Genesis was obtained by some force other than Ataraxia. Because of that the important mission to obtain Genesis faster than other country began.
「After all it’s a stupidly huge structure like that. It must be buried underground or sinking to the bottom of the sea.」
「Or perhaps, it’s in the moon.」
They hadn’t thought of that, Reiri thought.
Suddenly she recalled the time before when she equipped Zecros and enjoyed a night stroll with Kizuna.
The stars and moon that she was watching with Kizuna above the cloud were really beautiful.
──The atmosphere there was really good. Thanks to that I wanted Kizuna even though we were at the sky……that was really romantic.
Reiri recalled that time and narrowed her eyes.
「Moon travel huh……it won’t be bad for honey moon.」
Reiri unusually made a frivolous talk. Kei unconsciously smiled.
「Speaking of it, you won’t meet Kizuna today?」
Amaterasu members and Reiri, the people who had the cores of Ros series installed in them were doing ultimate hybrid with Kziuna periodically.
There was one reason. It was to get pregnant.
Ultimate hybrid was something that converted source of life to obtain vast energy. Usually the source of life would be wholly converted to energy and the woman wouldn’t get pregnant.
But extremely rarely, in a percentage of one in a thousand or one in ten thousand, there was a chance that the source of life managed to be implanted. Then the core would be ejected outside the body as though vacating that place for the fertilized egg.
Now that Nayuta was gone, the only way for the core to be safely ejected was to get impregnated.
It was necessary to first allow the next generation succeeded Ros series that boasted overwhelming ability compared to other cores without fail.
Of course, that couldn’t be done if each member didn’t wish for it.
However Aine, Hayuru, Yuris.h.i.+a, and Sylvia were proactive instead. With the people themselves also hoping for it, it was decided that they would carry out ultimate hybrid in turns.
「Today is a little bit……I gave my turn to Himekawa.」
Kei was really shocked that she stared at Reiri open mouthed.
──This Reiri, the brocon who is incurable to a lethal degree, who once even took all of her little brother’s free time as her own is…!?
Reiri seemed to be ticklish toward Kei’s gaze, but she instead pretended to not pay it any mind.
「It’s because the little girls complained it’s unfair that it’s only the commander. Well, this is to make up for that.」
And then Reiri smiled wryly.
Part 5
Kizuna finished the practice with the primary grade students and returned to the high school section. When he entered the school building, the bell that informed the end of the sixth period chimed.
「The school is already over huh……」
──Perhaps it would be better if I went home directly to the dormitory or picked up Nee-chan at the lab?
「Hm? Come to think of it, today it’s not Nee-chan but Hayuru wasn’t it?」
Kizuna recalled the rotation schedule for these days.
──Come to think of it she switched with Aine last week……thinking carefully, I haven’t done it with Nee-chan for a while.
Did he do something that made her hate or avoid him? He tried thinking back, but he couldn’t remember anything. His anxiety was gradually growing big while imagining various possibilities.
──Let’s try meeting her directly tomorrow afternoon and talk.
Kizuna decided that. Then he began to think of how to spend time with Hayuru today.
He was worried about the matter with Reiri, but today was a day to be spent with Hayuru. If he thought about other woman, she would sensitively sense that somehow so he forgot about Reiri for now.
「For now let’s go pick her up……」
──At this time, she’ll be at the public morals committee’s room I think?
Kizuna climbed the stair and arrived until the room of public morals committee.
When he opened the door, there was only Hayuru inside.
「Kizunkun? What’s the matter that you’re intentionally coming here?」
「Aah, I heard that my schedule today is with Hayuru.」
Then Hayuru joined the fingers of both her hands together with a deeply moved look.
「Yo, you intentionally came here to pick me up? I’m happy.」
Her cheeks reddened and her eyes were sparkling. And then she quickly moved the confiscated items piled up on the desk into a locker.
「I’ll tidy this up right away.」
Kizuna looked around inside the room while replying.
「You don’t need to be that hurried. I’ll wait until you finish.」
「Ah, come to think of it」
Hayuru’s hands stopped moving and she looked up to the wall clock in remembrance.
「I’m sorry. I think I will take thirty more minutes. I’m waiting for a student.」
「Is it a committee member?」
「No, at lunch break inside the PE storehouse……that, there were students doing adulterated relations.h.i.+p there. I called him here……」
「Ah, so it’s like that……are you going to give him warning and punishment?」
「No, I’m thinking to just give him a warning.」
「Is that so?」
「It’s only natural to wish to be connected with someone you love. I have no intention of rebuking that. But, I just want him to understand the time and place. I’ll just tell him that.」
「I see……」
Hayuru had become very mellow for this kind of thing. Previously she hated illicit s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p itself, so she absolutely wouldn’t forgive such act no matter where it was done. Hayuru herself had been changing bit by bit while spending time together with Kizuna.
Kizuna was immersed such deep emotion while staring at the back of Hayuru who was tidying up the desk. Her b.u.t.t that was shaking left and right felt like it was tempting Kizuna.
──No, but this is public morals committee’s room. This isn’t Love Room or anywhere else. We’re really in the academy. No matter what this is just…….
Hayuru’s hands that were collecting the confiscated items on the desk stopped still. It seemed to be a p.o.r.n book that a student brought. It seemed the page was opened when she was tidying up and 3D image surfaced from there.
It seemed the sound was turned off so there was no voice, but image of man and woman entangled with each other immodestly was projected on the book. He saw from behind that Hayuru’s ears were red seeing that. And then her thighs were fidgeting.
However that was only for a bit, Hayuru immediately closed the book.
「Go, good grief……boys really don’t know how to judge time and place……」
Kizuna approached Hayuru from behind. She should have sensed his presence, but Hayuru didn’t turn around. Kizuna’s hand quietly crawled on Hayuru’s b.u.t.t.
Hayuru’s body jerked and trembled, but she didn’t look shocked or angry. Most likely Hayuru had also antic.i.p.ated this.
──Or perhaps, she is……antic.i.p.ating it?
Kizuna grabbed the flesh of her b.u.t.t with two hands strongly.
As expected a gasp leaked out from Hayuru’s mouth. However Hayuru didn’t turn around. She placed her hands on the desk and told Kizuna with her face still looking down.
「Ki, Kizunkun. Don’t, this is……not in the committee’s room……」
Kizuna’s hands let go of Hayuru’s b.u.t.t and pushed the lock b.u.t.ton on the door. The door made a faint electronic sound and became locked.
「Wh, why are you locking the door……?」
「With this no one can enter. There is still thirty minutes right?」
「Bu, but. Something like this, inside the committee’s room……」
Hayuru was feeling great guilt. But, at the same time she should also be feeling pleasure from the immorality.
Kizuna pulled Hayuru into an embrace and forcefully took her lips.
「Nn……fuu♥……nh, chuu-」
Hayuru immediately opened her lips and aggressively sought Kizuna’s tongue.
「Nn, chu……fuh, aah」
Hayuru’s tongue came entangling with him inside her mouth. It was a ticklish and lovely sensation. Hayuru too had already had her switch turned on.
Even so when their lips parted,
「Don’t……even though I cracked down on illicit s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p, doing this in the academy……furthermore in the room of public morals committee……」
Hayuru’s little remaining self-restrain tried to stop this act.
「Hey? Kizunkun. Wo, won’t you come to my room? I was in luck and got my hand on Uji tea. I’ll make you matcha today so」
She said such thing while elegantly entwining her fingers together.
While staring at Kizuna with a completely excited gaze.
Kizuna pushed down Hayuru’s body on the desk to lie face up.
「Ki……Kizunkun, please. This place is……」
She muttered pleadingly, but it wasn’t like she was resisting. Even when he flipped her skirt and grabbed her underwear, she allowed him to do so.
When he took off her underwear, Hayuru looked aside in shame. The p.o.r.n comic she had just confiscated was there. The cover showed a woman inviting a man with a face that was melting in pleasure and opened legs.
Hayuru thought that it was a very vulgar and disgraceful cover.
──Right now, I’m looking the same…….
Her face boiled red.
When Kizuna’s tip touched her, she already made her decision.
Even while saying don’t, that place that was impatiently waiting for him to come in couldn’t lie.
Kizuna’s thickest part pa.s.sed through the entrance. It entered inside while spreading her out. She loved this moment where she could keenly feel her becoming one with Kizuna the most.
Indecent liquid was welling out copiously from inside. Sticky watery sound could be heard each time Kizuna’s thing went in and out.
It resounded inside the quiet public morals committee room. She felt a vulgarity that was hard to endure.
「Hah, a, ahn……do, don’t, my voice, got out……so♥」
She stifled down her voice. However she was feeling it in order to taste the pleasure that was continuously created inside her body. And then perhaps because of the push from the immorality, Hayuru was reaching the peak in the blink of eye.
「Nh♥ Ah, aa! Ha……eh?」
Kizuna who was proclaiming its existence inside herself so much like that suddenly vanished.
When Kizuna pulled his waist back, it slipped out smoothly without obstruction.
「Aa……w, why……?」
After she asked Kizuna, she noticed that she was making a dissatisfied face. Hayuru abruptly turned ashamed and lifted up her body and brushed her hair to tidy up her appearance.
「Do you feel unwell somewhere in your body? In that case don’t force yourself──」
「It’s not that. I want to do that thing Hayuru like the most.」
「Eh……the most」
Hayuru went bright red until her ears.
「I, it’s not like I……such thing」
She didn’t say specifically about what it was.
However between the two of them, it was something that they had come to understand completely.
「I’ll stop if you really don’t want it but……what’ll you do?」
Hayuru looked down and answered with a very thin voice.
「……There is no way I can go against Kizunkun isn’t it?」
And then she slowly got down from the desk. Her body slightly twisted in discomfort but, she quickly turned around to show her back toward Kizuna, then she laid her upper body on the desk and lifted her b.u.t.t.
「But……I have no confidence that I’ll be able to hold down my voice. Sound will carry out here so……that’s why, don’t be too intense……ahn♥」
Kizuna put his finger inside Hayuru’s front slit and covered his finger fully with the slippery liquid. And then she caressed Hayuru’s rear hole with that finger.
Hayuru hurriedly covered her mouth with her hands. As expected even Kizuna was surprised by her excessively strong reaction.
「Hayuru……you really felt that……you usually weren’t reacting this strongly.」
「I, I don’t understand……today, is different from usual……」
As expected her excitement was greater than usual by doing it inside the academy’s public morals committee room. Furthermore it wasn’t in Love Room, but in the actual public morals committee room.
There was no doubt that the immorality Hayuru was feeling was tremendous.
「Do your best to hold back your voice.」
Kizuna gently ma.s.saged her b.u.t.t hole with his fingertip.
「Ye, yhes! Ih! Ku…… ♥♥」
She reacted intensely like he had inserted inside even though he was only caressing around. Even Kizuna felt happy that she felt it this much. When she slightly relaxed, he slightly pushed his fingertip inside.
「!!!! FuuUHHH!!」
Sound leaked out even with her hands covering her mouth.
Hayuru looked back at Kizuna and shook her head left and right as though to say she couldn’t do this anymore.
However Kizuna scooped the honey from Hayuru’s front and rubbed it thoroughly on her b.u.t.t.
「Uu……haan♥ Ah, don’t, move, too much……aaan」
After confirming that the hole didn’t completely close even when he pulled out his finger, he placed his thing on the entrance.
The sensation made Hayuru felt nervousness along with happiness.
──Haa……aa, finally♥ My voice, I have to hold back…….
And then Kizuna’s thing entered inside.
「Hiuh! Ku……hh!」
The foreign object that originally should intrude into the other side made Hayuru tasted pleasure that sent him s.h.i.+vers from the inside.
──Aah. I finally……did it……in the academy, what’s more in the public morals committee room……how, shameful……how indecent……how sinful……how, a, amazing♥
「Kuuh……haa, a! aAAH」
Unlike when doing it at the front, Kizuna entered inside slowly and carefully.
It was a delicate part, so Kizuna also went deeper inside carefully.
And then he was tasting a sensation of intense tightness that was different from the front. He didn’t force his way deeper, but advanced gradually when it loosened. And then, Kizuna covered over Hayuru and whispered into her ear.
「Hayuru, it’s all in.」
「Ahn♥……I, I’m happy……」
That place also tightened on Kizuna’s thing *kyuu* as though to represent her body’s happiness.
「Hey, Kizunkun……it’s alright……if you move」
Kizuna lifted his body from Hayuru’s back and slowly began to pull out. Thing coming out was that place’s natural movement so it easily pulled out. If he wasn’t careful, the whole thing would slip out so he needed to pay attention.
Hayuru raised a voice of pleasure when it was going out.
「Haa♥……Aa, a, aan……」
And then it stopped still before pus.h.i.+ng in gradually once more.
The speed was gradually increasing. However Kizuna kept in mind to move gently and not intensely.
「Ki, Kizunkun. Even if……you do it stronger, it’s alright, you know?」
「You don’t need to force yourself. The most important thing is that Hayuru feels good from this.」
However Hayuru looked at Kizuna with a face that was tense from pleasure.
「Fo, for me, there isn’t anything that’s more important, than Kizuna.」
Kizuna reached out and patted Hayuru’s head.
「Thank you, Hayuru. Then……I’ll do it stronger.」
Hayuru smiled happily before placing her face on the desk again.
Kizuna pushed into Hayuru stronger than before. And then he began going in and out intensely.
「Aa, Kizunkun, Kizunkun♥」
For Hayuru right now it wasn’t painful even if he did it intensely. She felt everything as pleasure. Hayuru tasted an unusual feeling from receiving stimulation that originally she wouldn’t receive from all directions.
Kizuna pushed his thing into Hayuru’s stomach.
「Kyah……nnnnnnnn!? Kuu…………fu」
Hayuru let out a sweet gasp from having her womb stimulated from the back side. The pleasure that couldn’t be felt often made the inside of her stomach felt like it would melt.
──I, I can’t, hold back……my voice anymore.
──The, there is still time, I, I want to, reach the climax, once, qu-, quickl──,
There was a knocking sound from the door.
There was a voice of male student asking from outside the door.
Hayuru covered her mouth in panic but it was too late. The student already heard that she was inside.
「Excuse me, I’m a bit early but, I come about the matter at the lunch break……」
Hayuru’s heart was beating like alarm bell.
Her whole body stiffened from nervousness.
Because of that, the tightness of her b.u.t.t hole tightened so much it was painful.
Hayuru looked back and asked with a small voice.
「Ki, Kizunkun. For now we should……」
However her face was flushed and her hair was stuck on her skin from sweat. Her uniform was also messed up. It would take time for her to tidy up her appearance.
「No, I think we will be found out if he enter inside. The only way is to talk to him across the door.」
Hayuru hesitated, but the student would be needlessly suspicious if she stayed quiet. She took a deep breath and switched her face to a crisp look.
「I am currently in the middle of something, so just listen from there. Are you always doing that kind of indecent act inside the PE storehouse?」
──Re, really me……even though I myself am doing something this indecent…….
She could sense the male student’s hesitation outside the door.
「No! You’re wrong. That was, we were by chance……both of us got carried away unintentionally.」
「So, something like that……ca, cannot become an excuse. That kind of, obscene……」
──I’m sorry. The truth is I’m the indecent one……obscenely so.
At that time Hayuru felt Kizuna twitching inside her.