Volume 11 Chapter 5 (1/2)
Fifth Period : Time of Incomprehensibleness
Part 1
Nayuta emptied a beer jockey before she exhaled out 'puhaah' delightfully.
「Reeeri-chan! Reeeri-hyaan! Another!」
The kitchen in Reiri's room was turned into an improvised bar. The customer was the dead drunk Nayuta alone. Her face was bright red and she was laughing in high spirits. Reiri was looking at such figure of her mother with eyes as though she was seeing a bizarre life form, making her face convulsed.
「……I want to become able to drink alcohol with my daughter, I remember you stated that self-importantly, but are you actually able to drink alcohol huh?」
It looked like Nayuta had drank for a long time, but actually this was her second cup.
Reiri tried to go back through the stream of her memory, but no matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't recall a scene where Nayuta was drinking alcohol.
「Hobviusly! Aaaarent't I drinkin properly here! Heesh, dhon't spheak to make fun hof your parent!」
Reiri held her head. She was getting unable to understand what was the being she was facing, was she demon or G.o.d, a children or a stupid elderly, or just a mere drunkard, or perhaps an unknown life form.
In the first place she resented her alcohol was drank by Nayuta, but she was really noisy, so when she tried giving her it turned out like this. Perhaps it was better to let her got dead drunk instead. Thinking that, Reiri took out one more beer from the refrigerator.
「Aa! Reeeri-shan! That! That ish good!」
Nayuta pointed at whisky bottles lining up in the shelves.
Now she felt like rather than making her dead drunk, it rather would be faster to physically make her dead instead. Reiri desperately restrained such violent impulse, put ice and whisky into a gla.s.s, then poured cola and lightly mixed them.
While Reiri was making the alcohol, Nayuta was smiling cheerfully while dangling her legs back and forth. She was humming unknown melody while her body was swaying to left and right like a metronome. That figure looked a bit cute even by mistake.
As though to deny such feeling of herself, Reiri put down the gla.s.s roughly.
Nayuta held the gla.s.s with both hands and put it on her mouth looking like a child drinking milk.
「Ahahaha sweeeet! It's sweetly tastyyy!!」
Reiri's heart was completely in the verge of breaking.
「Stop with that much and sleep. You are completely in drunken frenzy.」
「Nnnn, I'm comphletlhy nhot dhrunk y'knoow」
「You are getting worse than before. Your articulation especially.」
Reiri turned her back on Nayuta and opened the refrigerator to drink a bit too.
「I'mma hompletely fineeee! I knheww, that hangover cahn be chured by dhrinking morre alhchohol hafter all」
「Yeah yeah.」
After Reiri threw an agreeable response lazily, she thought 'what?' and turned around.
There Nayuta was chugging whisky with alcohol content 43% into her gulping throat.
Reiri screamed while s.n.a.t.c.hing away the whisky bottle from Nayuta's hand.
「This idiot! Oi! Do you understand what I'm saying!?」
Nayuta's head was rotating round and round like a baby who still couldn't held their head up, in addition her eyes were also going in circles.
──'This is bad.'
Reiri took out her information terminal from her breast pocket and called Kei of Nayuta Lab.
「Kei, actually──」
『Good timing. Come here quickly.』
「What? Here there is also something bad──」
When she was about to say that, she noticed that Nayuta's figure was vanis.h.i.+ng.
『An abnormal situation occur at Ataraxia's s.p.a.ce. Where is professor Nayuta?』
'This will be something really bad'──Reiri's face grimaced completely with such thought.
Part 2
「What, is this!?」
Reiri who arrived in Nayuta Lab raised a shocked voice inside Kei's research room.
「This is the current state of Ataraxia. I completely don't understand how it became like this.」
What was reflected there was an image photo that was taken from the sky. But, the picture was far different from what she was used to see. It looked like a theme park somewhere.
There was unfamiliar Victoria-style townscape that appeared at the place where the business district was located, beside it was a townscape of Edo period that looked like historical drama set. At the place where there should be the academy, there was a mysterious castle and desert and forest, then a townscape in Middle Age Europe style a.s.sembled compactly.
Furthermore that world was continuing to propagate, almost swallowing this Nayuta Lab in no time at all.
「This kind of phenomenon……thinking normally we won't even know the cause or how to deal with it. But, Reiri. We happen to know about the only existence that can possibly cause this phenomenon.」
Reiri trickled cold sweat.
Certainly it was just as Kei said. And then a part of that cause was Reiri herself.
「Furthermore at the same time a part of image database vanished from the lab. Perhaps the disappearing professor Nayuta is hiding, and looking at that image works then materialize that effect……though, this is already nearly a delusion……」
「No, most likely you are correct……Kei, can we contact Amaterasu?」
「I tried to call them, but there was no respond……only one came, but……」
「Just one? Who?」
「……Come over here.」
Reiri was surprised that Kei was talking with her physical voice, not by typing text with her keyboard. The reason was because Kei who had extreme communication disorder couldn't talk directly except with Reiri.
「……Yes, s.h.i.+kina-san.」
A strangely cute voice replied. The door opened and a figure appeared from the inside room. Seeing that figure, Reiri was dumbfounded for a while.
「Wha……Ki……Kizu, na?」
「Eh? Okaa……san?
The small body ran *tatata* toward Reiri and then hugged her. The face's position didn't even reach until Reiri's chest.
However, that face, that figure were familiar to her. However it was a story of nearly ten years ago.
「You are……Kizuna?」
The small child Kizuna released his hug and looked up to Reiri.
He smiled really brightly after replying like that.
Reiri was writhing inside her heart.
「Ke, Kei……thi, this wonderful, not, this child is really Kizuna?」
「This looks unreal, but he it looks like he is really Kizuna. I compared his physical data, and the resul is wholly the same. But, it seems that his memory also regress to the past.」
And because of that he mistaken her as Nayuta. Reiri felt irritation from that even while comprehending it.
「Kizuna. I'm not your mother. I'm Reiri.」
「Huh? Eh……but, you're really……look adult.」
「Aah……it's a bit of incident. I'm only temporarily turning into adult.」
Kizuna stared admiringly at Reiri.
──'As I thought, this is that woman's fault.'
Most likely the shape of this world, and also Kizuna regressing into a child, were the fault of Nayuta's drunkenness. She had to apprehend her even for a second faster. Though she also felt a bit regretful to do that though.
「!! Reiri, this place too, is already──」
Kei yelled. At the same time, the inside of the room distorted. Like paint dissolved into water, the shape of the world was vanis.h.i.+ng and whirling.
──'This brat is likely Kizuna! Kizuna is turned into a child should have some kind of meaning.'
Reiri kneeled before Kizuna and put her hand on his shoulder.
「Listen Kizuna. Search mother, your mother, Hida Nayuta!」
「Eh? Search Okaa-san?」
He tilted his head in puzzlement.
「That's right, surely──」
Both of them were swallowed by the vortex of the world as though to cut off Reiri's words.
Part 3
When Kizuna recovered his consciousness, he was standing at a western style street corner.
The buildings with a lot of decoration were construction of Victoria style. Horse carts were coming and going through the street that was lined up with gas lamp. The figure of the people walking through the street was also somewhat old-fas.h.i.+oned.
This place was 19th century London──it was a world of that style.
Kizuna looked around in a lost.
When the world distorted and just before he was dragged into the vortex, his big sister Reiri told him to search for his mother Nayuta.
「But……what should I do?」
Kizuna tilted his head in this town that he had never seen before without any destination to go to.
His figure that was reflected in the show window was wearing white s.h.i.+rt and black pants with suspender attached. It somehow looked like that his appearance was matched with this world's atmosphere.
「Ah……detective, san?」
Letters that spelled 『Detective Bureau』 could be seen at the opposite building that was reflected on the show window. It felt a bit strange that even though the area was in Britain style but the letters were in j.a.panese, but he was thankful nonetheless. Kizuna knocked on the door of the building that looked like three storey apartment building.
The landlady named Marisu guided him to the second floor. There he found a blonde girl wearing black suit, and a girl wearing gray jacket and also blonde haired. At the wall there were Inverness coat and silk hat, and also deerstalker hat being hung.
「Aaah! Ca-, captain-!?」
The girl wearing grey jacket stood up with a surprised voice.
「Eh? You two Onee-chan is……who?」
When Kizuna replied like that, Sylvia's eyes s.h.i.+ned. Her body was shaking.
「Kyaaaaa♪ O, Onee-chan he said, somehow it's embarra.s.sing desu!」
The other girl opened her eyes wide with her rolled blonde twintail shaking.
「Eh……this is Kizuna? He is really shrinking isn't he……」
Both of them introduced themselves as Sylvia and Ragrus. And then Sylvia hugged Kizuna's small body.
「Captain, you are cute desuuuu♡ Aa, for Sylvia to be the bigger one is really moving desu!」
「Wawah! Sy, Sylvia-oneechan!」
The nice sweet aroma and the slight but existing soft sensation of the breast made Kizuna's face bright red.
Kizuna looked up at Sylvia's face. For some reason it felt fresh to look up at Sylvia from this angle.
Ragrus kept sitting on a comfort chair while asking a bit sullenly.
「And? What is your business with this famous detective Ragrus-sama?」
「……Ragrus-oneechan, is a detective?」
「That's right desu! Sylvia doesn't understand why desu, but Ragrus-chan and Sylvia are opening detective agency in this London desu!」
「a.s.sistant! Don't answer as you please like that!」
Kizuna let out a dry smile and told them his reason of coming here.
「Actually, I'm searching for Okaa-san's location. Onee-chan……Reiri-oneechan told me, that it's necessary to find Okaa-san to return this world to normal.」
「So that's it desu. That's really serious isn't it desu……Ragrus-chan, what should we do desu?」
「Eh!? Wait, don't throw everything at me! E, errrr let's see, umm……」
Ragrus stood up from her chair, and then she restlessly moved around inside the room. Sylvia who was staring fixedly at Ragrus's state then spoke as though she recalled something.
「Come to think of it, there is a book where Professor Nayuta's essay is written desu. Perhaps there will be something that can become a clue there desu?」
「What did you say!?」
「It's inside the book that we bought before this as data material desu. Ragrus-chan still hasn't read it desu?」
「Ha? Do, don't make fun of me! I read it properly! I'm only testing you whether you will notice it or not!」
Sylvia showed a smile without a speck of cloudiness in it.
「Waai♪ So Sylvia pa.s.sed Ragrus-chan's test then desu?」
「Uu……we, well yeah. Err……」
Ragrus made an awkward face before she began to fish at the books that were stacked haphazardly on the floor and table.
「Eh……where is it I wonder.」
「It's at the bookshelves, the second column from below at the left side desu.」
「I, I know that much! I'm just looking a bit for another book!」
With a red cheeks Ragrus roughly pulled out a book from the bookshelves before he flipped the pages. Sylvia was peering at the book content from across Ragrus's shoulder.
「We……we are going to, do this?」
「Perhaps something will happen if we try it desu.」
Both of them stared at Kizuna with a gaze that was a mix of shyness and expectation.
──And then, five minutes later.
「E, err……Sylvia-oneechan. Thi, this is embarra.s.sing……」
Kizuna was stripped naked while sandwiched between Sylvia and Ragrus who were in their underwear. Both of them were wearing matching black underwear. The underwear consisted of knickers with dainty laces and garterbelt. The bra.s.siere that covered their flat chest was something unnecessary if speaking only from function. However, it decorated their immature body with charm by several times more, causing Kizuna's thing to tower high without any way to hide it.
「Wa, wait Sylvia……is, is that thing, okay?」
「Hmm hmm. It's just like the professor's essay desu. Then Sylvia will test it first desu.」
Sylvia sat down on the sofa and gave Kizuna lap pillow. And then, she lifted his upper body and supported his back. Sylvia lifted up her lacy black bra and brought Kizuna's face near.
「Sy, Sylvia-oneechan!?」
The pure white chest had slight swelling, and at the tip was a very beautiful pink protuberance. It was just a few dozen centimeter before Kizuna's eyes.
「……Sylvia-oneechan will give you milk desu♥」
Sylvia was also blus.h.i.+ng while saying that shyly.
「Bu, but……auh!」
Sylvia's hand reached at Kizuna's lower body and grasped the thing that was facing up with her fingertips. And then she began to move her hand up and down gently.
「With this……it's just like what is written in the book desu……Kizuna-kun too, quickly do it desu.」
Kizuna sucked at the tip of the breast that was giving off sweet aroma.
「Aaahn! Li, like that desu……tha, that's good desu.」
Ragrus's mouth stayed open and she stared at the spectacle with bright red face.
「Su, such thing……awawawawa」
「U, uaaaah, Sylvia-oneechan! I, I, aaah!」
Something hot flew out in less than a minute.
「Kyah! Ah……it came out already isn't it desu.」
「Eh, then Sylvia, you mean it's over with this?」
Sylvia knitted her eyebrows at Ragrus's question.
「Hmmm, still not yet it looks like desu. There is also no change occurring in Sylvia and Ragrus-chan's body desu……next Ragrus-chan try it desu.」
「Fueh!? M, me-!?」
Prompted by Sylvia, Ragrus made Kizuna licked her breast in the same position like before.
「Hiiiih! Wha, what's, this, kuh, it's ticklish……rather……ahn♥」
While enduring the pleasure from her breast that she felt for the first time, she reached her hand toward the growing large thing that wasn't withering down.
「Aaaah! Ragrus-oneechan! If, if you do it like that-」
Kizuna couldn't hold it in and his mouth let go, his body bended.
Sylvia stood beside Kizuna and gently stroked his head.
「Do your best desu. Us Onee-chan is also getting gradually hotter desu……perhaps this is the Heart Hybrid written in Professor Nayuta's essay desu.」
Before Kizuna's eyes there were Sylvia's closed thighs and her crotch.
「♥……are you curious about this place of Sylvia desu?」
Sylvia took Kizuna's hand and guided it to her body.
「Kizuna-kun right now is cute, so Sylvia can also become bolder than usual desu♥」
Kizuna's finger opened the part of Sylvia that was closed tight and entered inside.
「Aauuu♥ Sy, Sylvia also, feel, good from that desuu♥」
Sweat trickled from Ragrus's forehead and she moved her hand with an expression that lapsed into delirium. And then, she stared in turn at the writhing Sylvia and Kizuna, and at the thing her fingers were grasping. Particles of light s.h.i.+ned in her eyes.
Similar light also began to swim inside Kizuna's eyes too.
「A, a, I, again-」
「Sy, Sylvia too is a-, al……already no good♥ it seems……desu♥♥♥」
When heart shaped light s.h.i.+ned inside Sylvia's eyes, radiant light enveloped the body of the three.
Kizuna murmured through his hazy consciousness.
「Is this……Heart…….Hybrid?」
The next moment, Kizuna's consciousness was swallowed inside magic power radiance.
Part 4
「Are you all right? Hold on.」
The sensation of someone shaking his body woke up Kizuna.
When he opened his eyes, he was collapsed on a riverbank. The surrounding was dark, and stars were s.h.i.+ning in the sky. Both banks of the river before his eyes were reinforced with stone hedge, rather than calling it a river it looked like a man-made ca.n.a.l. There were wooden houses with tile roof lining up along that ca.n.a.l. Light leaked out from the building's windows, and the water surface was swaying.
「Here is……」
Kizuna raised up his body and looked up at the person who shook him awake.
It was a beautiful black haired girl. However she had a gallant figure dressing in kimono without hakama for man and a haori coating her shoulders. And then a katana was hanging on her kimono sash.
「This place is Honjof.u.kagawa.」
When he noticed he had moved from 19th century London to an Edo city. Was the Heart Hybrid with Sylvia and Ragruss a success? Kizuna noticed that the western clothes he wore had changed into a clothing that looked like yukata.
Kizuna borrowed the girl's hand to stand up and then he introduced himself and gave his thanks.
「My, what a proper boy you are. I am Himekawa Hayuru. If you have no place to go to, then please come to my home.」
Grasping the hand offered to him, Kizuna began to walk through the town of Edo at night. But, four silhouettes blocked their path. The four wore clothes that exposed their skin with each one carrying different weapon. Semicircular sword, hammer, short swords, axe, each weapons were decorated unfamiliarly and strangely.
Himekawa unsheathed her sword while covering the trembling Kizuna behind her.
「Who are you all!? Are you all doing this outrage knowing that I am Himekawa Hayuru, the inspector of arson and thievery!?」
A girl with eye patch, 『Crescent Moon Clayda』 twisted her mouth into a grin.
「But of course. Chief of arson and thievery inspector, the demon Hayuru.」
A girl carrying a huge hammer, 『The Thunder Elma』 was closing the distance slowly.
「This is the command of our boss, 『The Serpent Zelcyone』.」
A girl with scar on her face kicked on the ground and a.s.saulted Himekawa.
「Prepare yourself!」
A sharp short sword attack a.s.saulted Himekawa.
Sword and sword scattered sparks and loud metallic sound shook. Himekawa handled the quick consecutive attacks from the short swords in both the enemy hands with a single sword. And then she pushed back the enemy with all her might and unleashed a sharp slash at the enemy whose balance was crumbled.
However, this deadly attack was blocked by a huge axe.
『Red Hair Ramza』 smiled at the vexed Himekawa.
「My bad, I won't let you kill 『Death G.o.d Lunorlla』!」
One against four. Himekawa was at disadvantage no matter how anyone looked at it. Furhtermore she was fighting while protecting Kizuna. Cold sweat trickled down Kizuna's cheek.
「So you all are those they called 『Quartum』, the subordinates of the serpent Zelcyone isn't it……if I captured you four, not to mention Zelcyone, I'll be able to reach even until the big boss behind her.」
Hearing those words, Clayda was startled.
「A, are you stupid!? To speak of getting close to that person, such outrage──」
At that time, a whistle resounded in the night city.
Countless torch lights were rus.h.i.+ng from the dark roads.
「Himekawa-san! Are you safe!?」
The officials of arson and thievery inspector, Hyakurath and Mercuria were rus.h.i.+ng their way followed by their subordinates.
「Chih! Annoyances came. We are leaving!」
「I won't let you all get away! We are pursuing Mer!」
「Yeah, we will catch them for sure today!」
Hyakurath and Mercuria chased behind them. However the four Quartum leaped into the ca.n.a.l and landed on a small boat they had prepared.
「Kuh……d.a.m.n it!」
The boat advanced toward the wide waterway and their figure vanished into the river at night.
The fish that got away was a large one but it couldn't be helped. Himekawa and others led Kizuna and they returned to the government housing for the arson and thievery inspector. While hearing the circ.u.mstance from Kizuna in a wide tatami room, Himekawa, Hyakurath, and Mercuria, the three of them received a great shock.
「Could it be that you are, the child of that legendary big boss 『The Heavenly Nayuta』……」
「What are we going to do, Himekawa-san?」
Himekawa pondered for a while against Hyakurath's question.
「For now let's shelter him. However, if man will not work, he shall not eat. We will have you help around here, or do you mind?」
If he was here then perhaps he would be able to meet Nayuta──Kizuna nodded right away.
「Yes! Please, do so!」
「I understand. Then, should we take off our street clothes?」
Saying that, Himekawa, Hyakurath, and Mercuria began to take off their kimono. They loosened their sash and opened their kimono, which exposed their white skin. And then they now only wore their underwear. And then, their underwear was something that was matched with this world.
That was to say, it was loincloth.
Kizuna became bright red and looked up at the beautiful body of the three. Everyone had beautiful white skin that looked dazzling, and a pure white loincloth was further tied on their body. It was tied with string on their waist, the white cloth was digging between their crotch, and it pa.s.sed between their b.u.t.t's valley and fastened on their backside. The fabric was thin and small, created from silk. The front looked transparent with the back fully exposing their b.u.t.t.
Noticing Kizuna who was staring with red face in a daze, Hyakurath peered at Kizuna's face while her white and large b.r.e.a.s.t.s shook.
「What's the matter? Kizuna-kun too takes off your clothes quickly. That's the norm right?」
「E, eeeh!?」
When he asked, it seemed that it was common sense in this world to be wearing only underwear indoor. Therefore, unknown people absolutely couldn't enter inside the home. Kizuna took off his clothes even while feeling embarra.s.sed.
「Ah, wa, wait Kizuna-kun! Come over here!」
Himekawa said that in panic before she took Kizuna's hand and got out to the corridor.
「Wha, what is the matter, Hayuru-oneechan?」
「You know what. That……please do something about that.」
Himekawa glanced at Kizuna's crotch with blus.h.i.+ng cheeks.
Kizuna's thing became bigger, pus.h.i.+ng on his loincloth. Kizuna's loincloth wasn't the binding type, but a simple thing where a cloth was simply hung down in front. His b.u.t.t was completely exposed and if wind blew in front of him it would get seen. Furthermore, there was no way to hide it if it got bigger.
Himekawa averted her face angrily while only her eyes were stealing glances at Kizuna's thing.
「This place is where the duty of the superior is carried out. If you are looking slovenly like that, we won't be able to do our duty you know? Please, that is……ma, make it small right away.」
「I, I'm sorry. I don't, intend anything……but……when I saw everyone, it became like this by itself……hics」
Seeing Kizuna who was on the point of tears, Himekawa crouched down hurriedly. And then she gazed at him with a gentle smile and patted his head consolingly.
「Kizuna-kun isn't a bad kid. We are……it's just a bit too stimulating for us. We are the one who in the wrong here.」
「Su, such thing……Hayuru-oneechan isn't bad. I'm the bad one……」
At that time Himekawa's shaking breast entered Kizuna's eyes. As the result, Kziuna's thing pointed up even more.
Himekawa's eyes s.h.i.+ned moistly.
「I'm sorry……when I saw, Hayuru-oneechan's……」
Seeing Kizuna who leaked out tear while trembling, the inside of Himekawa's chest cried with tightening feeling.
「It's fine. Because I'll make it small for you properly.」
Himekawa tucked up Kizuna's loincloth and stared at the thing that had grown big. She gulped her saliva and touched it to envelop it with both her hands.
「Aah! Ha, Hayuru-oneechan-?」
Himekawa formed her hands like a pipe and softly wrapped Kizuna's thing, and she began to stroke it back and forth.