Volume 11 Chapter 1 (1/2)
First Period : Time of Practical Training and Shower
Part 1
Fate was cruel and heartless.
If it had to be given an example, like the game of musical chair, where the partic.i.p.ants scrambled for the chair against each other to be the victor where there could only be one. Especially if it was done between sisters who went through the same path, than it was even more cruel and heartless.
And then currently, even here there was a pair of sisters performing a mortal combat.
The elder sister──she unleashed a blow with the back of her fist while turning around.
Grace immediately hardened her guard using the wings of Koros. She blocked the fist of Aine and her body was blown away backward. Smoke was raised between her feet and ground, and the friction put the brake on Grace's body.
「As expected from Nee-sama……but」
Grace spread her wings. What she was wearing was too unreliable to be called a pilot suit, her naked body was exposed with the tips of her breast and her crotch only barely hidden. And then her hand was holding a scythe when anyone noticed. That was something that transformed from the wing of Grace's magic armor 『Koros』. The scythe that was emitting sharp and cold l.u.s.ter was directed toward Aine.
「If it's with my strength, it's an easy feat to carve that body.」
Aine put her clenched fist slightly forward and she grinned widely.
「That's only if you can touch my body though.」
Smoke rose from under Aine's feet explosively. The instantaneous output power of Aine's magic armor 『Zeros』 carried Aine's body right into Grace's bosom in just a single breath.
However Grace also had predicted that. She slashed her scythe with the timing matching Aine's leap. The scythe a.s.saulted to reap Aine's life.
The scythe's blade cut apart Aine's body.
The moment it looked like that would happen──Grace's eyes opened wide.
The scythe's haft, was caught by Aine's hand.
Grace's prediction was surpa.s.sed and Aine stepped into Grace's bosom even deeper Grace's range of certain kill was broken through instantly, into the range of AIne's certain kill.
Grace immediately pulled back her scythe, but it wouldn't make it in time. Toward Grace's stomach, Aine's fist was──,
Softly tapped.
「Match over!!」
The voice of the instructor in charge Marisu resounded. And then the students who were observing the practice match raised their cheers.
This place was Ataraxia academy. An academy that was built on the strategical defense float that bordered with megafloat j.a.pan. Currently the second year's first group and second group of Ataraxia academy's battle department were using the outdoor field for the cla.s.s of practical skill. The field was vast, double the size of a stadium that was normally used for track-and-field events.
The students who were watching the match from the audience seats gave their applause at Aine and Grace who were at the center of the field. Aine let out a breath of relieve and smiled toward Grace.
「Are you okay, Grace? You aren't hur──」
Before she could finish talking, Grace leaped toward Aine and she rubbed her cheek on Aine.
「Just as I thought Nee-sama is amazing~!!」
「Wa, wait Grace」
When Aine looked around in embarra.s.sment, she saw her cla.s.smates grinning widely seeing the sisters getting along well with each other.
「Nee-sama is cool♪ Lovely♪ Nee-sama is the nee-sama I'm proud of♪」
Grace praised Aine stingingly, and rubbed her body like a cat.
「E, everyone is, watching here. That's why, okay? Grace, re, release me just for a bit.」
「No way♡」
Aine dragged Grace who was clinging on her arm away to the corner of the field with bright red face.
Marisu checked the attendance list while reading aloud the grouping for the next match.
「Then next, Hayuru and Hyakurath, have a go at it.」
Himekawa and Hyakurath headed to the center of the field to replace Aine who was dragging away Grace.
「Please go easy on me, Himekawa-san.」
「Geez, please don't make fun of me. This is Hyakurath-san who is famous as the Sword Saint, so it's my honor for being able to partic.i.p.ate in this match.」
Hyakurath's cheeks reddened slightly and she made a slightly troubled expression.
「Ple, please stop calling me with that kind of exaggerated name. Such thing like Sword Saint……I'm not anything great like that. Aah, really……just who in the world started saying such thing……」
Himekawa made a slightly meany smile and withdrew her sword.
「Here I go, Sword Saint Hyakurath!」
「Geez! Himekawa-san you meany, I won't forgive you for that!」
Himekawa and Hyakurath. The clash between swords began.
Part 2
The cla.s.s of practical skill was over and right now was the time to change clothes in the changing room.
Hyakurath's hands circled to her back and she began taking off the halter neck of her pilot suit. Previously her pilot suit mostly looked like just a sticker that stuck to her body, but mysteriously she was gradually feeling embarra.s.sed of how it looked like and now she was using a suit that looked like leotard.
Even so her shoulders and back were greatly exposed, and the cut on the crotch part had considerably steep angle. She was growing to think whether this one too was also too extreme perhaps? She wondered how she was able to be not bothered by the previous suit that looked only like sticker, it was a puzzle even to herself.
Although, it wasn't like her skill was affected when she changed her pilot suit. Today she also produced a good result. But in exchange of that good result, a heavy air like someone who was feeling laden from pulling an all-nighter was flowing from beside her.
Hyakurath was sweating coldly while calling at Himekawa.
「E, err, the sword of Himekawa-san today is……rea, really sharp, and like wonderful……」
However Himekawa's reply was a voice that sounded like it was resounding from the bottom of earth.
「What does that mean……I couldn't even land a single hit.」
Even more cold sweat was trickling from Hyakurath and her eyes were swimming around.
「Be, because today, that's, it's because of the rule of not using any projectile weapon! See, Neros is a magic armor with tactic that is fundamentally set up from the attack of its Blades. But today even without using them there was a moment when I thought it would be over for me……on the whole the difference between us was only a tiny bit! Truly!」
Himekawa raised her face and stared at Hyakurath's kind smiling face. The sunlight s.h.i.+ning in from the window caused the blond hair to glitter, and the blue eyes that looked like jewel were narrowing gently.
「That's why, there is really no need at all for you to be down.」
「……Thank you very much. Thanks to Hyakurath-san saying that, I can feel uplifted.」
Seeing Himekawa's smile, Hyakurath's expression turned relieved. Staring at that face that was lacking ill will, a mischievous heart was suddenly sprouting inside Himekawa.
「But still, to be praised that much by the Sword Saint Hyakurath of all people, it makes me a bit uncomfortable.」
「Hi, Himekawa-san-, haven't I told you already, I wish you to please stop calling me that!」
Himekawa took off her pilot suit while smiling mischievously.
「Now, what are you talking about I wonder? Sword Saint Hyakurath-sama?」
「Ge, geez, Hyakurath-san you bully!」
Hyakurath lightly hit repeatedly *poka poka* at Himekawa with a face that looked like she was going to cry anytime.
「Aren't you two getting along really well there.」
The one who was glaring at the exchange between the two since some time ago with eyes that were filled with resentment was Mercuria. However, Hyakurath stared back at her with cold eyes.
「It's no business of Mer. Because Himekawa-san is different from you, she is serious and know the proper decorum, she is a wonderful lady.」
「Wha-, just what is good from that kind of boring woman?」
「Merkuria! How can you speak rudely like that toward other person! Didn't I always told you that part of yours is not good? Do you have any intention of improving yourself!?」
──'They are starting again.'
Himekawa liked Hyakurath, but when Mercuria was involved, she felt like she was mostly treated as a third wheel. She wanted to get along with Hyakurath, but she wished to not get dragged into these two's lover's quarrel.
When Himekawa took off her pilot suit and became completely naked, she tried to quietly leave the place. However, even while quarreling with Mercuria, Hyakurath's hand reached behind and caught Himekawa's arm.
──'Ho, how does she notice!? The Sword Saint is just too amazing!'
Hyakurath firmly hugged Himekawa's arm. Hyakurath's b.r.e.a.s.t.s that felt like light snowfall pressed on her arm.
──'Bi-, big-!'
「Come on, Himekawa-san. Let's go take a shower quickly.」
「Wa, wait, Hyakurath! I'm going too!」
Himekawa was dragged toward the shower room while she was feeling troubled of what to do.
And then, at about the same time. Outside the changing room there was also a student who was feeling troubled.
「s.h.i.+t……just why am I not allowed to use the boy's changing room……」
There was the figure of Hida Kizuna staring resentfully at the door of the girl's changing room.
Kizuna was the only existence that could perform Heart Hybrid and restore magic power. He was given the duty of periodically restoring the magic power of female students who were installed with the core of magic armor.
So that mishap could easily occur habitually with the female students, his practical skill cla.s.s was together with the girls, including the changing clothes and showering.
If he waited until all the girls finished, then he would undoubtedly late for the next cla.s.s. For changing pilot suit, before the cla.s.s began he would quickly change and then dashed away immediately before the girl's arrived. But, what would he do then when it was the time for him to change back into his uniform…….
「Sheesh Kizuna, what are you doing since some time ago there?」
The door to the changing room opened and the doubtful face of Yuris.h.i.+a Farandole was peering out. It seemed that Yuris.h.i.+a also hadn't finished her clothes changing yet, she was still wearing her pilot suit.
「You ask what……I'm thinking of what to do for changing clothes.」
「What. That's what you are thinking about?」
Yuris.h.i.+a showed an exasperated smile.
「I have a good idea.」
「Really!? As expected from Yuris.h.i.+a! You are reliable.」
「Ufufu. Leave it to me.[
Saying that, Yuris.h.i.+a grasped Kizuna's arm and pulled him into the changing room.
「Wha-!? Yu-, Yuris.h.i.+a!?」
Yuris.h.i.+a held Kizuna's arm firmly and she smiled sweetly.
「I'll change your clothes for you.」
「That's not what I meannnnnnnnn!」
Kizuna tried to shake off Yuris.h.i.+a's arm, but his arm was grasped firmly and his body movement was completely controlled by her.
──'As expected from Yuris.h.i.+a……wait, this isn't the time for feeling admiratiooooonn!'
Kizuna was led along as though he was a criminal being taken away, but his girl cla.s.smates called out to Kizuna normally seeing that.
「Ah, Hida-kun. You're late.」
「If you don't hurry and change, you will be late for the next cla.s.s you know─」